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Title 96年度台南縣營建工地及逸散性污染源管制計畫
Abstract 依據台南縣96年度「營建工地及逸散性污染源管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)甄選須知規定,本計畫各項工作執行摘要如表一,各工作項目成果簡要說明如下:一、分析與討論 營建工程污染管制工作除延續歷年工地污染管制工作外,本計畫因應九十三年七月一日『營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法』的施行,故在稽巡查作業上,特別加強管理辦法的查核及輔導,藉由施行的狀況評選出優良工地加以表揚,此外在宣導說明會上也針對管理辦法加以宣導說明之,另在空氣品質維護上加強洗掃街認養的部份。計畫執行至97年8月8日止之執行成果,達成合約規範應完成工作項目預定目標100%以上。二、主要工作內容1.計畫期間共計執行營建工地巡查7094件(含假日巡查1003件),查核結果相關資料均建置於「行政院環境保護署營建工地污染管制及收費管理資訊系統」中。2.經統計台南縣96/8/1至97/7/31止共計有6,586個工程施工,經推估其所產生的原始排放量總計為6337.27噸,平均月排放量為528.16T/月。經污染管制後實際排放量總計為3547.38噸,平均污染削減率為44.02%;其中列管的2359個工地之排放量佔總排放量之87.69%。3.計畫期間共計完成2場次的營建宣導說明會及印製300份的宣導手冊,「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」九十六年十月二十四日修正,會議中特針對修正部份加以說明。4. 96年8月1日至97年07月31日空污費收入統計,共計有4,895件工程申繳空污費,總收入為55,177,734元,申報金額最高為4,952,527元(R96S4044東西向快速公路臺南關廟線臺南仁德段第C822標2-11號道路至臺1線路段工程。5.目前台南縣環保局延續上年度便民單一服務窗口,平均一件十分鐘即可辦理完成。且於台南縣歸仁縣府南區服服中心有第二個空污費申繳便民窗口。6.計畫執行期間共計有22處營建工地配合進行道路洗掃認養,認養道路總長度為17,175公尺,截至97年7月31日止洗掃執行總長度為8590.38公里(包含洗街4,295.19公里、掃街4,295.19公里),其TSP削減量約為118.55公噸(PM10削減量約為22.33公噸)。7.計畫執行期間(96/08~97/7)針對縣內營建工程施工機具油品進行抽測作業,共計抽驗39台施工機具,其中20台施工機具經本計畫抽驗人員判別油品顏色、氣味有異而送驗分析,其檢測結果共計3台超過法規標準(50ppmw),抽驗不合格率約為7.7%;而送驗不合格率則為15%。8.96年度二期稻作期間露天燃燒發現件數共計有600件(經巡查人員現場撲滅有216件),其中稻草露天燃燒件數為578件、植物-其他類(主要為雜草)為16件、樹枝葉則為6件,其燃燒量為698.14公噸,滅火之抑制量為122.62公噸,抑制率為17.56%。9.推廣勿露天燃燒稻草概念至農會契作班與碾米場,截至97/8共計有芳榮稻米產銷專業區等7個單位已同意配合實施(因德昌米廠需98年1月才納入契作合約中,故不列入統計),稻作面積總計約665.8公頃,契作農戶約577位,其推估可抑制約3994.8公噸之燃燒量。10.今年度計畫執行期間主要是以都會區、人口密集區、重要道路(如台1線及台19線)之裸露地調查為主,目前共計新增調查48筆裸露地,新增列管面積為69.67公頃,TSP排放量約24.67公噸/年。在裸露地改善方面共計完成22筆裸露地改善,其改善面積共計有35.98公頃,其中改幹面積最大者之鄉鎮為永康市之8.53公頃。11.計畫期間共計完成3場次的紙錢減量集中燃燒宣導說明會(1場減量,2場集中燃燒宣導),會中除說明紙錢減量的重要性外,亦推廣中元普渡紙錢集中活動。12.中元普渡紙錢集中活動截至8/17為止,共計有82個單位配合實施(其中包含廟宇7家、營建工地33處、社區17處、公家單位11處、民眾5處、公司行號9處);共計收集運載10980kg。
EngTitle Management Plan of Construction Sites and Fugitive Emission, Tainan County, 2007.
