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Title 96年度一般廢棄物焚化廠焚化灰渣檢測及輔導專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫為透過對一般廢棄物焚化廠及再利用機構的檢測及現況評析,提升飛灰穩定化物及底渣再利用處理品質。今年度計畫目標有三,分別為:一、完成運轉中大型一般廢棄物焚化廠焚化灰渣之重金屬溶出及戴奧辛總量檢測,掌握現況並協助輔導改善,減少對環境之衝擊。二、完成底渣再利用機構再利用產品之重金屬溶出及戴奧辛總量檢測,掌握現況並協助輔導改善,提升再利用產品品質。三、評估藥劑處理飛灰戴奧辛技術之可行性,提昇灰渣穩定化品質。因此本年度計劃已完成針對目前已完成運轉中大型垃圾焚化廠6次檢測工作,而採樣及分析之基質為焚化廠飛灰處理後之衍生物(即經穩定化處理後飛灰),檢測項目為重金屬溶出及戴奧辛總量等。在本次採樣兩廠再利用機構之再利用產品的分析結果,有2次樣品重金屬鉛含量超過法規標準,其餘重金屬檢測項目皆符合法規標準,戴奧辛部分,兩機構再利用產品中測值均遠低於法規標準。本次計畫藥劑試驗部分,係選用日本所生產之商品化藥劑,由實驗結果顯示出所使用之藥劑,對於減少穩定化物重金屬濃度有效果,在降低戴奧辛總量濃度部分,則效果有限,但由於本次試驗數量及參配比例未能達該藥劑預期成效,如藥劑試驗可行,後續可以再考慮增加不同配比,研究經濟有效之處理方案。整體而言,今年度的執行成果,已掌握現有營運中垃圾焚化廠,穩定化物的管理狀況及底渣再利用廠的產品品質,各受測廠均積極配合調整操作及管理制度,對於提升焚化廠灰渣最終處置的管理品質,具有顯著的成效,藉由各批次的數據分析,亦達到協助各營運單位操作數據管理之依循,使各焚化廠可以持續修正改善營運現況,最終建立最佳化之管理制度與操作條件。
EngTitle Analysis of the Constituents of the Ash Materials Discharge from Municipal Waste Incinerators and Guide and Assist the Improvement Work to Minimize Environmental Impact
EngAbstract The goal of this project was to improve the treatment quality of stabilized fly ash and bottom slag for reuse via analysis and evaluation of municiple waste incinerators and reuse facilities. The project goals of this year included:(1)identified the heavy metal content by the TCLP(Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure) test and determined the total dioxins of the incineration ash, and to audit, guide and assist incinerators with the improvement work to minimize environmental impact;(2)analyzed the quality of the reuse bottom slag products made by the reuse facilities according to the heavy metal TCLP test results and the total dioxins of the incinerator ash, and established the database and the guidance to improve products quality;(3)researched into commercial and technical available treatment additive for reducing dioxins in the incineration fly ash, and evaluated their feasibility of improving the quality of stabilized fly ash product.This project team performed 6 times of sampling and analysis of fly ash treatment derivatives for each 23 mid-to-large scale incinerators to test heavy metals and the total dioxins. Two facilities were selected to conduct the heavy metal TCLP and total dioxins test of their reuse product. Among them, two samples did not meet the regulatory standard for lead while the total dioxins of all samples met the regulatory requirement. In order to evaluate the available treatment additive technology for the incineration ash, the lab scale test experiment were done by introducing the formulation of decomposer and inhabitor additives from Japan. According to this experiment scale of applying additives, it showed effective result of reducing heavy metal concentration, but very limited efficiency for reducing total dioxins concentration. The further research included the experiment with more different mixing condition of additives was recommended to figure out the economically and technically available treatment plan.As a summary, the project team had reached the achievement to investigate and understand the management of currently operated incinerators and the quality of the reused bottom slag. It also included guide and assist related facilities to make the improvement via better operation management and reach the best treatment quality.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 創迅科技股份有限公司