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Title 九十六年度「辦理空、水、廢、毒基線資料及申報整合系統規劃計畫」
Abstract 本計畫執行情間為96年1月起至96年12月止,工作項目共計七大項工作: (一)整合環保排放許可系統將空、水、廢、毒各許可申請整合並經由整合系統-空水廢毒管理資訊系統(EMS)作為單一入口之線上許可申請系統,本系統於96年7月提供測試系統供事業操作,並於96年8月1日正式上線使用,往後如申請各類許可、登記備查之申請、變更/異動,皆由EMS系統提供基線資料,以達成資料之一致性以及簡政便民之效果。(二)維護整合後之基線資料庫,以維持資料之最新狀況持續維護EMS資料庫與各系統資料庫間之資料應用,並提供共用基線資料作為各系統許可申請之來源資料,以維持資料之最新狀況。(三)協助各處推動許可證網路申請、審查、核發化作業協助各處推動許可證網路化作業機制及流程之建議,並協調各網路化作業與EMS銜接,預計空、水、毒各處將於97年度完成許可證網路化之相關作業。(四)協助各處完成整合所需之修法作業針對各處網路化作業所需配合修正之法規提出建議,空保處將修正「固定污染源設置及操作許可證管理辦法」;毒管處亦正進行「毒性化學物質許可登記核可管理辦法草案」、「毒性化學物質許可登記核可管理辦法草案」、「毒性化學物質許可登記核可管理辦法草案」之修正。(五)推動多媒介稽查EMS提供勾稽報表,藉由勾稽報表來讓環保機關檢視該事業基線資料與許可內容是否一致,協助各稽查作業之運行。(六)完成空水廢毒管資訊管理系統之整合,及建置完成一套中央與地方環保局及民間業者均能共用之資訊管理系統已將空、水、廢、毒各系統整合並由EMS單一入口登入,事業可直接於EMS系統進行許可申請、變更/異動作業,中央及環保局可直接於EMS系統檢視事業之資料,並連往各系統進行審查作業,以達成各系統整合之目的。(七)評估單一許可證、單一申請窗口之可行性針對空、水、廢、毒各許可項目、代碼、法規、系統、組織、對象等方面進行資料分析及建議,另外亦收集國內外相關資料作為評估單一許可證、單一申請窗口之參考。
EngTitle Planning of the Baseline Information and Online Reporting Integration in the Area of Air, Water, Waste, and Toxic Substance
EngAbstract The project executive time is starting from January 2007, until December 2007, and there are 7 tasks:(I)Integration of the Environmental Discharge Permit SystemIntegrating the online permit application of air, water, waste, and toxic substance altogether into one system as Environmental Management System (EMS). This system started to enter test stage for on July 2007, and officially became in use on August 1, 2007. EMS will offer baseline information for the task of permit application, registry reference application, and application change in order to achieve all the information in various categories are identical and system use is convenient to the public access. (II)Maintenance of the baseline information database after integration to make the data as most updated We continue the maintenance of the database between EMS and some other system. Also, the mutual baseline information is shared between different databases as the source for permit application to ensure the data is most updated. (III)Assisting other departments to promote permit online application, auditing, and issuing We assist other departments to promote permit online operation mechanism and flow process. Also, we coordinate other internet operations connect with the EMS. The predefined completed schedule of system regarding air, water, and toxic substance is year 2008. (IV)Assist other departments to complete the legal revision We offer suggestion toward any necessary legal revision based on the internet operation. The Department of Air Quality and Protection and Noise Control will amend “Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit Management Regulations”. Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management is amending “Toxic Substance Permit Registry Management”. (V)Promotion of Multimedia Inspection EMS offer auditing report, the environmental protection agency is able to take look at the baseline information and to decide if the information is identical with the permit content. This will facilitates the auditing of the permit and baseline information. (VI)Completeness of the integration of the air, water, waste, and toxic substance information management system, and establishing one system shared by central and local environmental protection agenciesWe already integrated the system of air, water, waste, and toxic substance altogether and login through EMS. Businesses directly apply permit, change permit through EMS. Central and local environmental protection agencies can take look at the information of the businesses in EMS, and the connection of other system is completed in order to achieve the goal of system integration. (VII)Appraisal of the possibility of making one permit and one-stop shopping windowAiming at permit category, waste code, regulation, system, organization, and targets of air, water, waste, and toxic substance, we make analysis and suggestions. We also collect relevant information from other countries to make appraisal of the possibility making one permit and one-stop shopping window.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司