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Title 「推動公共場所室內空氣品質管理制度」專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫為環保署為因應行政院消費者保護委員會第126次委員會議之決議所展開之『室內空氣品質管理推動方案』,方案分兩年(95 ~96年)實施,今(96)年為第二年度計畫,計畫目標為:1.推動公共場所室內空氣品質檢測、自主管理制度及室內空氣品質分級標章制度;2.辦理室內空氣品質管理相關訓練;3.健全室內空氣品質改善指引並提供室內空氣改善技術諮詢服務;4.健全我國室內空氣品質管理資訊網站,推動相關宣導工作。「推動公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理制度」部分,本計畫已製作各場所輔導之相關文件及輔導流程,共計輔導之公共場所21家,含政府辦公大樓7家、電影院2家、百貨購物商場2家、學校4家、醫院4家及大型展場2家,其二氧化碳(CO2)濃度巡檢測定的結果,「醫院」場所普遍無法符合現行環保署規範第一類場所建議值標準600 ppm。另外已修訂完成「公共場所室內空氣品質自主管理制度手冊」,提供場所管理人員參考使用。在標章作業部分,選擇台北市進行標章試行計畫,以室內空氣品質自主管理參與程度執行五星級標章制度進行,並成立標章審議小組進行標章的核發工作,於96年底完成36家三顆星的標章核發作業。在宣導講習會與訓練課程方面,今年度共辦理4場次室內空氣品質管理人員訓練課程,分別於台北及台南舉辦,共152人參與,為鼓勵學員學習室內氣品質,經測驗合格後,取得結業證書。於「室內空氣品質自主管理宣導講習」部分,目前已辦理完成北、中、南各1場室內空氣品質自主管理宣導講習,共145人參與。今年度已建置五大類室內空氣品質改善技術指引整合製作一本技術指引,包含室內空氣品質維護策略、診斷及改善措施評估等。建立室內空氣品質改善諮詢服務方面,在網頁中新增「諮詢專線」及「電子信箱」服務,問題統籌由本計畫設置之諮詢服務人員,總計約50~60件詢問問題,將民眾提問分類後,轉交本計畫各專家辦理回覆之內容再回諮詢服務人員,經確認後統一由諮詢服務人員回覆提問之民眾。參考國外有關於建築物通風性能與室內空氣品質管制規定,建議台灣地區相關法令的修訂,應從「通風換氣系統」、「室內裝修材料」以及「建築使用維護管理」等面向進行探討,並且擬議高效率建築自然通風設計技術規範、預防室內空氣污染擴散與疾病傳染設計技術規範、室內甲醛濃度混合控制設計技術規範及建築室內空氣品質維護管理制度四條規範。本計畫持續定期維護更新網站,目前已將本年度各項活動(如管理人員、室內空氣品質維護管理宣導觀摩會等)活動訊息公告於網頁上,提供大眾最新空氣品質自主管理活動資訊。並且增列「室內空氣品質自主管理」,提供民眾瞭解如何進行室內空氣品質自主管理、建立輔導文件及相關專業諮詢管道。在法規或未完成立法前,繼續推動室內空氣品質自主管理有其必要性,同時對於建議值及測定方法亦有需檢討之必要性。
EngTitle Management of Indoor Air Quality in public spaces
EngAbstract This project supports the “Indoor Air Quality Management Introduction” program, which is proposed by EPA following the conclusion of the 126th committee meeting hosted by consumer protection commission, Executive Yuan. This project was implemented between 2006 and 2007 and main goals are:(1) promote indoor air quality testing, self-management, and labeling policies;(2) organize indoor air quality management training;(3) integrate the indoor air quality improvement guide and provide technical consulting services; and (4) integrate the indoor air quality website and promote relevant activities.For the first goal, the project has implemented the testing and self-management procedures on 21 public places, including 7 government office buildings, 2 movie theaters, 2 shopping department stores, 4 schools, 4 hospitals, and 2 large-scale exhibitions. A guidance book was prepared and provided to these 21 public places which contains associated documents and detailed instructions. The testing results of carbon dioxide concentration in the hospitals did not meet EPA’s recommended value of 600 ppm under the first category. In addition, the “Indoor Air Quality Self-management Manual” was revised and provided to all building’s administrative staffs as reference. Furthermore, Taipei City was selected to demonstrate the labeling system by adapting the five-star-grade labeling policies with the extent of participation in indoor air qualityself-management. A Label Deliberation Team was established to manage all works associated with label issuance. By the end of this year, the team has to verify a total of 36 organizations with issuance of three-star-grade labels.For the second goal, the project has organized 4 indoor air quality management training courses in Taipei and Tainan with a total participation of 152 people. Certificates were conferred to students, whom have completed the training course and pass the qualification test. In addition, 3 “Indoor Air Quality Self-management” conferences were organized with a total participation of 145 people.For the third goal, the project has integrated the 5 categories indoor air quality improvement guide, including indoor air quality maintenance strategy, diagnosis and the improvement measures assessment etc. In the aspect of providing technical consulting services to the public, a “consultant special line” and an “e-mail box” services were created and available to access from the webpage. Up to date, an approximately of 60 questions were received and were responded by experts with proper solution.It is recommend to amend Taiwan’s existing regulations on the subjects of ventilation air conditioning system, indoor decoration materials, and building’s maintenance and management by referring to international regulations in related to building’s ventilation performance and indoor air qualitycontrol. Furthermore, it is recommend to draft regulations on the subjects of high- efficiency building natural ventilation, prevention of the indoor air pollution from spreading and infecting, indoor formaldehyde concentration mixture control, and building and indoor air quality maintenance management system.For the fourth goal, the project will continue to maintain and update the website on a regular basis. As of today, all activity information was announced on the webpage to provide the public of the latest IAQ self-management information. In addition, the “Indoor Air Quality Self-management” was posted on the webpage to help people better understand this program and also provide a complete guidance with necessary documents and professional consultation.Prior to the establishment of regulations or legislation, it is necessary to keep promoting indoor air quality self-management and reviewing the IAQ guideline and testing methods.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中華物業管理協會