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Title 事業水污染防治專案重點查核計畫
Abstract 由於目前嘉南大圳河川內硝酸、磷酸、氨氮特高,而溶氧飽和值相對很低,水質不良,顯示河川遭到嚴重汙染,但是大圳的沿線的廣大農田依然在耕作,而位於供水線末端的台南市,農民在枯水期還是使用大圳的水進行灌溉,污染了土地也污染農作。至於大圳的末端,是廣大的魚塭以及養蚵場。嘉南大圳疑遭到台南縣重點事業及台南市和順工業區廢水汙染,雖目前於台南市部份鎖定區內電鍍業,但仍未掌握業者具體違法事證,無法取締業者以改善污染源。行政院環境保護署為落實水污染防治管理工作,特別擬定「事業水污染防治專案重點查核計畫」,期望運用民間專業人力,運用科學稽查儀器設備,積極對台南市和順工業區為優先執行重點區域,並擴大執行範圍至台南市與台南縣重點事業,針對重點事業內水污染源進行稽查管制,以徹底掌握工廠廢水處理情形,並蒐集業者違法事證,俾利日後追蹤管理與取締,終止污染源。計畫執行期間依據技佳公司所擬定之「和順工業區事業廢水(廢液)處理設施查核作業程序」執行工業區重點廠商查核,查核項目包含現場查核及廢水處理設施合理性分析作業,據以研判推定偷排情形,針對有環保犯罪之虞者,進一步以專業污染蒐證技術及先進儀器使用,進行污染源追蹤及查察、水質連續監測工作,與事業污染事證蒐集及保全作業,以最迅速、最有效方式調查污染證據,針對有污染事實之事業單位進一步通報環保機關執行稽查及採樣,取得污染直接證據,以遂行公權力。
EngTitle Special project of investigation of industrial wastewater pollution prevention
EngAbstract Jia-nan water catchment has been sufering from high concentrations of nitric acid, phosphoric acid and NH3-N, which resulted in the low concentration of dissolved oxygen. As seriously polluted as the water qaulity index might suggest, the vast coastal agricultural lands are still under cultivation. Farmers in Tainan city, situated at the end of the catchment, commonly use the catchemtn water for irrigation during dry seasons. It consequently caused the pollution of the farm lands as well as the crop. The large amount of fishing farms nearby are also under threat. Major industrial units in tainan county as well as the wastewater discharged out of he-shun industrila area are allegedly responsible for the deterioration of the catchment water. Although the authority has been focus their attention on some major electroplate factories, concrete evident has not been found yet to legally stop the illegal wastewater discharges. To carry out the pollution reduction plan, “Special plan for major industrial wastewater discharges inspection” was drafted. With the expertise of local professionals and the incoporation of special inspection apparatus, special attention is focused on the He-shun industrial area. With the inspection and regulation of major industrial pollution sources and the collection of illegal discharging evident, it will eventually put an end to the water pollution and ultimately preserve the clean river water bodies.During the project year, Je-ga environmental consulting firm drafted “Inspection of the standard operational procedures of wastewater treatment facilities for He-shun Industrial area”. The industrial working environments were inspected; in addition, their wastewater treatment facilities were analyzed to determine whether illegal wastewater discharges happened. 24-hour water quality monitors were deposited at those factories with alleged pollution behaviors for effectively collecting pollution evidence.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司