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Title 推動含汞產品禁限用計畫
Abstract 汞為持久性生物累積物質,即使極微量也可能對人體健康產生高度危害,在「逐步限汞、最終禁汞」之國際趨勢下,世界各國政府紛紛限制汞用於某些產品上且對含汞產品之最終處置採嚴格管制措施。常見含汞產品包括乾電池、水銀溫度計及汞血壓計等民生用品。無論廢棄含汞產品以焚化處理或掩埋處置方式,均有可能流布於環境之中,因此必須針對此類產品之源頭進行有效管制,才能遏止其危害。行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)有鑑於汞對環境及人體健康之危害,除延續含汞乾電池之管制工作外,更進一步評估其他含汞產品以持續推動源頭減量政策。本計畫執行完成之工作內容包括:(一)持續推動含汞乾電池禁限用政策;(二)協助推動汞體溫計及汞血壓計禁限用政策,配合辦理相關配套措施,並研議汞體溫計、血壓計回收再利用方式。(三)協助辦理第二階段含汞產品限禁用政策及相關配套措施之研擬;(四)辦理含汞產品禁限用政策瀏覽網頁及資料庫擴充及維護;(五)辦理相關會議及協助限汞政策相關工作。依執行成果所見,在電池汞含量管制部份,無論業者自行檢測或主管機關抽驗結果,均可見汞含量超過5ppm管制標準之比例逐漸下降(2007年已低於0.5%),抽驗含量最高值亦由2005年之4,240 ppm 降為2007年僅40.1ppm;抽驗結果為無法檢測(N.D.)出者已達98%以上,均顯示管制成效良好。另與歐盟電池指令重金屬含量標準比較,指定電池鎘含量尚有10%(12式)超出歐盟2006年修訂之加嚴管制標準20ppm,建議未來可增加鎘含量之管制限值。經製造輸入業者、醫療機構及醫療器材販賣業者抽樣問卷調查結果顯示,汞體溫計與汞血壓計使用量仍高,以567份有效問卷結果為基礎,推估全國汞體溫計之使用情形約每年52.7萬支,另推估現存於家戶之使用中汞體溫計尚有370萬支。汞血壓計每年約製造、輸入8.5萬台,其中4.5萬台係輸出至國外,餘4萬台進入國內市場。合計每年約有3,032公斤汞進入國內市場。汞體溫計基於替代技術純熟、已建立檢定檢查技術規範、國內業者與使用者已具共識、國外已有立法禁限用經驗之基礎下,顯示管制時機成熟,環保署已完成「限制水銀體溫計輸入、販賣」公告草案,並已於2007年10月完成預告程序。汞血壓計部分,因檢定檢查技術規範尚未建立,且須兼顧在不影響醫療品質之原則下,故建議暫不採行禁限用措施。藉由台美技術交流與國際管理資訊蒐集,已知對其他量測設備、含汞開關、汞齊(補齒劑)等產品;以及學校、醫療院所等使用場所,可作為下階段研擬持續推動含汞產品源頭減量之標的。對於已進入國內市場或使用中之汞體溫計及汞血壓計,因其含汞重量大、純度高(達99.99%以上),具有再利用價值,為利於管理,建議應給予獨立之廢棄物代碼,並宣導醫療機構不要併入感染性事業廢棄物或一般事業廢棄物處理,輔以「事業廢棄物貯存清除處理方法及設施標準」第20條第8項規定,輔導及追蹤促使業者進入熱處理體系,以回收汞元素進行再利用。
EngTitle Promoting the Project of Prohibiting and Limiting the Use of Mercury Products
EngAbstract The mercury is a permanent biological accumulating substance. Even a trace amount of mercury may cause great hazard to the health of human body. Under the international trend of “restricting the mercury progressively, banning the mercury finally”, the government of every nation in the world restricts to use mercury in some products and adopts strict control measures for their final disposal. The common mercury-containing products include people's livelihood articles, such as dry cell, mercury thermometer and mercury sphygmomanometer etc. No matter waste mercury-containing products are treated by incineration or landfill, the mercury may flow and distribute in the environment. So it is necessary to control the source of these products effectively, in order to eliminate its hazard. Upon considering the hazard of mercury to the environment and the health of human body, the Environmental Protection Administration of Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred as EPA) not only continues the control work of mercury-containing dry cell, but also assesses other mercury-containing products to promote the source reduction policy continuously. The works completed by this project include: (1) Promote the restriction policy of mercury-containing products continuously; (2) Help to promote the restriction policy of mercury thermometer and mercury sphygmomanometer, cooperate with the relevant supplementary measures, and propose the recycling way of mercury thermometer and mercury sphygmomanometer; (3) Help to handle the restriction policy of mercury-containing products and propose the relevant supplementary measures for Phase 2 of project; (4) Handle the browse webpage and database expansion and maintenance for the restriction policy of mercury-containing products; and (5) Handle the relevant meeting and help to deal with the relevant work of mercury restriction policy.According to the execution results, as for the control of mercury content in the cell, no matter it is inspected by the firms or tested by the competent authority, the ratio is reduced gradually for mercury content over 5ppm of control standard (below 0.6% in 2007). The maximum value is reduced from 4,240ppm in 2005 to only 40.1ppm in 2007. The ratio of non-detectable (N.D.) is up to 98%, which shows the control effect is very good. In addition, upon comparing to EU Battery Directive for the content of heavy metal, the cadmium content for 10% (12 types) of cell is over 20ppm, which exceeds the stricter control standard revised by European Union in 2006. It is recommended that the control limit of cadmium content can be increased in the future.The questionnaire investigation result of manufacturing and import sector, medical organization and medical device dealer shows that the utilization amount of mercury thermometer and mercury sphygmomanometer is still very high. Based on the result of 567 effective questionnaires, it is estimated that about 527,000 mercury thermometers are used per year in whole country, and about 3,700,000 mercury thermometers are stored in the house at present. About 85,000 mercury sphygmomanometers are manufactured and imported per year. About 45,000 of them are exported to foreign countries, and the other 40,000 of them are consumed in the domestic market. Totally, about 3,032 kg of mercury enters the domestic market per year. Due to the substitution technology of mercury thermometer is mature, the inspection standard and technical specification have been established. The domestic firms and users have common understanding. There is restriction experience in foreign countries. It shows the control timing is mature. The EPA has completed the draft of “Restriction for Import, Sales of Mercury Thermometer”, and the promulgation procedure has been completed in October 2007. As for the mercury sphygmomanometer, it is recommended that the restriction measures will not be adopted temporarily, because the inspection standard and technical specification have not been established, and the medical quality will not be influenced.The products such as other measuring equipments, mercury-containing switch, and mercury amalgam (teeth filling agent), and the places such as schools, and hospitals are the subjects for promoting source reduction of mercury-containing products in next stage, through Sino-American technological communication and collection of international management information. As for the mercury thermometer and mercury sphygmomanometer used in the domestic market, they have recycle value, because the mercury weight is large and the mercury purity is high (above 99.99%). The independent waste code shall be given to it for better management. The medical organization shall be declared that do not incorporate it into the infectious industrial waste or general industrial waste for treatment. Item 8, Article 20 of “Storage, Disposal, Treatment Method and Facility Standard of Industrial Waste” shall be used to help and track the firms to enter the heat treatment system, in order to recycle the mercury element.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司