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Title 廢家具、廢家電及廚餘回收再利用評鑑及統籌評估計畫
Abstract 國內之廚餘回收再利用工作,經環保署之持續努力推動,回收率已節節上昇,國內巨大回收再利用工作則處於啟動階段,則仍需仰賴環保署之經費補助與持續推動輔導。本計劃完成之工作內容包括以下各項:(1)配合環保署之各項業務聯合評鑑計畫,依評鑑標準進行評鑑。(2)再利用場(廠)效能評估40場次,並協助各廠建立QA/QC。(3)廚餘乾燥再利用與廚餘厭氧消化處理模式評估研究之國內外資料蒐集分析,並配合國內之環境背景特性進行規劃(4)評估25縣市廚餘再利用之處理容量並依照全國北、中、南、東各區分別規劃緊急應變措施。(5)舉辦廚餘及巨大回收再利用業務檢討會。環保署廚餘、巨大廢棄物內部控管系統以及英文網頁製作並定期更新。(6)安排環保署人員赴歐洲考察。派駐人員一名協助本計劃推動各項工作。
EngTitle Plan to Appraise and Evaluate overall Planning of Recycling and Reuse of Waste Furniture, Waste Electric Home Appliances and Food Waste
EngAbstract Through the efforts of EPA, the recycling rate for kitchen waste has been on the rise continuously in recent years; yet the recycling of bulk waste is still at the beginning stage and continues to rely on EPA funding for project implementation and promotional efforts. This project has completed the following tasks:(1) In concert with EPA’s program performance evaluation, conducted assessment based on evaluation standard;(2) Conducted over 40 sites/plants performance evaluation, and offered assistance in establishing QA/QC systems;(3) Collected and analyzed domestic and foreign studies on kitchen waste drying, reuse and anaerobic digestion modes, and conducted planning based on local environmental characteristics;(4) Evaluated treatment capacity for all 25 cities/counties, and planned for emergency measures for the 4 regions of north, central, south and east;(5) Organized kitchen waste and bulk waste recycling/reuse program review meeting; developed and updated EPA’s kitchen waste and large-volume waste internal control system and English webpages;(6) Arranged for EPA officials to visit demonstration sites in Europe; assigned a staff to work in EPA to assist project implementation.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會