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Title 96年度台南縣固定空氣污染源稽查管制及減量輔導計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作期程自96年7月17日至97年7月16日為止,各項工作執行進度成果說明如下:一、VOCs法規列管行業查核完成法規列管工廠查核共計84家,包含石化業39家、PU合成皮業3家、半導體業17家、光電業20家及乾洗業5家,大都符合法規項目,其餘未符合工廠將持續追蹤至改善完成;另均已完成資料庫更新建檔作業。依行業別分析:石化業39家1,803.943公噸/年,PU合成皮業3家642.493公噸/年,半導體業17家15.33公噸/年,光電業20家118.12公噸/年,乾洗業5家1.272公噸/年。二、VOCs排放量前20大工廠與排放潛能大之行業清查VOCs排放量前20大工廠之清查作業,包含多種行業共20家4,190.503公噸/年;另共完成94家排放潛能大行業之清查作業,均已完成資料庫更新建檔作業。依行業別分析:表面塗裝業22家254.205公噸/年,乾洗業20家3.989公噸/年,塑膠業21家35.078公噸/年,膠帶業1家1,681.335公噸/年,印刷電路板業8家17.485公噸/年,PVC業2家196.462公噸/年,印刷業20家207.9公噸/年。三、工廠查核有害空氣污染物使用情況目前查核工廠中使用環保署優先調查之21種有害空氣污染物工廠共有42家,所使用之有害空氣污染物質主要為酚、甲醇、甲苯、二甲苯、苯乙烯、甲基異丁酮、二甲基甲醯胺、二氯乙烯、四氯乙烯、苯、二氯甲烷以及醋酸丁酯等12種物質,其中以新力美科技新化廠使用6種為最多,約佔28.57%的比例,而於使用的行業別中,則以石化業27家佔大部分,其比例約佔使用總家數的62.79%。四、指定公告應定期檢測審查及申報管制作業完成定期檢測報告書審查992根次,其中許可制度申報之檢測報告書530根次(非一、二批公告列管)、第一批及第二批公告定檢462根次。由於第一批及第二批公告定期檢測仍需上網申報,其中462根次已全數上網完成申報及審查核可,申報率達100%。五、南部科學工業園區周圍地區空氣中重金屬及落塵量檢測共完成四季16點次南部科學工業園區周界空氣中砷、鉛、鉻、汞等重金屬與落塵量之檢測,目前僅鉛有公告其空氣品質標準,其檢測結果亦符合標準。六、公私場所排放管道重金屬檢測於97年5月14日及15日分別針對奇美實業及南部科學工業園區資源再生中心進行排放管道重金屬檢測,共計完成2根次之檢測作業,檢測結果皆符合規定。七、排放管道之NMHCs檢測作業(一)光電業之NMHCs檢測於97年1月9日完成和鑫光電台南分公司M01製程之P104抽測作業,檢測結果符合法規規範。(二)石化業之NMHCs檢測於97年1月10日完成華寶樹脂M10製程之P004抽測作業;另於97年1月10日完成永捷高分子M02製程之P003抽測作業,檢測結果皆符合法規規範。八、列管工廠設備元件抽測完成11家設備元件列管工廠抽測,共計3,000個設備元件檢測作業。檢測元件中以輕質液法蘭數量檢測1835個為最高,佔所有檢測數量之61.16%,其他元件檢測數量依序分別為輕質液閥868個(28.93%)、重質液閥238個(7.93%)、氣體法蘭18個(0.6%)、輕質液泵浦22個(0.73%)、氣體閥10個(0.33%)、開口管線9個(0.097%),皆未有洩漏情形產生。九、加油站法規符合度查核作業共完成132家加油站之現場查核作業,其中1家為停業中。132站皆完成油氣回收設施自行檢測(包含氣漏與氣油比檢測);另均已完成資料庫更新建檔作業。十、加油站檢測作業共進行21點次(20家次)之氣漏檢測,其中14點次符合法規標準,檢測合格率為66.7%;另共進行50家次之氣油比檢測,共檢測462支油槍,其中檢測合格油槍數共計有403支油槍,合格率達87.23%。針對檢測結果有缺失之加油站,均已告知業者並請盡速完成改善及檢測。十一、噪音監測作業每季針對環境音量與交通音量進行噪音監測作業,共計完成96點次,另配合噪音陳情案件共計執行12點次。十二、砂石場巡查作業執行每2個月一次不定期之稽巡查及清查作業,共計完成6次之巡查作業,其中1場次於12月巡查後已解除列管。十三、臭味污染源巡查(一)臭味巡查作業共計完成90家工廠,271處次之臭味巡查。經巡查員發現有異臭者共20處次佔總巡查數7.38%,其他則入廠確認污染源及建請廠方加強製程區管理及設備操作維護。(二)建議稽查名單共計提報20家工廠為臭味建議稽查名單,目前陪同環保人員巡查共16家工廠,其中4家工廠現場發現有明顯臭味,現場立即執行臭味採樣,檢測結果2家未符合法規空氣品質標準。未符合法規標準者皆已由環保局開單告發。(三)臭味採樣共計執行60點次,期中周界臭味採樣共計31點次,而有13點次未符合法規空氣品質標準;另排放管道臭味採樣29點次,其中有6點次未符合法規空氣品質標準。未符合法規空氣品質標準者皆已由環保局開單告發。十四、OP-FTIR監測於97年4月24日~25日共計完成奇美實業一點次之OP-FTIR監測,監測結果符合規定。十五、餐飲業巡查作業共計完成128家巡查作業,其中32家目前屬停業狀態或無烹飪行為;另為配合環保署最新餐飲業空氣污染管制政策執行宣導作業,共發送宣傳單至本縣餐飲業者約660家。而目前勸導家數共計94家次,已改善完成有81家次,已停業1家次,尚未改善完成12家次。十六、稽查、處份資料建檔及維護更新完成稽查資料建檔共計1071件次,依法告發處分數為108件,處分告發改善完成之公私場所家數為82件,告發改善完成率為75.9%,總處分罰款金額為1,747萬元。十七、監督檢測作業完成指定公告應定期檢測之排放管道共計314根次,其中286根次操作條件為操作許可證登載之許可最大產量或燃(物)料使用量80%以上,而23根次操作條件為應實施定期檢測期間最大產量或燃(物)料使用量90%以上,另有5根次管道為申請操作許可併定檢之監督檢測。十八、空氣品質惡化通報處理共接獲通報49次,巡查73處次,以建請廠方加強污染防制設備操作及維護、周界灑水;另其中有9次的通報為假日,以電話通知廠方注意污染源及其防制設備操作情形。十九、法規宣導說明會於96年11月29日舉辦加油站油氣回收設施維護保養宣導說明會,會中邀請加油站及設備代理商共計235家,其中有177家出席,出席率為75.3%。二十、揮發性有機物法規管制宣導說明會為使光電業者瞭解法規之規範,於97年05月13日,舉辦光電業法規宣導說明會,會中邀請光電業者共計23家,其中有20家出席,出席率為87%。二十一、優良加油站表揚制定優加油站評選之辦法,評選標準則依照各加油站定期申報、檢測及抽測之成績進行評分,並依照評分結果選出分最高之前5 家加油站進行表揚。並於97年03月12日台南縣環保局之成果發表會進行優良加油站之頒獎。二十二、環保新聞共計完成11則新聞稿,分別於96年9月27日刊登有關餐飲業宣導作業於中華日報,96年10月22日刊登有關異味宣導作業於全民電子報,96年11月20日與96年12月25日刊登有關加油站宣導作業分別登於中國時報與民眾日報,97年1月16日刊登優良加油站表揚活動於中華日報,97年4月17日刊登評選優良加油站作業於新新聞報,97年5月7日刊登相關光電業管制於台灣民眾時報,97年6月10日刊登有關石化業設備元件管制情況於中華日報及中國時報,97年7月8日刊登有關餐飲業勸導於中華日報,97年7月14日有關臭味執行作業於台灣時報。二十三、技術轉移訓練會於97年06月04日針對臭氣及異味官能測定法—三點比較式嗅袋法(NIEA A201.11A) 及檢測相關法規及檢測報告書審查作業之技術轉移進行講解,一方面協助局裡能儘早成立官能測定實驗室;另一方面藉以提高執行效率及品質,達成相關管制及輔導之作業。二十四、減量協談作業完成晉通化學、尚多皮革及欣岱實業減量等3家工廠輔導作業,另完成南湘春餐廳、歡樂牛排善化店、嘉美便當廠、水戶日本料理及丹丹漢堡麻豆店等5家餐飲業減量輔導作業,並由環保局發文要求廠商或業者針對委員意見回覆及提出改善期程。
