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Title 跨機關環境水質監測資訊整合計畫(第三階段)
Abstract 環境水質監測資料是環保單位賴以瞭解整體水體品質現況及時空變化趨勢之基本資料,也是政府擬定流域保護策略、制定河段整治目標、防治水庫優養化、管制地下水污染、制定海域水質保護等的參考基礎,因此政府單位每年花費許多經費及人力進行環境水質監測與資料蒐集,環保署將多年努力耕耘成果放置在「全國環境水質監測資訊網」供政府單位、專家學者及一般民眾查詢使用,並定期更新水質監測結果。 95年度環保署「跨部會環境水質監測資訊整合計畫(第二階段)專案工作計畫」已完成水質資訊的品保流程與品保輔助功能、水質資料整合及系統管理、外單位水質資料擴充、水質資訊下載與展示等工作。 本年度除維護既有系統功能外,並持續新功能建置及開發,以加強整體水質資料之完整性及豐富度。本專案達成的成果包含推動跨機關交換作業、建置跨機關水環境資訊交流平台、建置環境水質英文網、強化統計分析及資料品保功能輔助工具、增強即時傳輸系統(水質監測行動小精靈)、提昇中文版系統功能及維護工作。
EngTitle The Project (III) of the Cross-Organization Environmental Water Quality Monitoring Information Integration System
EngAbstract The results of water quality monitoring are the preliminary information for understanding water quality status as well as spatial and temporal variation trends. They also play an important role when it comes to the policies relating to the formulation of river basin protection tactics and river remediation scheme, prevention of reservoir eutrophication, groundwater pollution control and protection of maritime space water quality. Therefore, Taiwan government spends huge amounts of money with massive manpower on water quality monitoring and data collection every year. EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) presented water quality data on “Environmental Water Quality Information” website and update monitoring results regularly. Governments, scholars, and the public, etc. are welcomed to inquiry water quality information through this website. The project of 2006, “The Project (II) of the Cross-Departmental Informative Integration Program about Water Monitoring”, has achieved the following goals: the data quality controlling and certified process of water quality monitoring, integrating water quality information of Taiwan, extending database of other apparatuses, and data download and presentation. Except maintaining the existing system function, continuous acquisition and development of new features are necessary to enhance the integrity and diversity of water environment data. The project goals of this year include furthering cross-departmental water quality information exchanging, setting up a platform of water quality data interchanging, establishing English website of “Environmental Water Quality Information”, enhancing of statistics analysis and assistance tools of quality assurance and quality control, improving instant transmission system (water quality monitoring tool), and meliorating the ongoing system function.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 千一科技股份有限公司