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Title 96年度科技及施政計畫品質提昇推動計畫
Abstract 本年度「科技及施政計畫品質提昇推動計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)之年度目標,乃協助環保署達成:規劃環保署98年度科技計畫及4年中程綱要計畫;辦理96年度科技計畫及施政計畫品質提昇之管理工作;以及擴散環保署科技及施政計畫成果等項工作。再透過科技計畫彙整、計畫品質提昇相關會議辦理、成果發表會及檢討會辦理,以及科技成果之擴散,進而提昇環保署科技計畫及施政計畫品質之管理工作,並達成如下之目標。研提未來環保科技及施政計畫─透過認識歐盟科技研發管理機構及綱要計畫,以及環境生物技術、環境科技資訊服務、綠色化學、歐盟如何看待永續發展、奈米科技以及能源科技六大主題蒐集與應用之會議結論,提供我國環保科技發展短、中程(98年度及98年度以後4年)的具體作法建議,及環保署各業務單位參考。提昇計畫管理品質─協助「環保署委託研究計畫作業管理要點」之修正。「委託研究計畫作業管理要點」係為委託研究計畫之編訂及審查、研究成果之審查及應用等相關作業規定,以達有效管理,呈現具體績效。透過辦理5場「環保署與委辦計畫之顧問公司計畫主持人座談會」所得結果,藉由與會人士之參與及討論,提出各群組計畫的具體績效,協助各計畫主持人了解KPI之意義,於報告中展現各計畫對環保施政之實質貢獻,以提升計畫管理品質。擴散施政計畫成果透過彙整並製作環保署86至95年科技計畫及91年至95年空污基金計畫資料庫之光碟200份,發送至各單位。並將資料庫成果上網,供使用者上網查詢或進行下載,以達成施政計畫成果擴散之目的。此外,並透過辦理3場次科技計畫成果發表及檢討會,針對環保署科技計畫提出各種面向之建議,搭配評鑑問卷請委員填寫及彙整結果,歸納出實質建議供環保署未來研擬計畫之參考。
EngTitle Quality Management for Taiwan EPA’s Projects in year 2007
EngAbstract Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Executive Yuan, Taiwan is the governmental sector in charge of the formulation of national environmental policies, laws and regulations. The Sustainable Science & Technology Office (SSTO) affiliated to Administrator is responsible for the administration and promotion of various environmental technology programs. Thus through the SSTO’s effective management of technology programs, feasible technologies can be provided for the execution of the environmental policies made by EPA.The annual goal of this year’s “Quality Management for Taiwan EPA’s Projects in Year 2007” is to assist EPA to draft it’s technology plan for FY-2009 and to outline a 4-years framework program; carry out the management of quality improvement for technology and administrative programs for FY-2007; and to expand upon the achievements of the EPA’s technology and administrative programs. Through the integration of technology and administrative programs, correlating of quality improvement meetings, appraisals and seminars of results achieved, together with the spreading of technological successes, management of EPA technology and administrative programs can be further upgraded, and the following goals can also be achieved.To fulfil these goals, research on future environmental protection technological and administrative programs is necessary. Through recognising EU R&D management and program outlines; along with conclusions of meetings gathering the 6 issues, which are environmental biotechnologies, environmental technology information consulting services, green chemistry, EU views on sustainable development, nanotechnology and energy technologies, will provide our nation with concrete suggestions on short term and intermediate (for FY-2009 and proceeding 4-years) for environmental technologies and provide reference to various professional EPA units.Besides, revision of the “Guideline of the Management of EPA Commissioned Research Programs” is also considered. The guideline is for compiling, investigating, application and examining of the results with relevant regulations, resulting in effective management to ensure concrete results emerge. The quality of program management will be raised through handling all results of 5 symposiums held between the EPA and contracted consulting firms. Through the discussion of the participants, specific achievements of various groups’ programs are highlighted. Meanwhile, the meanings of KPI were discussed by various program coordinators, and real contributions by the programs on environmental administration are to be uncovered by reports.Third, expand on the successes of administrative programs is required. Through building the database on EPA technology programs between 1997 and 2006 and the funds for air pollution from 2002 to 2006, 200 CDs had been circulated to various departments. The achievements of the databases have been put online to enable the online users to query and download, and therefore to achieve the objective of spreading the achievements of the administrative plans. Moreover, through the sponsoring of three conferences and appraisals relating the successes of technology programs, opinions focussing on the various directions of the EPA technology programs grouping together with evaluation questionnaires filled by committee members, and the results gathered will sum up the substantial suggestions to provide the EPA a reference for future planning.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會