EngTitle Tainan County VOCs Pollution Management and Reduction Guidance Project
EngAbstract This project was commenced to implement on July 17, 2007 and finished on July 16, 2008.The progress for each work task is outlined in detail as below:A.Inspection of the Correspondence with Law and Regulation for Specific Business(completed as 113%, see Ch3 & Ch4)Inspection was performed on 84 plants that are regulated under specific VOCs laws/regulations.Among them, few plants were found failure to meet the requirement regulated.Any firm that is responsible for the misconducts has been officially notified by EPB and be requested to mend its problems within a given time limit.All amendment has been done and confirmed further by this project.B.Inspection of the plants that their VOCs emission is the top 20th in Tainan County(completed as 100%, see Ch03 & Ch04)Inspection was performed on 20 plants. The annual VOCs emission was updated from 6,906.353 tons to 6,458.611 tons after detailed inspection and evaluation.C.Investigation of HAPs PollutionAmong all the inspected plants, there are 42 plants use chemicals that are on the EPA’s priority list of the 21 hazardous air pollutants needed to pay attention to.Twelve HAPs that these plants currently use include: phenol, dichloroethylene, benzene, methanol, methylbenzene, xylene, styrene, dichloroethane, methyl isobutyl ketone, n-butyl acetate, tetrachloroethylene and n,n-dimethylformamide.Among these plants, HsinLiMei Tech. uses as many as 6 HAPs which is the top one.D.Periodical test and declaration control992 root-times of periodical test report were accomplished, of which there were 530 times of test reports for permit system declaration, 462 times of announced periodical test for first and second groups. The declaration rate of Internet declaration attained 100%. E.Tests on heavy metal and dust of Southern Taiwan Science Park perimeter air 16 heavy metal and dust were tested on Southern Taiwan Science Park perimeter air during four seasons. F.Test on Discharge Pipes of Heavy matelTotal of two discharge pipes were selected for heavy metal test. All test results indicated that they all met the discharge standards.G.Test on Discharge Pipes of NMHCsFive points of three discharge pipes were selected for NMHCs test. All test results indicated that they all met the discharge standards.H.Leakage Test for Equipment Units of the Listed Plants3,000 equipment units in petrochemical plants were tested in this project and none of them was found leaking.I.Inspection of the Correspondence with Law and Regulation for Gas StationsInspection was performed on 132 gas stations. Among all the gas stations, one ceased work, others were found meet the requirement regulated.J.Tests on Gasoline Vapor Recovery Systems and Reporting System of Gas StationsThis project has completed 2 Inch WC Static Pressure Performance Test on 10 gas stations with qualified percentage of 66.7%. and A/L Volumetric Ratio Test on 50 gas stations with qualified percentage of 87.23%. Follow-up test were performed on gas stations that failed to pass the two tests and the overall completion percentage of improvement reached 100%.K.Noise Monitoring AssignmentThis project has completed 96 noise monitoring assignment.L.Patrol Assignment For Sandstone FieldsTotal of 6 times of patrol assignment for sandstone fields