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Title 運輸部門溫室氣體推估架構、清潔發展機制建立暨車輛二氧化碳減量技術評估計畫
Abstract 參考UNFCCC(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)制訂之國家清冊規範及IPCC準則,依國內移動污染源管制現況,檢討運輸部門分類方式、建立運輸部門清冊架構;彙整蒐集清冊估算排放係數及活動強度資料,並完成運輸部門2006年溫室氣體排放量更新估算,排放量為38,079,499 CO2e公噸/年。以「溫室氣體減量法(草案)」相關規範、溫室氣體盤查議定書-企業會計與報告標準第二版中所載標準與實務指引,以及溫室氣體盤查議定書倡議行動所提供之移動源計算工具使用指南所載內容為主要依據,建立運輸部門盤查架構。規劃我國減量策略原則及執行架構,分為能源效率、運輸管理、低碳能源、經濟誘因、教育宣導五大主軸,並區分為供給面策略與需求面策略,強調以需求面策略優先。研析歐美等國際碳交易制度蒐集運輸部門清潔發展機制(CDM)方法論及成功登錄案例提供參考。並參考瑞典環保署針對EUETS汽車排放交易可行性進行評估報告,探討我國推動汽車碳交易制度機制的可行性。有鑑於目前汽車碳交易制度尚未成熟,若回歸需求面策略,應以實施能源稅為基礎,達到減少CO2排放的效果。規劃國內推動環保優良駕駛,於初期採取密集宣傳方式,使民眾體認環保駕駛對於環境與經濟的效益;於中、長期則以維持常態性宣傳為原則,以提醒民眾重視環保駕駛,達到長期改變民眾用車習性的效果。蒐集國外補助節能低污車輛策略機制及補助工具,一般而言,補助節能減污車輛在策略方面,可以分為補助購車或補助使用兩種情況,所採用的補助措施又大致可以分為經費補貼、稅賦優惠或其他經濟誘因等三種。本計畫並不傾向建議以補助政策鼓勵廠商生產或獎勵民眾購買節能減污車輛,但可以補助民眾搭乘大眾運輸。蒐集防制汽車二氧化碳排放之技術,顯示改善汽車空調的效率、減少汽車的輪胎或機械磨擦阻力、及駕駛行為的改變等,堪稱對消費者負擔最低的減量措施。分析新車型審驗及新車抽驗之CO2測試結果,初估96年國產汽油汽車使用年限內二氧化碳排放總量約7,546,904公噸。初步研擬規劃我國推動汽車二氧化碳排放減量之最佳策略1. 短期(2008~2015) :短期之推動主要以技術成熟之清潔燃料車輛為主,策略為:(1)5年內增設液化石油氣加氣站150座、(2)推動LPG機動車;並輔以汰舊換新之政策,有效改善與降低我國車輛之排放情況。2. 中期(2015~2030):接續推動複合電動車,使我國車輛排放量能持續降低;推動時並輔以實施效能規範、碳稅或都市塞車稅、降低清潔車輛進口關稅的配套措施,拉近複合電動車推動初期與當時主流車輛之價格差異,減少政府補助經費。辦理完成8場次專家諮詢會議及1場研討會,諮詢專家及各方意見作為本計畫規劃事項修正依據。
EngTitle The Green House Gas management planning and the CDM establishment for the transportation departments
EngAbstract Refer to the national inventory report formulated by UNFCCC and IPCC guideline and, subject to the control over mobile source domestically, discuss the transportation department's classification mode and establish the transportation department’s inventory framework. Summarize and collect the information about emission coefficient and strength estimated by the inventory report and complete the updated estimation of emission of greenhouse gas in 2006, i.e. 38,079,499 CO2e tons/year. Establish the transportation department’s inventory framework based on the “Greenhouse Gas Emission Limits Rule (Draft)”, GHG Protocol-the criteria and guidelines referred to 2nd edition of corporate accounting and reporting standard, and the guidance for the computation means of mobile source provided by GHG Protocol Initiative.Planning for our country’s reduction strategy and framework including 5 main objectives in terms of energy efficiency, transportation management, low carbon energy, economic incentive, and public information. The five objectives and control measures are further categorized into supply side strategy and demand side strategy with emphasis on demand side strategy as priority.Studies were done regarding international emission trade system, also collected CDM methodology and successful example for studies as well as the Swiss research report regarding carbon trade for vehicles. Since carbon trade for vehicles has not been developed in the world, it is suggested to consider the demand side strategy by implementing Energy Tax to achieve CO2 reduction. Preliminarily, it is suggested to implement an intensive promotional program in the short-term followed by continued reminding for eco-drive behavior in the mid and long-term to maintain the program effectiveness. The project studied the mechanism for financial support incentive program however does not suggest governmental funding for individual purchasing of low emission vehicles rather than funding for the use of public transportation.Collection of vehicle CO2 emission reduction technology, showing that improving air conditioning efficiency, reducing friction loss from tires and mechanical parts, as well as driving behavior change, can reduce emission at minimum cost. According to the analysis on CO2 test result of examination and random checks of new vehicles made in Taiwan in 2007, the total CO2 emission volume of new vehicles in usedtimes is preliminarily estimated as 7,546,904 tons.Planning a domestic strategy to decrease CO2 emission is developed and summarized as follow:Short term (2008-2015): focusing on clean vehicle technology development and reducing capital cost. Due to limited production of biomass, it is recommend to promote hybrid car by (1) building 150 LPG stations within next 5 years; (2) promoting LPG automobiles.Intermediate Stage (2015~2030): the available supply of LPG is not able to fulfill current demand in transportation sector, therefore, it is recommended to encourage people to purchase electrical car. In addition, performance standards, carbon tax, and traffic tax will be used as tools to control CO2 emission.Hold 8 rounds of expert consultation meeting and one symposium; the comments provided by advisors and from the various circles will serve to be the basis for amendments to the Project.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中鼎工程股份有限公司