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Title 96年度包裝減量推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫藉由宣導活動與提供諮詢,成功協助推動第二階段限制產品過度包裝法令。分析各環保局稽查結果與包裝檢驗機構產品包裝檢驗結果,限制產品過度包裝法令已獲致良好執行成效。此外,本計畫經由辦理綠色設計評選活動與綠色設計研習活動,營造包裝綠色設計風潮。本計畫蒐集分析各國包裝法令與歐盟包裝廢棄物指令基本要求事項實施情形顯示,推動包裝綠色設計時應依循各國國情需求,研擬適合當地包裝設計領域與產業需求的包裝綠色設計推動方式,並兼顧包裝技術的創新與產品市場行銷考量。同時,鼓勵產業自發性的措施有助包裝綠色設計工作的推動與行政管理成本的降低。因此,未來推動我國包裝綠色設計的工作模式上,建議採循序漸進方式,依據歐盟基本要求事項精神,擴大產品供應鏈參與層面,務實策略逐步推動包裝綠色設計,本計畫並提出包裝綠色設計推動方案(草案)與其評估程序,提供未來工作推動參考。
EngTitle FY2007 Product Packaging Prevention Project
EngAbstract To successfully implement the second stage of Excessive Product Packaging (EPR) restriction enforcement, related promotion actions and consulting assistance services are provided. Hence, the local implementation agencies′inspection results and packaging examination records show high conformity of designated product packaging. For further packaging green design promotion, a series of packaging green design campaigns and packaging green design workshops were held to evoke packaging green design trend. Furthermore, the implementation of Essential Requirement of EU’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive is investigated. The studies demonstrate the importance of localized strategy in packaging green design because of different concerns of every nation. A flexible strategy for packaging green design with product marketing and packaging innovation considerations is necessary and importance. Any voluntary measure initiated by packaging industry might be helpful in product packaging green design and reduction of regulation enforcement cost. A step-by-step implementation model under EU Essential Requirement’s framework is recommended for further Taiwan packaging green design work. The implementation proposal and the draft packaging evaluation procedure draft are proposed for further work reference.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 永發環境科技管理有限公司