EngAbstract Acoording to evaluation regulation of “Management Plan of Construction Sites and Fugitive Emission” (hereafter called this project), Tainan County, 2007. The execution abstract of this project is listed as Table 1 which issuing the briefly description of each outcome of the project:1. Analysis and DiscussionThe plan of Construction site’s pollution control is not only inline with the project standard, but also assists “Management of Construction site’s Air Pollution preventing facilities” that issues on July 1, 2004. Due to patrol work, we specially enhance on management’s reviewing and counseling. From the condition of progress, we selected the excellent construction site to be awarded. Moreover, we introduced and illustrated the importance of management issue on the propagandist conference. On the issue of maintaining the air quality, we encouraged volunteers to adopt roads and clean the street dust. We have accomplished 100 % execution that is over our expecting tagart during this project to August 8, 2008.2. Main Working Conatins:1. During this project period, we patrolled 7094 times on construction sites (included holiday patrolled 1003 times). Moreover, the result of patrol was filed into “Information System of Constuction Site’s Pollution management and Fee Collecting management, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan”.2. From August 1, 2007 to July 31, 2008, there were total 6586 sites under the constuction in Tainan County. The Estimation of fugitive emission was 6337.27 tons, which averaged 528.16 tons per month. After proceeding the polltion controlling management, the actual amount of emission was reduced to 3547.38 tons, the average percentage of reduction was 44.02%. Among the 2359 constuction sites which under the management plan was contained the 87.69% total emission.3. We held two constuciton prapagadize conference and printed out 300 prapagadize handbook during this project. In the conference, we specially illustrated the amendment according to “Management Plan of Construction Site’s Air Pllution Preventing Facities” which was revised on Oct. 24, 2007 4. The air pollution fees collecting statistic from Aug. 1, 2007 to July 31, 2008 is showed as the followings: Total number of constrcution sites declared the air pollution fees: 4895. Total revenue: 55,177,734 NT dollars. Highest amount of declaration: 4,952,527 NT dollars (R96S4044 Tainan-Rende section, Tainan-Guanmiao. Line of East-West Expressway System No. C822.Starts from 2-11 road in the west and ends at Provincial Highway No.1 in the east.)5. Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County continue the service window from last year. The average proceeding time is around 10 minutes per cases. Now, Tainan county government’s southern service center is also provided second service window in Gueiren township. 6. There were 22 construction sites assisted on adopting road dust cleaning during this project period. The total length of adoption road are 17,175 meters. The total length of street cleaning is 8590.38 kilometer by July 31, 2008 (included street scrubing 4,295.19 kilomete, street sweeping 4,295.19 kilometer). The amount of TSP reduction is 118.55 tons (amount of PM10 reduction is 22.33 tons). 7. We directed the construction sites in Tianan County for random testing on construction machines’ and tools’ oil. There are 27 construction sites and 39 construction machines and tools under inspection. The inspecting group identfy the unusual oil by the color and small among the 20 machines and tools for the further analysis. Result of the analysis showed 3 machines were over the regulation stardard (50ppmw), the unqualify percentage of random testing is 7.7%, the unqualify percentageof analysis is 15%.8. The total numbers of alfresco combustion were 600 cases which discovered during the second season of rice cultivation in 2007. (216 cases were extinguished by the patrol team members). Among those alfresco combustion, there were 578 straw buring, 16 palnt-others buring (mainly weeds), and 6 tree leaves buring. The total amount of combustion were 698.14 tons, the amount of extinguishing fire were 122.62 tons which made the percentage of restraining alfresci burning to be 17.56%.9. we popularized the concep of non-alfresco straw buring to the contracting and operating uint of farmers’ association and rice husking mill. There were 7 unit agrreded to operated this project up to Jan 1, 2008 which included Fang Rong rice production and marketing. The total contracted farmer were 577 people within 665.8 hectare of farm area. The estimation of restraining combustion amount is around 3994.8 tons.10. This project mainly investigated the uncovered suferace on metropolital area, heavy popullated area, and main road (ex:TAI 1 SIAN and TAI 19 SIAN) during the execuation period. There were 48 uncovered surface added to this project within 69.67 hectares of listed controlling area. The total amounts of TSP emission were 24.67 tons per year. The improvement on the matter of uncover suferace was compeleted up to 22 cases that included improving area of 35.98 hectares. 11. During the project period, there were 3 prapagadize conference which illustrated the importance of reducing the praying cash combustion and centralizing combustion. Moreover, we popularized a acitivity of centralizing praying cash collecting on The Chungyuan Festival (Chinese Halloween). 12. The activity of centralizing praying cash collecting on The Chungyuan Festival (Chinese Halloween).was ended Aug 17, 2008. There were total 82 units cooperated this activity which included 7 temples, 33 constrcution sites, 17 commnunities, 11 pubic orgaizations, 5 people service sites, and 9 corperations. The total amounts of praying cash collecting is around 10980kg
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 堃捷工程股份有限公司