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Title 環保政策風險管理發展計畫
Abstract 政府的組織及政策需要保護人民不受傷害,因此風險管理工作,不管是對於民眾安全或是對於組織運作順暢,都有其必要。環境危機促使政府相關單位擬定計畫與政策,以降低風險的產生。本團隊在既有環保政策風險管理發展架構上,持續依循整體緊急風險管理鍊的概念,擬定環保政策風險管理機制與執行程序,辦理輔導訪視與諮詢服務共16場與全國環保機關說明會1場,舉行風險管理中高階主管研習班共126人參加,並進行風險管理資訊系統維護與管理。有鑑於本計畫的執行期程,工作項目上以風險項目範圍辨識及風險分析部份為主體,並明顯感受到署內風險文化的逐步成形。大多數的中高階主管皆認同此新思維推廣的必要性,並表示未來將逐步在各自單位更積極的推動。根據風險觀念之整體性架構,建議未來朝持續強化環保署風險文化、擬定全署政策風險管理標準作業程序與建置風險與危機管理演習體系的主軸發展。
EngTitle The Study of the Risk Management System to the Environmental Protection Policy
EngAbstract The goals of governmental organizations and policies are to protect people from being harmed. Therefore, the risk management works, both for public safety and for the continuity of the organizations, are actually in need. The growing of environmental crises drives governmental agencies to draw plans and policies for coping with possible risks. There are some actual achievements from the operation of this project. According to current structure of environmental protection agency, this study drawn up the risk management mechanism from lining up the structures of emergency management chain, including risk management, disaster management and consequence management. The concepts of hazard-risk-vulnerability analysis and continuity operation are also applied to this study. Besides, 16 counseling meetings of risk management, 2 classes of risk management for middle- and high-levels officials, and one national-wide dissemination meeting for local environmental protection agencies have been held. Furthermore, the maintenance of information system to environmental protection policy risk management was also done in this project.Because of the limitation of project duration and budget, this project was operated fully concentrated on the identification and assessment of risks in the agency. The culture of risk management is growing obviously during the implementation. Most of the section chiefs and leaders aware the importances of this work, and promise to promote it in each section. There are also some suggestions, such as the depicting of SOP of the assessment process and the hold of table-top exercises, are also provided by this study.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 瑞鉅災害管理及安全事務顧問股份有限公司