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Title 台南縣「九十六年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫」-掃街/洗街民有民營
Abstract 台南縣環境保護局為有效改善車行揚塵污染問題,並延續歷年施政方針,特專案辦理「96年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫-掃街/洗街民有民營」,本計畫執行期程自96年5月15日起至97年5月14日止,為期一年。本計畫期中進度達成狀況如表一所示,各項工作均順利完成,茲將工作成果摘要彙整為下列8項:(1)本計畫總計完成非重點道路洗街長度合計8,291.6公里,重點道路洗街長度合計5,343.6公里,總計畫執行進度達成率分別為103.6%、111.3%;執行非重點道路掃街長度合計10,453.8公里,重點道路掃街長度合計5,295.6公里,總計畫執行進度達成率分別為104.5%、110.3%;(2)本計畫總計完成洗街長度為13,635.2公里,總計用水量為10,256.86公噸,各月單位長度(公里)用水量介於0.63~1.01公噸之間,平均用水量則為0.75公噸/公里,均大於合約規範;(3)本計畫總計完成掃街作業總集塵量為82.78公噸,每月單位集塵量介於2.0~9.4kg/km之間,平均單位集塵量為5.3kg/km。推估洗街除塵量為71.42公噸,人工掃街為1.16公噸,合計總除塵量達155.36公噸,顯示本計畫確實可有效清除路面積塵,並進而使車行揚塵污染問題得以控制;(4)本計畫總計完成洗街作業長度達13,635.2公里,推估TSP削減量為188.1公噸;掃街作業長度達15,749.4公里,推估TSP削減量為217.3公噸;總計本計畫現階段洗掃街作業削減TSP達405.4公噸;(5)髒污程度普查,96年度6月份時,A級道路佔查核總公里數的24%、B級道路佔60%、C級道路則佔16%,而於97年度5月份時,A級道路比例提升為31%、B級道路亦提昇為69%、C級道路已獲得改善(佔0%),顯示本計畫之作業成效已具正面效益;(6)在街塵負荷部份,現階段本計畫掃街作業執行面積為15.75km2,掃街集塵量為82,780kg,計算後單位面積街塵負荷量為5.26g/m2,低於95年度本縣環保署抽查之街塵負荷平均值(5條重點道路)8.92g/m2,降幅達41%;(7)本年度總計認養長度達13,643.6公里,已大於合約目標數5,000公里之要求(完成率已達272.8%),同時亦達成承諾目標10,000公里(完成率達136.4%),顯示本計畫推動本項作業之用心及努力。同時依據環保署統一削減公式計算,推估TSP削減量約188.28公噸;(8)本計畫96年度執行多項積極管制作業,包括:1.空品惡化緊急應變措施;2.建立髒污道路污染源聯合通報查處機制;3.進行跨局室裸露路緣改善措施;4.協助局內進行宣導作業;5.洗掃機具設備維護更新;6.協助髒亂點通報及建檔作業;7.縣內大型活動週邊道路清潔維護作業;8.撰擬新聞稿提高施政成果能見度。
EngTitle The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing- to sweep /to wash the street privately owned and privately operated for 96 year
EngAbstract In order to improve the pollution of car raises dust effectively, and extend all previous years’ administration policy, the Bureau of Environmental Protection Tainan county carries out “The project of enhancing street dust sweeping and washing- to sweep /to wash the street privately owned and privately operated for 96 year ”. The project started on May 15, 2007 and ended on May 14, 2008, lasting for a year. The achievements of this project’s work goal are as shown in Table 1; each work is completed smoothly. The work achievements’ abstract is as follows.(1)So far, 8,291.6km of non-key street washing is executed, and 5,343.6km of key-street. The total rates are 103.6% and 111.3%. As for the street sweeping, the length of non-key street and key street are 10,453.8km and 5,295.6km. The total rates are 104.5% and 110.3%;(2)So far the total length of street washing is 13,635.2km and total usage amount of water is 10,256.86kg. That is 0.63-1.01 kg/km per month, so the average usage amount is 0.75 kg/km. It exceeds the criterion of agreement;(3)So far total dust collection amount of street sweeping work reaches 82.78kg. That is 2.0-9.4 kg/km per month and the average dust collection amount is 5.3kg/km. It is estimated that dust removal amount of street washing is 71.421kg and 1.16kg of street sweeping; total removal amount reaches 155.36kg. It shows that this plan can eliminate road surface’ cumulated dust effectively, furthermore, the dust pollution of automobiles can be controlled;(4)Now the total length of street washing is 13,635.2km; the reduction amount of TSP is estimated to be 188.1kg. And the amount is 217.3kg as the result of 15,749.4km’s street sweeping. So the total amount reaches 405.4kg because of street washing and sweeping project;(5)According to the investigation of degree of pollution, in June of this year, A level road accounts for 24% of totality, and B level 60%, C level 16%. In comparison, to May of 2008 the proportion of A level rises up to 31%, B level rises to 69%, and C level road is improved(only 0%). It reveals the project has already taken on positive benefits.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司