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Title 辦理民眾檢舉高污染車輛管理暨移動污染源資料庫整合管理
Abstract 經統計,本(96)年度共受理76,180 件民眾檢舉烏賊車案件,截至97年1 月4 日為止,尚有1,653 件仍在處理中;通知被檢舉車輛至指定地點接受檢驗率約為44%,較95 年度略微提昇2%,通知檢驗率逐年提昇。經計算,96 年度機車約減少93 公噸NMHC 及360 公噸CO 排放;柴油汽車約減少271 公噸TSP 排放;汽油汽車約減少1.2 公噸NOx、0.4 公噸NMHC 及16 公噸CO 排放,由此可知民眾檢舉烏賊車政策在移動污染源各項不定期管制策略中具有相當成效,值得繼續推動。  為獎勵協助檢舉烏賊車之民眾,本計畫於96 年10 月25 日在全國環保機關首長見證下,隆重完成「96 年度鼓勵民眾檢舉烏賊車抽獎活動」,共提供1,127 個獎項,其中包括71 個大獎及1,056 個普獎,總金額超過新台幣70 萬元。  此外,配合使用者對於烏賊車檢舉系統使用之情形及需求,本計畫完成全國環保機關100%以自然人憑證登入系統專區推廣作業,並執行檢舉人滿意度調查活動、辦理線上學習活動、建立線上自動化績效考評系統、修訂標準作業程序及完成網站連線自動偵測功能等系統功能增修工作。為了提昇全國案件辦理效率及凝聚執法共識,本計畫辦理2 場教育訓練及2 場業務聯繫檢討會,讓全國環保機關有機會針對民眾檢舉烏賊車業務進行意見交換並達成多項共識,系統亦配合進行功能操作擴增,有效提昇案件辦理之品質。  本計畫並建置「移動污染源資訊管理系統」,以E 化方式建立環保署各委辦計畫查核方式及查核重點,並將移動污染源各計畫建立的資料庫進行有效整合、統計及分析,該系統可提供各項重要資料予環保署於政策推動時之參考,並使各項成果及污染削減量得以保存及應用。  另本計畫已建立機房管理及例行維護標準作業程序,藉以輔助移動污染源相關專案系統建置或備份於環保署,以利移動污染源資料處理及彙整,使移動污染源具有實體資料,無論現況檢討或未來決策支援,皆為良好之工具平台。
EngTitle Polluting vehicles appeal cases management system and mobile's non-point pollution database integration project
EngAbstract According to statistics, 76,180 suspected cases were reported by the public in 2007, and 1,653 cases are still waiting to be processed till Jan.4, 2008. The rate of suspected vehicles being notified and examined in 2007 is approximately 44%, comparing to that in 2006, the rate increases approximately 2% and increases year by year. As to emission reduction in 2007, in motorcycle sector, the measure of reporting suspected vehicles has contributed 93 tons in NHMC and 360 tons in CO reduction. In diesel vehicles sector, the measure has contributed 271 tons in TSP reduction. In gasoline vehicle sector, the measure has contributed 1.2 tons in NOx reduction、0.4 tons in NMHC reduction and 16 tons in CO reduction. The fruitful results indicated the project performed excellently among mobile pollution sources strategies and the program is worth continuing. To encourage reporters, the lottery ceremony of reporters was held under supervision of all E.P.B.s’ directors on Oct. 25 2007. There were 1,127 awards, including 71 special awards and 1,056 regular awards. The total value of awards was more than NTD 700,000. Besides, according to requirements and needs of system users, the project team achieved the objective that 100% users of environmental protection government organizations login system via Citizen Digital Certificate. Also, in 2007, project team accomplished the satisfaction survey, E-learning system, online E.P.B. performance index reports, web connection monitoring mechanism, and accommodated SOP manual, these were the major functions activated this year. For the purpose of accelerating processes and advancing the overall strategic performance and legal enforcement, two training programs and two conferences were held. Through the programs and meetings, environmental protection government organizations had chances to communicate with each other in polluted vehicle reporting area and came to many common consensuses. Information system functions were also modified and new functions were developed, consequently, quality of process was greatly improved. Last year, the project team built E.P.A. “Mobile Pollution Sources Information system” as well, including 2007 national performance E-report and established intranet to keep the information about important check points and schedules of all programs. Furthermore, project team integrated databases delivered by all the programs and consolidated data to provide integrated information as an important reference for decision making. All the consolidated information could be saved and applied for all the purposes upon different needs. As to system management and daily maintenance, the project team assisted other mobile pollution sources programs to build or backup systems in E.P.A. in order to facilitate data integration and consolidation. Therefore, mobile pollution sources systems could acquire information easily. The system is a great platform either to review state of play strategies or to help making future decision.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 振興發科技有限公司