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Title 室內空氣品質自主管理推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容包含(一)調查國內重要公共場所之室內空氣品質現況。(二)建置室內空氣品質監測儀器驗證體系。(三)建置室內空氣品質自主管理及改善輔導體系。完成之工作成果摘要如下:(一)建置室內空氣品質監測儀器驗證體系1、參考環保署研訂之「室內空氣品質監測儀器管理指引」初稿,建立室內空氣品質直讀監測儀器的驗證體系,包括各種直讀式儀器原理、驗證方法及施行步驟。驗證之方式則是以標準氣體測試直讀式儀器。同時研訂各類型直讀儀器之各項參數允收標準。2、蒐集了9大類23種直讀式儀器,以上述之直讀式儀器驗證體系中規定的驗證方法進行驗證,驗證之結果發現在甲醛及臭氧的部分,本計畫所蒐集到的直讀式儀器皆無法通過允收參數標準。3、在環境模擬實驗室中模擬出不同溫濕度環境,再以上述之9大類23種直讀式儀器,進行空氣污染物採樣,並將直讀儀器採樣結果與同時間以公告方法採樣所得的結果進行比對。比較之後發現兩者數據在甲醛、臭氧、TVOC與懸浮微粒這5種物種的差異頗大。若公告方法之檢測濃度可視為標準氣體,則上述直讀儀器之結果皆無法通過參數允收標準。4、舉辦1場次為期1天「室內空氣品質監測儀器驗證體系說明會」,將本計畫所訂定出之驗證方法,允收參數之標準以及所有之驗證結果對各儀器商、環境檢測業者做說明。(二)調查國內重要公共場所室內空氣品質現況1、建置完成對公共場所建築物及其室內環境品質調查之標準作業程序。同時以此程序針對國內100家重要公共場所之室內空氣品質進行現況之訪查,公共場所依所屬建築物類型不同而分做10大類。並藉由訪查之便向公共場所業主宣導自主管理之概念,並鼓勵各公共空間參與室內空氣品質自主管理。2、建置室內空氣品質檢測之標準作業流程,針對上述之100家其中50家已受訪之公共場所進行檢測,並就訪查與檢測之結果提出分析與建議:(1)結合訪查資料與檢測結果,分析國內各類型場所之主要好發性室內空氣品質污染物,提出各類型公共場所應優先管制之室內空氣污染物種順序建議。(2)就訪查所得之直讀與公告檢測數據作分析,藉此討論直讀式儀器在空氣品質管制上,是否可作為公告方法之替代方案。(3)檢討訪查與檢測之標準流程,並與去年度同性質不同執行方法之計畫做比較,尋求最節省成本,同時最具代表性之作法以供後續相關計畫執行。(三)建置室內空氣品質自主管理及改善輔導體系1、蒐集彙整國外室內空氣品質之自主管理作法,並以「管理因子」、「管理範圍」、「管理時效」、「管理人員訓練」及「分級制度」五個方面對各國之空氣品質管理制度應用於國內時之衝擊性做評估。2、以實際量化的方式來計算目前若國內實施自主管理時所需支付的管理成本,並將管理成本分為「設置IAQ專責人員成本」、「培訓IAQ專責人員成本」及「IAQ檢測成本」三大類作分析。3、蒐集彙整國內外室內空氣品質之處理改善技術,並從「污染源頭控制」及「有效通風稀釋」這兩大分類來評估國內未來可行之改善技術。4、挑選2家公共場所進行室內空氣品質改善工程的實驗驗證,並就改善主體對象之類型、改善工程對室內空氣品質實際提升之影響量,以及整個改善工程所得之效益做說明未來應用上的可行性程度。5、舉辦了1場次為期1天的「室內空氣品質自主管理與改善處理技術評估說明會」,在會中向來自各處對室內空氣品質自主管理有興趣的民眾,就本計畫所進行的2場改善驗證工程作成果的展示,並就改善工程所能得到之效益逐一分析,鼓勵民眾參與自主管理活動。
EngTitle Promotion in Voluntary Program of Indoor Air Quality
EngAbstract This project consists of three parts of tasks: (1) investigating the indoor air quality of the major public domains; (2) setting up the verification system for indoor air quality portable instruments; (3) setting up the self-management and amendment system. The outcome is abbreviated as follow:1. Investigating the indoor air quality of the major public domains(1) The standard procedure of IAQ inspection was established and applied to 100 major public domains. The public domains were classified into 10 categories and were visited for collection of basic data and the encouragement of their participation of EPA’s self-management activities.(2) The standard procedure of IAQ monitoring was also established and applied to 50 major public domains. Our experiences on the investigation and monitoring gave the following aspects of recommendations:a. The priority of IAQ species control for each category of public domains.b. The feasibility of portable instruments used as the surrogate of standard methods.c. Searching the cost-saving monitoring procedure by comparison of the current monitoring procedure with that adopted in the last year.2. Setting up the verification system for indoor air quality portable instruments(1) Referring to the EPA’s “Management Guideline of Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Instrument”, this project have set up the verification system for indoor air quality portable instruments, including the principles, methodologies and procedures for various portable instruments. The method of verification is to test portable instruments using standard span gas and then to determine the allowable standards for each parameters.(2) We collected 23 portable instruments of 9 categories and verified them using the above methods. The results showed that for all portable instruments we collected the formaldehyde and ozone could not pass the allowable standards.(3) The collected 23 portable instruments were also tested in the ‘Environmental Simulation Chamber’, which is able to set up various humidity and temperature, and applied to the realistic public domains, monitoring the indoor air quality with the ‘standard methods’ in the same period. Comparing the monitoring results from portable instruments and standard methods, we found that the differences were significant for formaldehyde, ozone, TVOC, PM10 and PM2.5. If the results of the standard methods were served as the comparative basis, the deviation of this five species did not pass the allowable standards.(4) An ‘workshop of the verification system for indoor air quality portable instruments’ was held for the agents of monitoring instruments and commercial laboratories to demonstrate the verification system and the allowable standards of this project.3. Setting up the self-management and amendment system(1) We collected the foreign self-management documents and analyzed their impacts to our country in five aspects : management, scope, efficiency, training, classification.(2) Using real data to quantify the cost of self-management, which were divided into three parts: employment cost of IAQ inspector, training cost of IAQ inspector and cost of IAQ monitoring.(3) We collected the IAQ treatment and improvement technologies, classifying them as two categories of ‘source control’ and ‘ventilation dilution’, and access their applicability in the future.(4) Two public domains were selected to conduct IAQ improvement engineering. The engineering feasibility is accounted for the types of targets, improvement of air quality and benefits of the improvement.(5) An ‘workshop of the IAQ self-management and amendment system’ were held for people concerning IAQ. The IAQ improvement engineering of two cases in this project is demonstrated for the benefits. The participants are encouraged to join the EPA’s activities of self-management.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 景丰科技股份有限公司