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Title 南太島國氣候變遷衝擊調適國際合作
Abstract 繼2006年9月4日我國陳總統與南太平洋六個友邦總統(吉里巴斯、馬紹爾群島、諾魯、帛琉、索羅門群島及吐瓦魯)在帛琉首府科羅市共同簽署「帛琉宣言」,領袖們同意共同舉行臺灣與太平洋友邦環境部長會議。因此臺灣環保署特別於今年7月25日至7月28日在台北圓山大飯店召開「2007臺灣與太平洋友邦環境部長會議」,此次與會的南太平洋國家計有吉里巴斯、馬紹爾群島、諾魯、帛琉、索羅門群島等5國友邦之環境部會首長及資深官員等抵台與會、共襄盛舉。會議期間我國環保署陳署長重信與外賓共同討論有關氣候變遷及永續環境發展相關議題外,並於會後召開中外記者會,由我國環保署長與各友邦部長共同發表會議共識結論。另外,本次會議期間,亦安排多項技術參訪及文化參訪,除令外賓對我國之氣候變遷與環保之推動有進一步之認識,更希望外賓們能感受我國人之文化及熱情。此次部長會議主要是討論在因應全球氣候變遷衝擊、調適與脆弱度及永續環境發展之架構下,推動我國與南太平洋友邦國家氣候變遷與環保之國際合作計畫,以建立國家間環境保護長期對話機制;推展環境資源管理、海洋污染管制、廢棄物處理及永續發展之技術交流與經驗分享;強化因應氣候變遷之能力建構,發展推動衝擊調適合作計畫。因此未來推動臺灣與南太平洋友邦之合作計畫,將著重於廢棄物處理、水質保護及氣候變遷衝擊與調適等三大方向。其中廢棄物處理將包含掩埋、儲存、焚化、資源回收分類、教育訓練等課題;水質保護將涵蓋水質檢測、海洋污染防制等議題;氣候變遷衝擊與調適則注重於探討氣候變遷對於雨水貯集與再利用系統、地下水質與水量、及南島珊瑚之衝擊與調適策略。本計畫已針對南太平洋友邦之地下水資源、珊瑚礁及雨水貯集再利用等議題規劃適切可行之氣候變遷相關合作方案,供環保署參考運用。另外並以SWOT分析臺灣之優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,提出國際合作策略之建議。
EngTitle International cooperation program of the South Pacific islands on climate change
EngAbstract Six presidents from South Pacific States (the Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Nauru, Republic of Palau, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu) and President Chen signed the Palau Declaration in Koror City, the capital of the Republic of Palau, on September 4th ,2006. Following the Palau Declaration, the leaders of Taiwan and our allied states thus agreed to launch a Taiwan-Pacific Environmental Ministerial Meeting. The Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration(TEPA) hold the「2007 Taiwan-Pacific Allies Environmental Ministerial Meeting」at the Grand Hotel, Taipei, on July 25th to 28th, 2007. The Environmental Ministers and senior officials from the Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Nauru, Republic of Palau, and Solomon islands all participated in the meeting. During the meeting, Minister Dang of TEPA and Ministers of the Southern Pacific Allies gave statement on issues concerning climate change and sustainable environmental development. A joint conclusion was announced in the post-meeting press release. Besides, some technical and culture tours were arranged to show the honored guests not only the promotion of climate change and environmental protection by Taiwan, but also the culture and hospitality of our country.The Ministerial Meeting focus on discussing the promotion of international cooperation projects of climate change and sustainable environmental development that contains long-term dialogue on environmental protection among the States; sharing techniques and experiences of implementation of environmental resources management, marine pollution control, waste management, and sustainable development; capacity building for climate change response, and development and implementation of cooperative programs on impacts and adaptation. The cooperative projects between Taiwan and the Allied States will focus on waste management, water quality protection, and impacts and adaptation of climate change. The waste management will cover landfill, storage, incineration, recycling and educational training; water quality protection will include water quality testing and marine pollution control; the impacts and adaptation of climate change focus on rain water harvesting system, quality and amount of groundwater, and impacts to coral reef and adaptation strategies.Three cooperative projects concerning the groundwater resources management, coral reef and rainfall harvesting in the south pacific allies are provided. International cooperative strategies are also proposed using SWOT to analyze the strength, weakness, opportunity and threaten of Taiwan.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣大學