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Title 逸散污染源粒狀物染物管制推動及檢討計畫
Abstract 懸浮微粒(PM10)及臭氧(O3)為造成我國空氣品質不良的主要污染物種,環保署自93年起推動逸散污染源粒狀污染物管制工作,期藉由行政管制及經濟誘因制度推動,降低粒狀污染物排放,以達改善空氣品質之目的。本計畫協助修正「營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」及「空氣污染防制費收費辦法」,並研擬「固定污染源逸散性粒狀污染物空氣污染防制設施管理辦法」草案及「營建工程空氣污染防制費收費費率」修正草案,健全固定污染源逸散性粒狀物管制相關法令及制度。農業操作建議採積極型活動、被動型活動、農家庭院區、車輛行駛軌跡、未鋪面路面及原料倉等六類管制策略。民俗活動燃燒建議以殯儀館、大型寺廟及靈骨塔為優先管制對象,紙錢燃燒最佳可行性控制技術優先順序為濕式洗滌塔、旋風集塵設備及袋濾集塵設備。台灣地區地表主要裸露區域為河川高灘地, 11大河川高灘地合計為1萬6千公頃,佔河域面積63.3﹪。協助執行環保署96年及97年縣市逸散污染源管制執行績效考評作業,總計查獲51件違反空氣污染防制法案件。協助推動逸散源污染管制工作,有效改善空氣品質及降低民眾陳情案件,全國懸浮微粒年平均濃度自93年62.13μg/m3逐年下降,96年平均濃度為59.11μg/m3;民眾陳情粒狀污染物的案件(比例),亦由93年7,803件(22.4﹪)逐年降低,96年發生7,273件(15.2﹪)。
EngTitle Control Strategies for the Fugitive Particulate Emissions
EngAbstract Particulates (PM10) and ozone (O3) are mainly species of air pollution in Taiwan. The Environmental Protection Administration implemented its control strategies for fugitive particulate emissions in 2004. It is expected to reduce particulate emissions with improve the air quality by impetus to conventional administration and economic inducement.This project assists to revise the “Regulations Governing the Management of Construction Air Pollution Control Installations” and the “Air Pollution Control Fee Collection Regulations”. Also draws up the draft concerning with the “Management Regulation of Air Pollution Control Facilities for Fugitive Particulate Emissions form Stationary Sources” and the “Fee Rates for Construction Air Pollution Control”. To perfect the control the related and act for fugitive particulate emissions form stationary sources. The agricultural operation suggestion picks from six types control strategy: activity, inactive, yard area, track-out, unpaved roads and storage piles. Control targets for traditional religious burning is funeral parlor, large religious temples and work properly the bone tower. The best available control technology orders of priority are packed tower, cyclonic and baghouse from the combustion of joss paper Discussion. In Taiwan, the main of bare area is the river alluvion. The sum of area is 16,000 hectares from top 11 rivers alluvion, the river basin occupy 63.3%.Support to the Environmental Protection Administration has also evaluated the performance of local governments on controlling fugitive particulate emissions in 2007 and 2008. Grand total ferrets out 51 cases to violate the air pollution control act. And support to controlling fugitive particulate emissions of fresh impetus to work for effective improvement to air pollution and petition cases from populace. All over the country, the year average concentration of particulate was 62.13μg/m3 from 2004 to drops year by year. And the year average concentration was 59.11μg/m3 from 2007. The rates of petition cases from populace were decrease, had 7,808 cases (22.4%) from 2004 and 7,273 cases (15.2%) from 2004, respectively.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 新紀工程顧問有限公司