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Title 96年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫空氣污染夜間陳情案件處理計畫
Abstract 本計畫年度各項作業執行至12月31日,共計受理並完成陳情案件稽巡查共1256件以及協助稽巡查1044件,共計2300件,達成本年度目標之575%(2300/400)。其中陳情案件屬於空氣污染類別案件數為562件,佔44.7%(562/1256),各項執行成果摘要如表1 ,各項說明如下:1、民眾陳情案件之受理稽巡查稽巡查各類陳情案件共1256件,其中包括了空氣污染(不含臭味)7件、露天燃燒224件、臭味逸散269件、營建工程62件、噪音案件656件、水污染10件、環境衛生28件。其中以噪音案件數居首,佔總陳情案件數之52.23%,其次為空氣污染陳情案件佔44.7%。統計所受理陳情案件至陳情現場所需花費時間平均15.5分鐘,其中以噪音陳情平均接獲到達現場時間最快為13.1分鐘,空氣污染(不含惡臭)陳情平均為13.6分鐘次之,空氣污染(惡臭)陳情平均為14.4分鐘居第三,露天燃燒陳情平均為16.4分鐘居第四。另外依據「行政院環保署公害陳情系統」民調滿意度調查表所示,本市陳情案件完成調查數共計279件,表示”尚可”者計76件,佔49.67%,其次為”滿意者”計26件,佔16.99%。統計歷年「行政院環保署公害陳情系統」民調滿意度調查結果得知94年至96年民眾回應”非常滿意度”由1.03%上昇至2.39%”,滿意度”由14.38%上昇至16.99%,顯示陳情計畫執行具有良好成效。2、陳情案件分析1.臭味逸散陳情統計分析臭味陳情案件之269件中,民眾陳情以油煙臭味為最多,共計111件佔41.26%,其次為不明情形污染共計53件,佔19.7%,居第三者為動物屎糞味、動物屍體、豬糞味,25件,佔9.29%。以臭味陳情案件發生地點分類,則以則以商家為其主要發生地點,共計 111件,佔41.26%,其次為路口41件,佔15.24%,居第三者為工廠36件,佔13.38%。2.噪音陳情本計畫處理之噪音陳情案件656件中,以噪音的發生源分類,以擴音設施、音樂聲為最多,共計154件,佔23.44%,其次為卡拉OK音響,計125件,佔19.03%,以及機械作業噪音案件,計122件,佔18.57%。以噪音發生地點統計,主要則以商家為其主要發生地點,共計304件,佔46.27%,其次為住家,計125件,佔19.03%。3.露天燃燒陳情分析本計畫受理之露天燃燒案件224件中,露天燃燒發生的地點以不明為最多,計59件,佔26.34%,其次為較空曠無人之空地,計41件,佔18.30%,居第三者為農田計33件佔14.73%。以燃燒物質種類進行分析,其中不明情形為最多計80件,而發現燃燒行為者以露天燃燒燃燒稻草為主要類型,計38件,佔16.96%,其次為廢樹枝葉,計29件,佔12.95%。4.歷年空氣污染陳情案件消長分析彙整本市歷年空氣污染各類陳情案件,其中空氣污染(不含惡臭)由92年207件下降至96年119件,反觀空氣污染(惡臭)由92年160件上昇至96年495件。空氣污染(不含惡臭)以營建工程之陳情案件降幅最大由93年118件下降至96年55件,具管制成效;空氣污染(惡臭)以燃燒行為增幅最大由92年42件增至96年208件,另商業行為之陳情案件也有上昇趨勢,故本市在燃燒行為及商業行為所引起之空氣污染尚有努力空間。3、協助稽巡查管制作業本計畫協助各類案件進行稽巡查1044場次,包含固定源一般性稽查127場次,露天燃燒一般性稽查及複查22場次,露天燃燒重點巡查618場次,噪音一般性巡查209場次,噪音陳情追蹤複查31場次,臭味逸散陳情追蹤複查28場次,營建工程陳情追蹤複查9場次。4、稽巡查改善成果1.露天燃燒重點巡查根據本計畫所擬定露天燃燒重點區域30處,以八掌溪堤防沿岸、自強重劃區大富路與大信路口、彌陀路228紀念碑往嘉義大學方向等此3處稽查發現有廢棄物堆置之外,其餘27處地點皆未發現污染情形,而巡查發現堆置廢棄物處已請清潔隊協助清理。2.空氣污染削減成果本計畫之空氣污染削減量為撲滅露天燃燒行為之削減量,可削減之各項空氣污染物量為TSP:1.82公噸、SOx:0.05公噸、NOx:0.55公噸、CO:12.8公噸、THC:3.45公噸。
EngTitle Air pollution improvement maintenance plan of Jiayi city for 96 year air
EngAbstract AbstractEvery homework is it to December 31, accept and is it give a full account case is it patroll altogether 1256 and help to check and patroll 1044 to check to finish altogether to carry out year such as plan, it is 2300 altogether, reaches 575% of the annual goal of the cost (2300/400). It is 562 that it is counted that the case is the classification case of air pollution that among them give a full account, accounts for 44.7% (562/1256),Several carries out the achievement summary like form 1, several proves as follows: First, the people give a full account the case is accepted and checking patrolling The case amount to 1256 to check all kinds of of patrolling and give a full account, include the air pollution (not include the stink) 7, burning 224, stink ease and distributing 269, building 62 projects, 28 pieces of 10 pieces of 656 noise cases, water pollution, environmental sanitation in the open. Is it occupy piece to count by case with noise among them, is it give a full account 52.23% that the case counted always to account for, secondly give a full account for the air pollution the case accounts for 44.7%. The case spends time for average 15.5 minutes at the necessary scene to giving a full account to count and accept and give a full account, on-the-spot time is most 13.1 minutes fast that among them give a full account and obtain and reach equally with the noise, air pollution (not include stench) Give a full account and take second place for 13.6 minutes on average, air pollution (stench) Give a full account and occupy the third for 14.4 minutes on average, burn and give a full account and occupy the fourth for 16.4 minutes on average in the open. Basis ' executive organ environmental protection administration public hazards give a full account system ' poll satisfaction questionnaire show in addition, this city gives a full account the case finishes investigating it counts and it is 279 altogether, show the one " in line " counts 76, accounting for 49.67%, secondly count 26 for " the satisfied one ", accounts for 16.99%. Count ' executive organ environmental protection administration public hazards give a full account system ' poll satisfaction investigation result learn people react " extraordinary satisfaction " rise by 1.03% from 1994 to 1996 over the years To 2.39% ", satisfaction " rises from 14.38% to 16.99%, show and give a full account that plans to carry out and have good effects. Second, case analysis that give a full