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Title 96年度廢棄物資源化技術暨附加價值提昇專案研究計畫
Abstract 目前台灣使用之含汞元件甚多,本計畫所調查之對象選定含汞繼電器、含汞開關及車輛含汞元件。水銀繼電器透過水銀之漲落,形成閉合或開斷電路,含汞量約60 g;含汞開關大多將汞封入玻璃管內或是金屬管中,改變為傾斜角度狀態,達到通電及斷電效果,平均含汞量為0.5g;車用高壓氣體放電燈管,利用陰極電子產生動能碰撞燈管內的汞氣體原子,造成氣體原子放電現象而發光,每個單體約含6mg的汞。 全球汞之使用於1970年達到尖峰,於是世界各國政府紛紛限制汞使用於產品上,且對含汞產品之處置採取嚴厲之管制措施,故汞之使用量已較過去減少很多。台灣為世界製造產品大國,過去不免使用汞做為產品原料,例如日光燈管、曝光燈管、紫外線燈管、冷陰極燈管、乾電池、大小型電器產品之開關、繼電器、煞車系統、感應器、溫度計、血壓計及車輛中之含汞元件等,其中國內已處理及管制之元件為:日光燈管、曝光燈管、紫外線燈管及乾電池等。 經本計畫調查相關製造商、販賣商、代理廠商之進出口量以及廢含汞元件排出源,推估2006年水銀繼電器進口量為48 kg-Hg,出口量為35 kg-Hg,廢棄量約1,050 kg-Hg;推估含汞開關進口量為334 kg-Hg,出口量為344 kg-Hg,廢棄量約1,197 kg-Hg;推估車用HID燈進口量0.759 kg-Hg,出口量為0.24 kg-Hg,廢棄量約0.549 kg-Hg。 行政院環保署鑑於終端市場日漸龐大之鋰電池需求,對於廢鋰電池之產出、處理與管理方式已從傳統末段管制朝向源頭管理、流向調查、資源回收再利用技術開發、建立資源化產品規範等管理手段辦理。在源頭管理方面及流向調查方面,本計畫已完成訪視國內產出廢鋰電池事業單位共12家,並完成台灣2006年鋰電池物質流佈分析。顯示年鋰電池總營業量為349.4萬公斤,進入廢棄物回收處理體系為40.5萬公斤。經訪視結果與台灣鋰電池物質流分析所得結論為(1)建議針對新增「廢鋰電池」此項之申報代碼;(2)事業單位收受民眾逆向回收廢鋰電池(屬公告應回收廢棄物)不需申報之法規競合處之檢討,及(3)對於後續在廢鋰電池之回收清除處理之流向應有所管制。 針對廢鋰電池資源化再利用,本計畫參考國外處理廢鋰電池之方法建制實驗,並規劃完成鋰電池資源化流程。實驗結果顯示,處理廢鋰電池時以負載放電較以浸泡鹽水放電之方式為佳;而鋰電池在切碎時易形成隔離膜、陰極、陽極與其他元件黏結,難以傳統的濕式冶金回收處理,故本計畫採用『人工逆向拆解』的方式進行回收,再浸泡熱NMP便能有效分離鋼殼、銅箔、鋁箔及鋰鈷氧化物等有價物質;回收之鋰鈷氧化物,以水熱法於200℃持溫15小時即可使其結構回復以利進一步利用。 筆記型電腦與手工具中,常以6~8顆18650筒形鋰離子電池串並聯為一電池組作為之電源,損壞時可能只是其中少數幾顆電池芯衰退所致。本計畫以200顆廢鋰離子電池進行充放電測試,結果顯示其中71 %之電池性能尚稱良好,若能將其再利用,不僅能提昇期附加價值,且對於環境更加友善,但因此種廢棄電池之性能已略有衰減,因此建議再利用於非電子類商品,如LED手電筒等領域。
EngTitle A Study of Waste-to-Resource Technologies and the Enhancement of Value Addition Project
EngAbstract Mercury, which has bio-accumulative effect is a primary contaminat in the world on the priority list of 129 control toxic contaminations of USEPA. Mercury is widely used in industry. Mercury containing waste are various and complex, they are difficult to process and reclaim by using traditional method. This research project focus on mercury containing product, including mercury relay, mercury switch and mercury containing vehicle components. Electrical and electronic switches, contacts and relays with mercury, including: Level switches in sewer pumps, water pumps, mercury-wetted contacts, Thermo-switches, etc. Mercury relay contains 60 grams of mercury and mercury switch contains 0.5 grams of mercury. High Intensity Discharge (HID) headlights are a recent technology that has potential societal improvements in durability, and safety. Mercury vapor is used in the light sources for headlights.Each light source contains 0.006 grams of mercury 1970 mercury used in pick, many countries made some restrictions to limit mercury used in products. Because these controlling and regulations are followed, mercury are no longer used in products.As a famous industrialized work country, Taiwan in the past, some products were also used mercury, including Fluorescent Lamp, SHPs, Ultraviolet Lamp, Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp, Battery, Mercury Switch, Relay, ABS, Sensor, Thermometer, Sphygmomanometer and Mercury Containing Vehicle Components. Some of these products like Fluorescent Lamp, SHPs, Ultraviolet Lamp and Battery are already