were conducted. The results for the assignment were recorded in an appointed datasheet and transferred to EPB to be catalogued together.M.Patrol for Smelly Pollution Sources1.Patrol for Smelly Pollution SourceTotal of 271 times patrol on 90 plants were performed and smelly occurrence was found for 20 times among all (7.38%).2.The assistance to submit the priority list for inspection20 plants were submitted to the priority list for inspection of smell.3.Functional Test for SmellFunctional Test for Smell was performed 31 times for circumference and 29 times for discharge pipe. Thirteen of circumference test results did not meet the individual standards regulated by law. All of the unqualified plants were fined by EPB.N.OP-FTIR Monitoring AssignmentThe OP-FTIR monitoring assignment were performed on Chi Mei Corporation during April 24, 2008 to April 25, 2008 O.Investigation on RestaurantsInspection was performed on 128 restaurants. 32 of them were found cease work. 660 pieces handbill were send to restaurants to disseminate EPA's new restaurant regulated.P.Data-building and renewal-maintenance for inspection and treatment dataData-building task of 1470 inspection cases was accomplished. As for treatment data building, there were 82 cases informed of air pollution violation ; the fine totaled 17.47 million NTD. Q.Supervision of Air Pollutant Emissions Testing on Discharge PipesSupervision of Air Pollutant Emissions Testing was accomplished on 314 Discharge Pipes.R.Case Handling for the Notification of the Air Quality DeteriorationTotal of 49 cases were notified during the project period and patrol staffs were then sent out to check on 73 public or private premises. Among these 49 cases, there were 9 times were reported during holidays, and nearby plants closed to the reported region were called by phone to check the operating conditions for their pollution sources and the operation condition of the pollution control equipments.S.Education and Promotion1.Forum Session on the Gasoline Vapor Recovery SystemsA forum session was held on November 29, 2007 for all gasoline stations to introduce the maintenance of gasoline vapor recovery systems. The attendance percentage for this forum was 75.3%.2.Forum Sessions for the Promotion and Promulgation of VOCs Laws & RegulationsA forum session was held on May 13, 2008 optoelectronics industry to introduce the optoelectronics Laws. The attendance percentage for this forum was 87%.3.Awarding Gas Stations with Excellent Performance5 gas stations were selected for their excellent performance and being publicly awarded on March 7, 2008 .4.Meeting for Technology TransferA discussion forum session was held on june 4, 2008 to pass on the experiences to EPB for the method of Functional Test for Smell.5.Environmental protection news11 articles of environmental protection news were posted, containing refusal to enforced refueling, threats of VOCs, promotion for grease and smoke draining in dining-drinking business and prevention technology. T.Instruction on Reduction of Air PollutionThe instruction and guidance for air pollution reduction were performed on 3 plants (for VOCs reduction) and 3 restaurants. Each of them was requested to submit an improving plan on air pollution and their proposed improving schedule to EPB within a limited time in response to EPB.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 慧群環境科技股份有限公司