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Title 環保法規標準化英譯及法規雙語網站檢索系統暨軟體維護
Abstract 本專案『環保法規標準化英譯及法規雙語網站檢索系統資料暨軟體維護專案工作計畫』係為營造英語生活環境,因應全球化及國際化需求,依行政院頒布之全國法規英譯作業規範辦理環保法規英譯及環保法規雙語網站建置工作,並將環保法規通用術語及專業術語予以標準化納入資料庫,期望因雙語化環境之建置,能與外界建立良好的溝通互動管道,並達到環保法規全球化、無紙化及資訊化之環境。
EngTitle ROC Environmental Law Standardized Translation and Bilingual Web Search System Data and Software Maintenance Project
EngAbstract The Environmental Law Standardized English Translation and Bilingual Law Website Search and Software Project was implemented as part of Taiwan's effort to create an English living environment and address the need for enhanced international communication on environmental topics. Conducted in accordance with national English translation standards for laws and regulations as well as accessibility and bilinguality standards for web development as established by the Research, Evaluation and Development Commission, the project greatly increased the number of ROC environmental laws and regulations available in English and further added to the corpus of standardized terminology. The original Chinese laws, English translations and corresponding lexical data was also put into a database and made available online in a convenient bilingual format. The resulting website is expected to provide an effective channel and information-rich interactive platform for local and international communication on Taiwan's environmental laws.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 法規會
ExecutingOrg 精粹有限公司