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Title 96年度臺南縣空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫
Abstract 一、臺南縣從民國85~96年間人口成長率約為1.6%,呈逐年穩定微幅成長;工廠密度為3.1家/km2,本縣工廠登記數由86年之7,067家減少至92年之6,138家,但隨著南部科學工業園區之設置,96年增加到6253家;車輛數逐年增加,其中機車與汽車成長最顯著,85至96年平均成長率約有47%。二、台南縣空氣品質不良(PSI>100)比例變化,由85年的5.0%下降至92年的2.1%,93年空氣品質不良比例上升至6.1%(44站日),94年之空品不良率也到達5.6%,95年空品不良比例為7.0%,已達歷年最高值,96年空品不良比例為5.9%。三、本計畫以環保署提供之TEDS6.1版排放量資料庫為基礎,檢討更新本縣95年空氣污染排放總量及主要污染源排放來源,並依據污染源特性規劃短中長程管制策略。本縣95年總懸浮微粒(TSP)總排放量約為4萬5千公噸/年,懸浮微粒(PM10)總排放量約為1萬5千公噸/年,硫氧化物(SOx)總排放量約為6仟9佰公噸/年,氮氧化物(NOx) 總排放量約為3萬3仟公噸/年,非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)總排放量約為4萬5仟公噸/年。本計畫依據污染源特性研擬本縣空氣品質管制策略及檢討修正本縣空氣污染防制計畫書,爲了讓各界了解環保局推動之各項環保工作,而辦理技術研討會。協助規劃及推動本縣清潔車輛及大眾運輸系統之使用。建置交通共乘媒合網頁:本計畫已建置共乘媒合網站平臺(網址:,亦可由臺南縣環保局網址:連結),提供一個交換「共乘」資訊的園地。
EngTitle 2007 Tainan County Air Quality Management Plan
EngAbstract 1.Enviromental Burden and ChangesFrom 1996 to 2007, the population increased gradually in Tainan County. In 2007 the population is around 1.1 million. Factories have been decreasing since 1997,and there were 6,253 factories in 2007. Vehicles increased 47% in the recent 12 years.2.Air Quality TrendsThe poor air quality (PSI >100 ) ratio dropped from 5.0% in 1996 to 2.1% in 2003, but increased to 5.6% in 2005 and 7.0% in 2006. The poor air quality ratio is 5.9% in 2007. which is under the control target 6.44.3.Air Pollution Emission(1)TSP emission: 45,343 tons per year(2)PM10 emission: 15,492 tons per year(3)SOx emission: 6,856 tons per year(4)NOx emission: 32,887 tons per year(5)NMHC emission: 44,862 tons per year4.Develop Air Quality Management Strategies and Revise Air Pollution Control Plan.5.Advocating the Use of Low-pollution Vehicles and Promoting the Use of Public Transportation6.Auditing the Projects Supported by the Air Pollution Fee7.Arrange Air Pollution Management Study Meeting and Air Quality Management Discussion Meeting8.Setting a Carpool Web
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 中鼎工程股份有限公司