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Title 「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第四期)」(乙)
Abstract 行政院環境保護署為預防土壤及地下水污染,確保土地及地下水資源永續利用,及落實「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之規定,於96年辦理「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫(第四期)(甲、乙)」,分別由美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司負責執行中北部區域之甲計畫工作,及中興工程顧問股份有限公司負責執行中南部區域之乙計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)工作,預計共完成400站(甲、乙兩計畫各200站)加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作。本計畫(乙計畫)工作為辦理中南部區域共200站加油站土壤及地下水污染調查工作,以作為後續管制之依據。調查工作分為三個階段執行,第一階段調查為測漏管與土壤氣體檢測;第二階段調查為針對第一階段篩選出之具污染潛勢加油站進行土壤採樣分析及以簡易井進行地下水採樣分析;第三階段調查則為針對第二階段地下水超過管制標準之加油站,進一步設置標準監測井及進行地下水採樣分析。本計畫第一階段調查共完成200站加油站3,616支測漏管基本功能測試及油氣之LEL、PID及FID檢測,715點土壤間氣體之PID及FID檢測。依調查結果顯示,測漏管油氣濃度測值經評估具高污染潛勢者(A級)有7站,次高者(B級)有12站,合計為19站。另依環保署指示,本計畫第二階段之調查對象除前述之19站加油站外,亦針對環保署「95-96年度加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備查核暨網路申報諮詢計畫」中所查核之7站高污染潛勢加油站進行調查,共計有26站。本計畫第二階段調查共完成26站加油站100點土壤採樣及檢測分析、78點簡易井地下水採樣及檢測分析。依檢測分析結果顯示,計有11站加油站之土壤污染物濃度達土壤污染管制標準;有9站加油站之簡易井地下水污染物濃度達地下水污染管制標準。於第三階段調查之9站加油站中,計有5站加油站之地下水污染物濃度達地下水污染管制標準。總結上述本計畫調查結果,共計有11站加油站之土壤污染物濃度超過管制標準,於該11站中有5站加油站之地下水污染物濃度亦超過管制標準,均應依土壤及地下水污染整治法相關規定進行管制。此外,依據本計畫調查之加油站基本資料、加油站防止污染地下水體設施及定期監測申報資料等,與加油站污染之潛勢進行相關性分析,以提供環保機關做為後續行政管制措施之參考依據。
EngTitle Investigating Soil and Groundwater Pollution at the Gas Stations in Taiwan (the Fourth Project)(B)
EngAbstract In order to prevent soil and groundwater pollution, ensure the sustainable use of soil and groundwater, and fulfill the regulations of Soil and Water Pollution Remediation Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (the EPA) planned the Project of Investigating Soil and Groundwater pollution at the Gas Stations in Taiwan(the Fourth Project)- the Plan A and B in 2007. The scope of the Plan A covered central and northern Taiwan and was carried out by MWH Taiwan. The scope of the Plan B (this Project) covered central and southern Taiwan and was carried out by Sinotech.LTD. Plan A and B carried out the investigation of soil and groundwater pollution for 400 gas stations (200 gas stations for each Plan).This Project (Plan B) was to investigate soil and groundwater pollution for 200 gas stations in central and southern Taiwan as reference in the follow up control activities. This project was implemented in three phases. The 1st phase was to measure the oil vapor density of soil vapor monitoring well. Based on the results of 1st phase, the 2nd phase selected gas stations with high pollution potential to conduct the detection and analysis of soil samples. In addition, groundwater samples from simple wells were also detected and analyzed. Based on the results of 2nd phase, the 3rd phase selected the gas stations with the pollutants’ concentration in the groundwater higher than the control standards to install standard monitoring wells and detect and analyze groundwater samples.The 1st phases was to test the basic functions of 3,616 soil gas monitoring wells, measure the oil vapor densities by using LEL, PID, and FID and the soil vapor of 715 samples by using PID and FID in 200 gas stations. The results indicated that the oil vapor density detected by soil gas monitoring wells in 7 gas stations with the highest pollution potential (A Class) and 12 gas stations with secondary pollution potential (B Class), totaling 19 gas stations. According to the instructions from the EPA, except the aforesaid 19 gas stations, the 2nd phase investigated the 7 gas stations listed in the Project of Inspection and Appraisal of Groundwater Pollution Control Facilities and Monitoring Equipment in Gas Stations, and Consultation on Internet Declaration System for 2006 and 2007. Totaling 26 gas stations were investigated at 2nd phase.The 2nd phase conducted the detection and analysis of 100 soil samples and 78 groundwater samples from simple wells in 26 gas stations. As a result, it was concluded that the pollutants’ concentration in the soil of the 11 gas stations had reached the control standards; the pollutants’ concentration in the groundwater from the simple wells of the 9 gas stations had reached the control standards. The 3rd phase was to investigate the 9 gas stations. The pollutants’ concentration in the groundwater of the 5 of them had reached the control standards.As a result, it was concluded that the pollutants’ concentration in the soil of the 11 gas stations were higher than the control standards, and the pollutants’ concentration in the groundwater of the 5 gas stations out of the 11 gas stations were higher than the control standards. All of them should be controlled in accordance with the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act. Besides, a correlation analysis of the basic data of the gas stations surveyed in the project, groundwater pollution control facilities, and their periodic declaration reports, vis-à-vis the pollution potential of the gas station was conducted and the results provided as references for the EPA in the follow up activities of administrative control measures.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中興工程股份有限公司