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Title 「空氣污染物排放清冊更新管理及空氣品質質損量推估」專案工作計畫
Abstract 排放量資訊為空氣污染管制上重要的背景資料,為掌握其趨勢,全國空污排放清冊的更新原規劃為每三年進行一次,前一版[TEDS6.1]全國排放量資料庫是以92年為基準年所建置的排放量(去年度完成)。此機制下更新的排放量離現況通常會有三至四年之時差,較無法反應出近況實際排放狀況,故本年度計畫針對此更新機制重新進行檢討,考量排放量的需求目地,將排放量之更新依資料解析度分為短期月排放變化、年度縣市排放量及每三年一次解析至網格之基準年排放量等三類。本年度所執行的更新即是屬年度縣市排放量的修正,概估出前一年度95年的排放量,並據以修正預測未來年排放趨勢,試算比較不同減量情境的減量成效,提供未來管制重點方向之建議。針對下一版本三年一次基準年排放量的更新先期作業上,主要進行重要污染類別排放量不確定性的探討與補充調查,包括車行揚塵與河床裸露逸散排放等類別,以提昇下一版本排放量的完整性及正確性。除排放量資料更新外,本年度其他工作項目尚包括減量控制成本的檢討修正,據以重新計算修正空氣品質質損量;引進美國環保署建立之空氣污染控制成本資料庫系統(ACN),未來可輔助應用於空氣污染管制策略的研擬;提供主計處編撰綠色國民所得帳之空氣品質質損相關資料、縣市SIP考核空氣品質改善指標分數統計及排放清冊查詢網頁資料更新等行政支援工作。
EngTitle Update and Management of Air Pollution Emission Inventory and Estimation for Air Pollution Degradation
EngAbstract Emissions data are essential background information for air pollution control. In order to monitor the trend of emissions data, the National Air Pollution Emission Inventory is updated, as originally planned, every three years. With this schedule, however, even the most recently updated emissions data are three to four years old and do not reflect current air pollution emission conditions. For instance, the last version of the national emissions database (TEDS 6.1) completed last year was based on the emissions data of 2003. Hence, the update schedule for emissions data is revised in this fiscal year and divided according to data resolution into the following three categories to better satisfy the use of emissions data: short-term update for monthly variation of emissions data, annul update for city/county emissions data, and tri-annual update for base-year emissions data in grid resolution. The update program to be executed in this fiscal year is the annual update for city/county emissions data. More specifically, the emissions data of the last fiscal year (2006) was estimated and was used to correct and predict the emissions trend in the coming years. Additionally, the results of emission reduction under different reduction scenarios were compared and served as a reference for drafting control directives in the future. Also, discussions and supplementary survey on the uncertainty of emissions data of major pollution sources, such as fugitive dust from paved roads and from exposed riverbeds, were conducted as a preparatory work for the next tri-annual update for base-year emissions data to increase completeness and correctness thereof. Apart from updating the emissions data, this year’s study also include: review and revision of cost per ton reduced, so as to re-assess air degradation; and introduction of AirControlNET (ACN), a database tool developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for conducting air pollution control cost analysis, so as to assist in the planning of air pollution control strategies. Furthermore, in support of the administrative affairs, data related to air degradation was provided to the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics for calculating the Green GDP and assistance in assessing air quality improvement scores for city/county SIP assessment system and updating the emissions inventory website.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中鼎工程股份有限公司