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Title 常見樹木淨化苯及甲醛能力之調查評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目的在針對台灣地區空氣品質淨化區主要樹種,進行淨化苯及甲醛能力之評估。供試植物包括樟樹、印度紫檀、烏心石、光臘樹、茄苳、台灣櫸等6種喬木;黃金金露華、杜鵑、馬櫻丹、月桔、仙丹花、朱槿等6種灌木;鵝掌藤、馬拉巴栗、蒲葵、山蘇等4種室內植物。本計畫四項工作及結果如下:(1) 現有植物淨化苯及甲醛資料之蒐集及彙整,已包含影響淨污因素以及淨污樹種之資料。(2) 以儀器量測植物淨化苯及甲醛之能力,結果顯示杜鵑對苯以及月橘和仙丹花對甲醛的淨污力為最佳。(3) 調查光照與樹種等對植物淨化苯及甲醛之影響,已發現部分樹種的淨污力會在遮蔭70%後下降、多數樹種在強光照下的吸收率比黑暗中的吸收率高、不同介質與淨污力彼此間相關性甚小、高濃度CO2對植物的淨污力有抑制作用、多數植物在早上或下午的淨污力高於晚上。(4)綜合評估樹木全年之淨污總量,已依據大氣農度資料完成推估喬木淨污之部份。在各類喬木、灌木、室內植物中,建議對苯淨化最佳之樹種為茄苳、杜鵑、鵝掌藤等,而對甲醛為台灣櫸、杜鵑以及蒲葵。以上所得對於空氣品質淨化區之建構、綠化單位從事行道樹綠化或綠帶綠化者,皆具實際參考及應用之價值。故建議於計畫完成後,適當予以發表於研討會或學術雜誌中,並提供環保署上網公佈,以供各界之應用及參考,以降低都會區之空氣污染。
EngTitle Evaluation of the uptake rate of benzene and formaldehyde by common tree plants in Taiwan
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to evaluate the uptake rate of benzene and formaldehyde by common trees in Taiwan. The tested plant species include 6 trees ( champhor tree, Burma coast padauk, Formosan michelia, Formosan ash, red cedar, and zelkova), 6 shrubs ( golden dewdrop, azalea, common lantana, jasmin orange, Chinese ixora, and South American wax mallow), and 4 indoor plants( umbrella plant, Malabar chestnut, Chinese fan palm, and bird’s nest fern). There are four major tasks included in this one year project: (1) To review all the related literature, including the environmental factors that affect the pollutant uptake rate and the plant species with high pollutant uptake rates; (2) To measure the pollutant uptake rates of both pollutants by all the 16 plant species with instrument; (3) To compare the pollutant uptake rates when plants are exposed in different shading, light intensity, soil medium, biological clock and carbon dioxide conditions; (4) To estimate the yearly uptake rates of benzene and formaldehyde by the tree plant species in the parks in Taiwan. Results showed that benzene is uptaken most effectively by azalea, and formaldehyde is uptaken most effectively by jasmin orange and Chinese ixora. The effects of environmental factors on pollutant uptake rates are: (1) Both pollutant uptake rates are decreased by shadowing, (2) Pollutant uptake rate under higher light intensity is generally higher than in those in lower light intensity, (3) Potting material does not influence the uptake rate, (4) Both pollutant uptake rates are reduced by the elevation of CO2 concentration, and (5) Most plants show higher pollutant uptake during daytime than those in nighttime. The yearly uptake rates of benzene and formaldehyde by the tree plant species have been estimated on the basis of these data. We therefore recommend that residents can grow these plants with higher pollutant uptake rates, such as red cedar, azalea, and umbrella plant are good for benzene uptake, while zelkova, azalea, and Chinese fan palm are good for cleaning the formaldehyde. The results shown in this report are useful especially for Taiwan EPA and other organizations to select the right tree species for growing in polluted areas and neighborhood parks in Taiwan. We suggest that Taiwan EPA should promulgate all these information to the residents and in the web to promote the application of green plants in cleaning the air pollution in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣大學