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Title 生產者回收責任推動專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫為協助環保署蒐集尚未納入回收體系之產品基本資料,推估各類產品各年度廢棄量及再使用率、再利用率及有害物質回收率標準,規劃產品納入生產者責任回收制之優先排序及推動方案,並協助環保署辦理優先推動方案之研商會及相關作業。在產品基本資料蒐集方面,其成果如下:1.本研究共計針對七大類之電子電器產品及包裝容器類進行基本資料蒐集,但由於產品範圍甚廣,在計畫經費欠缺且相關文獻有限之情況下,已盡力蒐集有關電子電器產品項目包括:果(榨)汁機、電烤箱、微波爐、電磁爐、電熱水器、電話、行動電話、數位相機、攝影機、音響設備、電視遊樂器、吸塵器、排油煙機和開飲機共14項。2.在各項電子電器產品之主要材質比率方面,主要是經由本研究細拆解後,透過訪談可能流向所彙整的結果,本研究的可資源化材質比率,可做為最高之比例要求,其多數產品之再利用比率均達80﹪~90﹪。3.依本研究之調查結果得知,大眾對於廢棄電子電器產品之處置方式仍以交由清潔隊回收為主要管道,除像行動電話、數位相機等產品,因其視為體積小且廢棄後仍屬有價,方多採擱置家中外,其餘產品交由清潔隊回收之比例均為50﹪~60﹪左右。因此未來於政策推動上,如何提供家戶排出的誘因。 有關廢棄量及各式標準推估模式,如下所示:n廢棄量推估模式:(1)年度市場擁有數量(千台)=家戶數×普及率×每百戶擁有台數×0.00001(2)持有數法:年度報廢量 =當年度新銷售量 -(當年度年底持有量-前一年度年底持有量)n焚化掩埋量 = 廢棄重量(噸)× 焚化掩埋重量百分比n再利用量 =廢棄重量(噸)× 再利用重量百分比n再使用量 =廢棄重量(噸)× 再使用重量百分比在規劃產品納入生產者責任回收制之優先排序及推動方案方面,其成果如下:1.藥品容器、平板包裝容器應列為公告應回收項目。2.電子電器方面,業者若有意願,建議以自願協議制度作為未來強化業者責任制的推行方案,但目前在業者沒有意願的情況下,推動公告為責任業者回收物仍應為主要的方向。3.電子電器產品應優先納入回收體系之類別,分別為:有、無線通信器具、氣液體處理機具、家用器具、電熱機器具、影像處理設備及玩具。本研究完成協助環保署辦理優先推動方案之研商會共計六場,並獲得業者之相關意見。
EngTitle The extended producer responsibility facilitating project
EngAbstract For those non- mandatory recycling products, this program collects their basic information and studies the impacts to announce them as mandatory recycling items. Also, this program provides the estimations of waste amounts, recycling rates, and hazardous waste recycling standards for different products. In addition, this program completes a working plan to promote producer’s recycling responsibilities and to set priority. This program assists Taiwan Environmental Administration(TEPA) to organize related activities and negotiation meetings in plan implementation.In the part of basic information collection of products, this program finds the following results:1. Total 14 electrical and electronic products in WEEE six categories are studied, including , blenders(squeezers), electric ovens, microwave ovens, induction cookers, electric boilers, telephones, mobile phones, digital cameras, video cameras, hi-fi equipments, TV game equipments, vacuum cleaner, kitchen ventilators, and water coolers. 2. For those electrical and electronic products, most of them have 80%~90% material are recyclable.3. Currently, the major disposal method of wastes of electrical and electronic products are collected by local EPB cleaning systems, and around 50%~60% wastes are collected through such channels. In the part of promoting and implementing producer’s responsibilities in recycling systems and product priority setting, this program finds the following results:1. Medicine containers and slab packaging containers should be listed as mandatory recycling items by TEPA.2. For electrical and electronic products, we suggest to include “guarantee money mechanism” when developing the working plan to promote and implement producer’s responsibilities. 3. For electrical and electronic products, we also suggest the priority items for strengthening recycling systems are: wireless communication equipments, machines using air pressure and hydraulic pressure, home appliance, electrical heating equipments, image related equipments, and toys. This program organized 6 negotiation meetings to collect opinions from manufacturers to assist TEPA to reach its goals to promote producer’s recycling responsibilities.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 饒河管理顧問有限公司