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Title 空氣品質監測資料蒐集系統功能提升與整合專案計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫執行期限自民國95年12月起至96年11月止,本計畫主要分為空氣品質監測網系統功能提昇與南北超級測站系統整合兩部分。空氣品質監測網系統功能提昇主要為改進及新增目前空氣品質監測網之系統功能,其項目包含校正功能提升、資料蒐集功能提升、時間同步、六秒值上傳及整合、使用者權限功能之彈性設定、所有測站狀況總表自動EMAIL發送功能、新增風速風向整小時之向量平均等。其原則為必須在不影響空氣品質監測資料之蒐集、發布,並在符合本計畫目標下,進行各項功能強化或新增。南北超級測測系統整合主要目的為將北部(新莊)超級測站整合至現有之南部超級測站系統中,本系統整合工作項目包含:建置測站伺服器、建置資料蒐集及處理系統、建置資料儲存系統、網頁查詢及設定、資料傳輸至中心端、中心端系統及網頁整合等。其主要目的為將新莊超級測站與現有之輔英、潮州、前鎮及橋頭四個測站整合為一個單一網路查詢介面之系統,使得同一套伺服器可接收輔英、潮州、前鎮、橋頭及新莊超級測站之資料,並提供上網查詢。本計畫執行後之成果已經大幅增進校正功能之成功率及資料蒐集之穩定度,並且將南部超級測站與北部超級測站整合成一個單一的超級測站系統。
EngTitle Air Quality Data Acquisition System Enhancement and Integration Of South And North Super Site.
EngAbstract This project was designed and implemented from December 2006 to November 2007. This project was planned to improve and add new functions to the existing Air Quality Data Acquisition System and integrated the separated North and South Super Site system into one unified system. The enhancements for the Air Quality Data Acquisition System includes calibration function improvement, data collection enhancement, time synchronization, six-second data upload and integration utility, user privilege management, auto email the status of all stations everyday, new Wind-Speed and Wind-Direction vector average for whole hour, etc. The principle of the implementation is any modifications or additions can not influence the operations of the current existing system. The North and South Super Site system integration is to integration north super site with the existing south super site into one server and one web-based system, The main items of this part include to build a local station server, a data collection and processing system, a local database and web server system, and transmit data to center server and integration with the center server’s database system and web-based system. The main purpose of the super sites integration is to integrate the Shin-Juang super site station with the existing Fu-Ying, Chau-Jou, Chian-Jen and Chiau-Tou super site stations. After the integration, all super sites will use the same database and web server and provided the same web-based interface to control and query data. This project promoted dramatically the functionality of calibrations and data collections and successfully integrated the south and north super site system into one united system.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 德凌資訊股份有限公司