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Title 工業區下水道系統水污染管制綜合管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫為以工業區管制規劃為主之ㄧ年期施政計畫,主要內容包括:工業區放流水標準、總量限值、水污染管制區與禁止行為、水污染緊急應變系統、自評與委託查證,網路申請(報),及水質連線監視系統。本計畫完成之執行成果摘要如下:(一)蒐集美、德、日、新、韓相關放流水標準資料、進行資料分析與完成工業區放流水標準修正草案建議(二)完成美、日、中、韓資料蒐集、國內污染現況分析與管制方案比較,並提出工業區總量限值管制作業要點草案建議與範例 (三)進行18個工業區上下游水質或底泥濃度檢測,提出工業區水污染管制區及禁止行為內容建議,提供地方環保局管制參考(四)提出工業區緊急應變設施與方法與許可登記內容建議,並完成1場示範觀摩(五)協助提供委託查證工業區名單及自評表單,並完成相關自評結果分析(六)完成工業區自動連續監測體系規劃、資訊系統開發與作業要點公告、5個工業區連線示範作業,及未來e化管理與查核工具規劃與經費概估(七)完成工業區上網許可申請與定檢申報系統、環保單位收發文與核發許可證系統,及統計報表系統,提升行政效率與資料之可運用性。
EngTitle The industrial park sewer system water pollution control and management Project
EngAbstract This is a one-year master regulatory project emphasizing on the management planning for industrial park,with major subjects on industrial park effluent standards、total mass discharge limit、water pollution control zone and prohibited activities、water pollution emergency response system、independent internal auditing and commission of water pollution self-verification、on-line permit application and reporting system,and on-line monitoring web system.This project has accomplished the following results:(1) gathering effluent standards of USA、Germany、Japan、Singapore、Korea for analysis to provide suggestions for new effluent standards for industrial parks, (2) gathering TMDL relevant data from USA、Japan、China、Korea for analysis and comparison to current pollution situation in Taiwan to provide suggestion and example for industrial park of total mass limit for heavy meatal, (3)sampling and analysis of upstream and downstream river water quality or sediment sludge from 18 industrial parks to provide suggestion for industrial park water pollution control zone and prohibited activities for local EPBs’ control reference, (4) proposing suggestions for industrial park emergency response facilities, protocol and permit registration and held one demonstration conference, (5) assisting to provide the list of independent internal auditor and self-verification checklist, plus completion of self-verification analysis, (6)completing industrial park CEMS on–line monitoring web system、information system development and operation guidance,and connecting these on-line systems to 5 demonstration industrial parks with price estimation for future e management and auditing plan, (7) constructing the on-line permit application and discharge reporting web system,documentation reception and permit approval system for EPBs, and statistics reporting system to enhance administrative efficiency and data application.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司