regulated to protect environment. To investigate import and export quantity of manufacturers , refailer and agents, and research on sources of Mercury Containing Components and emission. To estimate mercury relays imported amount is 48kg-Hg , exported amount is 35kg-Hg , waste amount to Tiwan 1,050kg-Hg . The estimate amount of mercury switches import , amount is 334kg-Hg , exported amount is 344kg-Hg , waste amount to 1,197kg-Hg. To estimate High Intensity Discharge (HID) headlights import amount to 0.759kg-Hg , export amount to 0.24kg-Hg , waste amount to 0.549kg-Hg. In Taiwan, the market demand for LIB is growing. The Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan has thus changed its policies. The EPA’s wastes management policies are focusing towards source management, flow investigation, recycling techniques and recycling product regulation. Based on source management and flow investigation for waste LIB, the investigation on domestic battery industry company about twelve manufacfurer with basic information and Taiwan’s lithium battery material flow analysis in 2006 has accomplished. In 2006, market demand for lithium batteries amounted to 349.4 ten million per kilogram, flow into waste management amounted to 40.5 ten million per kilogram. The results of lithium battery industry investigation and flow analysis include (1) create a declaration code for “waste lithium battery”, (2)review the regulation that industries received wastes lithium batteries from domestic source does not reguire declaration (3)manage meet and control the flow of wastes lithium battery after treatment. For the waste LIB reusing and resourcing, the reference should to make to experiment conclucted were refer abroad on the study of waste LIB handling, and schemed the LIB resourcing sheet. Experiment results indicated that LIB discharging by loading is better than immersing in the brine. Cutting LIB with cuter causing the aggregation of polymer separator, cathode, anode and other component as pretreatment, results in the difficulty of further conventional hydrometallurgy processing, thus manual inverse tearing were adopted, immersing the spent LIB in heated NMP can separate the valuable steel shell, cupper foil, aluminum foil and lithium cobalt oxide. Recovered Lithium cobalt oxide can be regained to the former structure by 200℃ hydrothermal for 15 hours, as well as better for the further usage. 18650 cylindrical LIBs in laptop and electrical tools often used in series-parallel connection in LIB cases by 6-8 single LIBs. Damage of LIB cases might occur by the failure of only few single LIBs. Thus 200 wasted single LIB were adopted to charge-discharge test, results indicated 71 % of LIBs performed well. Supposing that well-performed wasted LIBs can be reuse, not only the value elevate, also much more friendly to the environment. Due to the slight decay of wasted LIBs, it is suggested to reuse in none electric products like LED torch for alkaline batteries substitute.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 國立台北科技大學