account 1.The stink ease breaks up and gives a full account The statistical analysis stink gives a full account in 269 of the case, people is it regard soot stink as most many to give a full account, it is altogether 111 account for 41.26%, add up to 53 for unidentified situation pollution secondly, accounting for 19.7%, it is animal's dung excrement flavor, animal's corpse, pig's excrement flavor to occupy the other person, 25, accounts for 9.29%. The place classification takes place in the case to give a full account with the stink, in order to regard trade company as place of taking place mainly it, it is 111 altogether, take 41.26%, secondly it is 41 crossings, accounts for 15.24%, it is 36 factories to occupy the other person, accounts for 13.38%. 2.The noise gives a full account The noise that this plan deals with gives a full account in 656 cases, with the emergence source classification of the noise, in order to amplify facilities, music sound are for being most, it is 154 altogether, accounts for 23.44%, secondly it is the stereo of the Karaoka disc, counting 125, accounts for 19.03%, and the noise case of mechanical homework, count 122, take 18.57%. Count the place with the noise, regard trade company as it and happen in the place mainly mainly, it is 304 altogether, take 46.27%, secondly it is a household, count 125, take 19.03%. 3.Burn and give a full account in the open The ones that analyse a plan and accept are in 224 open-air burning cases, burn place that take place with most, count 59, take 26.34% in the open, secondly it is more spacious nobody's vacant lot, count 41, take 18.30%, it accounts for 14.73% counting 33 for the farmland to occupy the other person. Analyse in order to burn the material kind, the unidentified situation, in order to count 80 at most among them, and find the person who burns behavior regards burning the straw the main type in the open as, counting 38, accounts for 16.96%, secondly in order to abolish the branch leaf, count 29, take 12.95%. 4.Growth and decline analysis of the case that the air pollution gives a full account over the years Remit whole this city air pollution all kinds of give a full account case over the years, air pollution among them (suck stench) 207 drop to 119 in 1996, review the air pollution from 1992 (stench) Rise from 160 in 1992 to 495 in 1996. Air pollution (not include stench) In order to build to give a full account case to be decreasing amplitude most heavy 118 drop to 1996 55 from 1993 project, in charge of making the result; Air pollution (stench) Increase in order to burn greatest 42 from 1992 of increasing degree behaviors by 208 to 1996, the case of giving a full account of another conduct of business has the tendency to rise too, so the air pollution caused to burn the behavior and conduct of business is still having space hard in this city. Third, help to check and patroll and manage the manufacturing This plan helps all kinds of cases to check and patroll 1044 sessions, include 127 sessions of general check of regular source, burn general check and reexamine 22 sessions in the open, burn and patroll 618 sessions especially in the open, patrolling 209 sessions generally in noise, the noise gives a full account and tracks that 31 sessions are reexamined, the stink ease breaks up and gives a full account to track that 28 sessions are reexamined, build the project and give a full account and track that 9 sessions are reexamined. Fourth, check and patroll the achievement of improving 1.Burn and patroll especially in the open Draft according to this plan that burns 30 key areas in the open, with eight palm small stream dykes, improve oneself person who draw again outside heavy rich way and large letter crossing, Amitabha Buddha way 228 monument is it is it have offal pile and put to find to check by university direction,etc. three this Chiayi, 27 over place its find pollution situation all, is it is it is it put offal office ask cleaning squad to help to clear up to pile to find to patroll. 2.The air pollution cuts down the achievement The cutting down amount of air pollution of this plan, in order to put out the cutting down amount that burns the behavior in the open, the pollutant amount of every air that can be cut down is TSP: 1.82 metric tons, SOx: 0.05 metric tons, NOx: 0.55 metric tons, CO: 12.8 metric tons, THC: 3.45 metric tons.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 竫豐工程企業有限公司