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Title 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類)專案工作計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)依「廢棄物清理法」第十八條第二項規定,訂定「應回收廢棄物稽核認證作業辦法」,以辦理應回收廢棄物之回收處理量稽核認證,作為環保署資源回收管理基金管理委員會(以下簡稱基管會)支付受補貼機構補貼費之依據。台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司(以下簡稱本公司)執行本計畫廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類稽核認證工作,針對民國96年4月至97年3月期間之14家受補貼機構進行廢電子電器及廢資訊物品類回收/處理量之稽核認證作業,廢電視機601,479台,廢洗衣機308,970台,廢電冰箱331,126台,廢冷暖氣機393,108台,及廢風扇18,384台,總計廢電子電器物品類稽核認證量1,653,067台;本公司彙整96年4月至97年3月間各類廢資訊物品稽核認證量為廢主機1,048,325台,廢監視器766,979台,廢印表機700,579台,廢筆記型電腦31,069台,及廢鍵盤60,788台,總計廢資訊物品類稽核認證量2,607,740台。廢電子電器物品不符允收物品統計廢電視機1,108台,廢洗衣機134台,廢電冰箱1,337台,廢冷暖氣機2,798台,廢風扇26台,總計5,403台,減少補貼費支出金額2,716,101元;廢資訊物品類不符允收物品統計廢主機1,798台,廢監視器532台,廢印表機261台,廢筆記型電腦79台,廢鍵盤21台,總計2,691台,減少補貼費支出金額489,385元,對健全稽核認證作業品質,具有正面意義。本公司於本計畫執行期間,共執行會計稽核168場次;環安衛稽核168場次;作業程序稽核3,433次;CCTV監視系統查核時數52,752小時;稽核認證作業發生之異常狀況共計64件,本公司除呈報主管機關外,亦加強廠商之監督改善。此外,提供環保署執行稽核認證作業改善方向及具體建議,作為相關法規及手冊修訂之參考。本公司執行計畫期間並配合協助辦理以下事項:(1) 新設受補貼機構現勘審查作業;(2) 稽核認證作業手冊修正;(3) 受補貼機構評估及分級管理;(4) 清淨家園全民運動查核計畫;(5) 建立廢電子電器及廢資訊物品不符允收圖鑑;(6)不符允收物品數量及原因調查分析;(7) 有害事業廢棄物產出比例分析等查核作業。
EngTitle The Third-party Inspection and Certification on Waste Information Technology Appliances and Electrical and Electronic equipment
EngAbstract Executive Yuan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) promulgated “Recyclable Waste Auditing and Certification Regulation” based on the Article 18, paragraph 2 of “Waste Disposal Act”. EPA Recycling Fund Management Committee is in accordance with the audited and certificated amount by auditing and certification group to subsidy the subsidized organizations. TUV Reinland Taiwan Ltd. (TUV Reinland) was entrusted by Taiwan EPA to implement the project “ The Third-party Auditing and Certification on Obligated Recyclable Waste Electronic and Electric Appliances (HA)& Information Technology (IT) Equipments ”, from April 01, 2007 to Mar 31, 2008. 14 subsidized organizations were audited and certificated during this period. The certificated amount of HA equipment were 1,653,067 sets including 601,479 sets of TVs, 308,970 sets of washing machine, 331,126 sets of refrigerator, 393,108 sets of conditioners and 18,384 sets of electric funs. The certificated amount of IT equipment were 2,607,740sets including 1,048,325 sets of main stations, 766,979 sets of monitors, 700,579 sets of printers, 31,069 sets of notebooks and 60,788 sets of keyboards. TUV Reinland auditing and certification team found 2,691 sets of unaccepted IT equipment and 5,403 sets of unaccepted HA equipment. Prevented to over subsidy of 489,385 NT dollars of IT equipment and 2,716,101 NT dollars of HA equipment from Management Committee’s issuance to subsidized organizations. It was positive for waste recycling auditing and certification system.TUV Reinland executed 168 times of accounting audit and inventory check, 168 times of environment-safety-health audit, 3,433 times of facility check and 52,752 hours of CCTV monitoring check in the project. 64 major deviation and abnormal events were found during this period. TUV Reinland reported the deviation and events to EPA and also provided the concrete solutions to subsidized organizations. TUV Reinland also proposed several programs to EPA for enhancing the auditing and certification efficiency.TUV Reinland also supported EPA on other related areas: (1) On-site audit for qualification review of new recycling plant. (2) TUV Reinland recommend into EPA for future operation manual developing. (3) Developed program of efficient management on recycling plant. (4) Support EPA to conduct “EPA Cleaning House Project” (5) To establish a noncompliance handbook for IT/HA product. (6) Investigation on reason and quantity of noncompliance product. (7) Auditing on the percentage analysis of hazardous waste generation.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣德國萊因技術監護顧問股份有限公司