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Title 96年度臺南縣海域環境監測及海污緊急應變計畫
Abstract 本計畫調查範圍為曾文溪以北海域沿海海域水質,北從台南縣海岸北端之八掌溪河口北側,南至網子寮沙洲外南側。本年度三次的水質調查結果與環保署甲類海域水質標準做比較,除了97年3月份、9月份之生化需氧量有部份超出海域水質標準之情形及97年5月、9月份之總磷少數略高出標準外,其餘皆符合甲類海域水質標準。三次水質合格達成率分別為96.7%、98.3%及94.2%,其中97年9月份之合格率較低主要受生化需氧量測值影響,原因可能受到生活與畜牧方面及來自沿海養殖之水質排放影響,導致此處近岸水體中的生化需氧量略微偏高,無法符合甲類海域水質標準。而黑面琵鷺重要覓食區與活動區五次的水質調查結果與環保署甲類海域水質標準做比較,結果顯示在溶氧部份,97年5月份各測點之溶氧明顯低於前四次測值,且低於海域水質標準之情形,依照附近之高密度養蚵情形判斷,溶氧偏低很有可能是因養蚵所造成。而生化需氧量方面,本區域各測點皆超過甲類海域水質標準,由於沿海有很多的養殖漁業,持續地向潟湖排出有機廢水,造成測值明顯偏高。此外氨氮前兩次採樣測值皆超出甲類海域水質標準,污染來源主要來自養殖魚類的排泄物,或由飼料及排泄物中之有機氮轉換而成。
EngTitle The marine environmental quality and prepare a contingency plan for an oil spill accident and perform a drill
EngAbstract Considering the main estuaries, potential input points of pollutants, coastal ecological sensitive areas such as brackish lagoons and wetlands, 10 water monitoring stations were established in order to effectively monitor the marine environmental quality. The transport of pollutants is dominated by the rise and ebb of tides and the convection and diffusion of ocean currents. Therefore, the sampling locations were top and bottom waters at points within 5 to 10 meter bathymetric depth. The marine water quality monitoring were four times per year, roughly once every season. Monitoring items includes pH, water temperature, conductivity, salinity, transparency, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand (BOD), chlorophyll a, suspended solid (SS), coliform groups, total phosphate, orthophosphate, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, oil & grease, and heavy metal copper, zinc, and mercury. The sediment copper, mercury, cadmium, zinc, chromium, and nickel were also monitored during the first season. A simulated oil spill drill was practiced in this project.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司