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Title 96年桃園縣水源保護區稽查管制計畫(含推動家戶飲用水水質提升)
Abstract 桃園縣環保局為有效落實劃定保護區內水源水質保護工作,故持續進行縣內稽查管制處分作業,並配合運用污染行為查處作業相關資訊系統建置成果。同時,透過衛星影像變異區域之判釋分析及現勘調查作業,以擴大集水區全面性之污染行為監控作業。桃園縣內自來水雖已相當普及,部份區域仍採用簡易自來水處理方式作為飲用水來源,為維護民眾飲水衛生及安全,縣府針對簡易自來水處理廠之原水水質及直供水水質進行每季一次之抽測作業,作為維持飲用水水質、提供後續改善之參考依據。對於水塔蓄水池等貯水設備及學校之飲用水設備等飲用水水質進行抽驗作業,並加強進行飲用水安全維護之宣導作業,以提昇及維護飲用水品質。本年度已完成飲用水保護區管制作業所需相關輔助資訊系統之更新建置及維護,包括保護區地籍圖建置、衛星影像變異分析、保護區隨身導航稽巡查輔助系統、保護區開發行為位置查詢系統網路版及保護區污染行為查處輔助系統等;同時完成本縣境內之石門水庫飲用水水源水質保護及板新鳶山堰飲用水取水口之一定距離之污染行為稽巡查管制作業,落實已劃定之保護區水源水質保護工作。此外,完成桃園縣簡易自來水處理廠之水質檢驗,以及水塔、蓄水池、飲用水設備等飲用水水質抽驗、檢驗,執行成果資料庫建檔及上網申報,以確保民眾健康,提昇民眾對自來水的信心及國家形象。並蒐集相關單位之水質監測資料進行分析,以供桃園縣環保局業務單位參考使用。
EngTitle The 96’s Plan about Inspecting Source Water Protection Area in Taoyuan County (Including promotion of improving Household Drinking Water Quality)
EngAbstract To effectively implement water quality protection in assigned protection area, EPA continued to inspect in Taoyuan County, and built up information system to examine and regulate water protection areas. Then, we expanded monitoring catchment area pollution by satellite image analysis of variance and on-site field inspection. Although using tap water in Taoyuan County is common, parts of the region still rely on small water treatment facilities for drinking water sources. To safeguard public water drinking health and safety, the county sampled the quality of original water and supply water in these water treatment plants every season. Test results will be used for reference for further water quality improvement operations. By water quality testing of towers, reservoirs and water equipments in schools ,promotion and maintenance of safe drinking water, it can ensure the standard of drinking water is enhanced and the quality of drinking water is maintained In this year, we have completed upgrading and maintained information systems of monitoring drinking water protection area; including building protection area cadastral map, satellite image analysis of variance, water protection area PDA, water protection area information query system and information inspecting systems. In order to implement water protection work, we finished the pollution inspection in water protection area between Shihmen Reservoir and Penhsing Yuanshan Weir water intake point. We also finished water quality testing of small water treatment facilities in Taoyuan County, as well as reservoirs, drinking water equipment, after that, we built the results into databases and web systems. It can ensure people’s health and enhance public confidence in tap water. Finally, we collected relevant units of water quality monitoring data for analysis to Taoyuan County EPB for use and reference.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 千一科技股份有限公司