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Title 朴子溪水質改善與生態系生物多樣性變化研析
Abstract 本計畫採用魚類生物完整性指數及整合型環境生態評估架構在朴子溪8個環保署主要監測測站及參考樣站進行4次魚類調查,本計畫在中上游樣站以二高便道橋樣站的平均魚種數9.3、平均隻數211最多,松竹大橋樣站平均魚種數6.3、平均隻數127.5,竹崎大橋樣站平均魚種數5.8、平均隻數162.3,牛稠溪橋樣站平均魚種數4.8、平均隻數47最少;而下游樣站中以東石大橋樣站的平均魚種數7.5最高、平均隻數34.5,月眉潭橋樣站平均隻數184最高,平均魚種數3.8,介壽橋樣站平均魚種數5.3、平均隻數12.5,朴子溪大橋樣站平均魚種數為4.5、平均隻數為10最少。將本計畫結果與2006年朴子溪監測資料比較;2006年資料僅有牛稠溪橋樣站以下魚種數和捕獲隻數,優勢種為尼羅口孵魚、大肚魚和大鱗鮻,牛稠溪橋樣站平均魚種數1.8、平均隻數7.5,月眉潭橋樣站平均魚種數2.8、平均隻數49.8,介壽橋樣站平均魚種數3.5、平均隻數10.3,朴子溪大橋樣站平均魚種數4.0、平均隻數9.3,以上4樣站中;其魚種數和隻數皆比本年調查少,另下游之東石大橋樣站可能使用不同捕捉方式,因此,2006年平均捕獲隻數為61.8,但是平均魚種數較少為4.3。魚種數及隻數較過去調查資料高,可能反應水質的改善。本計畫所發展之魚類生物完整性指數(Fish IBI)可以反應污染梯度的變化,以不同的採樣資料測試,亦可顯示出與污染梯度的相關性。而生態完整性指數(IEI)方面;以魚類生物完整性指數、水質和棲地三項組成,在中上游以松竹大橋、竹崎大橋樣站於三項的分數較高,牛稠溪橋樣站狀況最差;下游樣站以東石大橋樣站分數較高,月眉潭橋樣站最低。水質改善分析顯示,在溶氧方面有增加的趨勢,在生化需氧量方面有降低的趨勢;在氨氮和懸浮固體方面則改變不明顯。在指標魚種方面,分析中上游樣站資料結果顯示可以臺灣鮠和鯽魚的出現與否區分污染狀況,或是以臺灣石(魚賓)為未或稍受污染的指標魚種,雜交尼羅魚和粗首鱲為中度污染的指標魚種,大肚魚和孔雀魚為嚴重污染的指標魚種;因為下游樣站資料大部份為中度污染,無法區分指標魚種。本計畫依照美國環保署的方法發展並測試適用於本區域的魚類生物完整性指數,而非直接套用國外或其他計畫的測項,以水質和棲地發展環境梯度,選擇出與環境梯度相關的魚類生物完整性指數。本計畫建立環境生態監測取樣系統,調查以魚類為主,輔以溪岸植物,測試並發展魚類生物完整性評估指數及其施行方法,測試並發展適用於朴子溪的整合型環境生態評估架構及其施行方法。本計畫建議未來應測試發展出的指數,測試和改進指標魚種。增加其他生物以增進對它們之間的關係與對生態完整性的瞭解,並探討如何在生態環境復育計畫中,找到能顯示改變的生態指標及促進生態的回復。
EngTitle Relationship between the Water Quality Improvement and the Biodiversity Change in the Puzih River Ecosystem
EngAbstract Sampling was conducted at 8 EPA sampling sites and additional selected sites in four seasons. Fish was the primary sampling organisms and riparian plants were also surveyed. In the middle and upper stream sites, the dominant species were Zacco pachycephalus, Acrossocheilus paradoxus, and Rhinogobius candidianu were sampled. The 2nd highway service road bridge had the highest number of average species, 9.3, and average number sampled, 211. The Shongtsu bridge had 6.3 number of species and 127.5 of individuials caught on average. The Tsuchi bridge had 5.8 number of species and 162.3 of individuials caught on average. The newchoshi bridge had 4.8 number of species and 47 of individuials caught on average. In the lower reach sites, the dominant species were Oreochromis sp., Liza macrolepis, and Hypsibarbus pierrei. The dongshi bridge had 7.5 of average number of species and 34.5 of fish caught. The Yueimeitan bridge had 3.8 of average number of species and 184 of fish caught. The Cheishow bridge had 5.3 of average number of species and 12.5 of fish caught. The Putzih bridge had 4.5 of average number of species and 10 of fish caught. The 2006 monitoring data have only data below the newchoshi bridge and number of fish caught. The dominant species were Oreochromis niloticus, Gambusia affinis, and Liza macrolepis. The newchoshi bridge had 1.8 number of species and 7.5 of individuials caught on average. The Yueimeitan bridge had 2.8 number of species and 49.8 of individuials caught on average. The Cheishow bridge had 3.5 number of species and 10.3 of individuials caught on average. The Putzih bridge had 4 number of species and 9.3 of individuials caught on average. In these four sites, the 2006 survey caught less number of fish and number of species than our project. In the dongshi bridge, the 2006 survey used different sampling mthod and had a higher number of fish caught, 61.8, but had less number of species caught, 4.3.The developed Fish IBI, correlated with environmental gradients, can be used to assess human disturbance. The index of ecological integrity (IEI) was composed of Fish IBI, water quality, and habitat indices. Radar plots was used to exhibit IEI, which provided more complete information on each station. The results of analyzing water quality trend indicated that DO was elevating and BOD was decreasing.The developed fish IBI, followed the protocol of US EPA, was correlated with environmental gradients and can be used to assess human disturbance. The fish IBI gave a satisfactory results after tested with data from different months. The index of ecological integrity (IEI) was composed of Fish IBI, water quality, and habitat indices. Radar plots was used to exhibit IEI, which provided more complete information on each station. The results of analyzing water quality trend indicated that DO was elevating and BOD was decreasing. Only limited fish data were available from past survey, which impeded comparison. Comparing with previous data, our results showed more numbesr of fish species for most sites, indicating a possible response to water quality improvement. Fish monitoring requires the same protocol for data comparison. Monitoring reports need to show tables of fish species and abundance for future analysis. We also derived indicator species with two statistical methods. For future development, this project suggests that developed index and indicator species need to be further tested within the ecoregion, indices of different group of taxa may improve our assessment of stream ecosystems, and evaluation of choices of proper indicators and fascilating recovery for stream restoration projects need to be understood.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環球技術學院環境資源管理系