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Title 96年度嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街專案
Abstract 對於都會區之浮微粒污染,車行揚塵為最主要之貢獻源,因此僅仰賴固定源之控制效果不顯著,故藉由街道清洗作業以減低懸浮微粒污染。嘉義市政府環境保護局為降低本市道路揚塵量及維持市區道路之整潔,使市區內空氣品質不再日益惡化,故申請環保署補助辦理嘉義市加強街道揚塵洗街計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),希能透過街道清洗作業達到改善街道市容之整潔及提升空氣品質之目的。本次報告屬96年度期末報告,計畫執行期間含括96年1月至12月31日止,針對市區內14條主次要道路,進行洗街工作,環保署核定全年洗街總長度10,000公里。執行統計結果顯示,本計畫洗街長度共完成10,994.6公里,累計洗街長度達成率為110%。依洗街平均車速約為13.6km/hr,其各月每公里平均用水量值介於1.20-1.27,總平均約為1.23公噸/公里。今年度進行6次之洗街用水水質採樣分析,結果顯示可符合相關標準。本計畫辦理TSP及PM10檢測,檢測結果並未與洗街工作有明顯的關聯性。另外,檢測結果顯示,先洗後掃較先掃後洗有較高的污染削減率,唯並不明顯。影響空氣中TSP及PM10的因素極多,要了解進行一次洗街作業對特定路段的污染削減率有實際上的困難。問卷調查結果顯示,嘉義市民眾對空氣品質及街道揚塵之感受程度,屬接受度極高。在洗掃街作業方面民眾則維持八成之滿意度。本計畫執行具體績效如下:最具經濟性的計畫96年度計畫委託經費為228.5萬元,TSP及PM10削減量分別為379.3公噸及71.5公噸,亦即投入每萬元可削減TSP 1.66公噸及PM10 0.31公噸,相對於其他計畫而言極具有經濟效益。能見度最高的計畫本計畫執行洗街作業時,本身即具有宣導作用,可立即彰顯環保單位對空氣品質維護與保護的決心,再加上問卷調查的執行,為能見度最佳的一個計畫。高滿意與支持度本計畫連續六年均實施問卷調查作業,六年來,每年平均滿意度及支持度均超過八成。高度的涵蓋率本市轄區內重要道路51.1公里(路寬8米以上者),執行洗街道路共計36.7公里,頻率為每週2~3次,涵蓋率高達42%。其高度的涵蓋率說明,本計畫非常適合在具有地狹人稠特性的嘉義市執行。道路等級提升 環保署原核定本市轄區道路省道A級為100%,縣道A級為84%,B級13%,C級3%;市區道路A級為69%,B級26%,C級5%。經由本計畫的執行及道路普查成果,目前已提報省道A級為100%,縣道A級為86%,B級14%,C級0%;市區道路A級為71%,B級29%,C級0%,不僅為道路等級全面提昇,最重要是轄區內已無C級道路,待環保署核定後,此為本計畫最有力的績效。
EngTitle Chiayi City’s stepped-up street dust hosting project
EngAbstract With vehicle-propelled permeating dust being a major contributing source to the pollution of suspended particles in urban areas, and in light of the insignificant yield relying solely on controlling the fixed pollution sources, consequently curbside hosing has been adopted to reduce the pollution of suspended articles. The Chiayi Environmental Protection Bureau, in a bid to reduce the suspended dust in the city roadways and to maintain the cleanliness of the city roadways, which would curb the city’s air quality from deteriorating, has filed for subsidies with the Environmental Protection Administration to implement Chiayi City’s stepped-up street dust hosting project (the Project), in a move to achieve, through curbside hosing, the objectives of enhancing the cityscape and improving the air quality.With the current report being the 2007 final report, the project covers an implementation period spanning from January to December 31, 2007, and provides curbside hosing work to 14 major and secondary roadways throughout the municipality, with an EPA assessed yearly curbside hosing length at 10,000k. The implementation tally results show that the project has completed a total curbside hosing of 10,994.6km, with a cumulative curbside hosing achievement ratio of 110%.To go by a median curbside hosing speed of approx. 13.6km/hr, the median volume of water consumption per kilometer per month falls between 1.20 and 1.27, with an overall median at approx. 1.23 tons/km.In the current year, a total of six water quality sampling of the curbside hosing water has been take for analysis, and the results show that the screenings have complied relevant standards.The project has staged TSP and PM10 screenings, and the inspection results have not found any significant correlation to the curbside hosing work. In addition, the inspection results reveal that there is a higher pollutant reduction ratio with hosing first followed by sweeping than sweeping first followed by hosing, but it has not been as significant. As many factors affect airborne TSP and PM10, there are practical difficulties in terms of how best to gauge the pollutant reduction ratio of one curbside hosing work to a specific section of the road. Findings derived from the questionnaire survey show that the level how Chiayi City’s citizens perceive of air quality and roadway permeating dust falls under an exceedingly high level. With regard to the curbside hosing work, the general public has maintained an 80% satisfaction level. The project’s tangible implementation results are as follows,1.A most economic projectThe 2007 plan has an underwriting funding of $2.285 million, with TSP and PM10 reduction volumes at 379.3 tons and 71.5 tons respectively, meaning the injection ofevery $10,000 is able to reduce 1.66 tons of TSP and 0.31 ton of PM10 to warrant an economic yield than anyother projects.2.A most visible projectThe project’s an instantaneous campaigning effect alongside the curbside hosing work, highlighting the environmental protection unit’s determination for maintaining and protecting the air quality, coupled with the implementation of the questionnaire survey, has made it a most visible project. 3.A high level of satisfaction and supportWith the project holding questionnaire surveys over six years since it first commences, over the past six years, the average level satisfaction and support every year has exceeded eighty percent.4.A high level of coverage ratioWith crucial roadways within the municipality’s jurisdiction spanning over 51.1 kms (those with a roadway span of 8m or wider), the length of curbside hosing totals to 36.7km, at an interval of 2 to 3 times per week, with a coverage ratio of as high as 42%. The high coverage ratio reaffirms thatthe project is highly ideal for implementation in Chiayi City, characterized by a dense population of limited land resources.5.An enhancement of roadway gradeThe Environmental Protection Administration has initially assess the city’s roadways of provincial roadways at 100%, county roadway class-A as 84%, class-B 13%, and class-c 3%; the inner city roadways of class-A at 69%, class-B 26%, and class-C 5%. Through the implementation of the project and the roadway census findings, the filing made so far comprise of provincial roadway of class-A at 100%, county roadway class-A at 86%, class-B 14%, and class-C 0%; inner city roadways of class-A at 71%, class-B 29%, and class-C 0%, as it not only provides a comprehensive enhancement to the roadway grades, but more important, it eliminates class-c roadways within the jurisdiction of the municipality. And once the EPA approves the filing, the results will become the project’s most dynamic performance.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 澄品顧問股份有限公司