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Title 嘉義市96年度空氣品質改善維護計畫-逸散污染源稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫開始執行後先清查歷年未完工之工地,先後自營建工程空氣污染防制費收費小組取得營建工程基本資料計3610筆,篩除已完工之工地,列管工地以排放量較大之工程、有污染之虞、曾受民眾陳情、環保局處分及空氣品質測站附近工地為主。另外並於稽(巡)查管制之過程中進行未申報空氣污染防制費之工地清查提報環保局收費查核組進行催繳。本年度共計實際巡查列管820處營建工地。根據各類營建工程施工面積之統計資料顯示,本年度施工之工地面積共計724,755.5平方公尺,其中重大工程東區有嘉義市公道十三道路工程、嘉義市文雅國民小學校舍新建工程、台灣鐵路更新軌道結構計劃(牛稠溪鋼梁橋改建工程)、吳鳳南路雨水下水道工程(第2級)、雲那裡住宅新建工程、溶劑化學品事業部嘉義廠場址改善工程;西區有嘉義市志航國小95年度老舊暨危險校舍整建工程、中山高速公路員林至高雄拓寬大林新營段第531標工程、永鎮汽車旅館新建工程、嘉義市育人國民小學老舊暨危險教室整建計劃工程、宏都建設股份有限公司文化金鑽店舖住宅新建工程、嘉義市劉厝地區一號公園新建工程(第1級)等。市污染量來源主要為RC建築、道路及其他工程,佔全市TSP年排放量之85.52%,故為本計畫管制之重點所在,本年度因有嘉義市公道十三道路工程等重大工程進行作業,故道路工程之TSP排放量為126.58公噸,亦佔嘉義市TSP排放量之21.5%。經由本計畫人員加強巡查及管制,本年度TSP產生量為589.61公噸,削減量為272.24公噸,削減率達46.17%。在資料庫建檔工作方面可分為文書檔案資料、電腦檔案資料庫2部份,以下將分別摘述說明:一.文書檔案資料文書檔案資料,分為4部份: A.營建工地資料 B.承包單位資料 C.發包單位資料 D.追蹤管制資料。其中承包單位及發包單位之資料較為單純,分別涵蓋其基本資料及其所管轄或承包之工地,至於營建工地資料則包含有基本資料,工程作業時段記錄表、污染稽(巡)查記錄表及稽(巡)查檢查清單等。二.電腦檔案資料庫電腦檔案資料庫之相關工作較為複雜,其所涵蓋之範圍除將文書檔案資料輸入建檔外,尚可執行資料之查詢、統計、排放量推估及報表列印等功能。另外,電腦建檔尚需將數量龐大之電子相簿,依管制編號及日期完整建立電腦檔。在宣導作業方面,本年度已完成2場宣導說明會及1場說明會,所邀集之對象為本市工程之營造商及政府機關等單位。第1場宣導會出席人數73人,第2場宣導會出席人數59人,因出席總人數未達150人次,故加開1場說明會,出席人數41人,總人數合計為173人,達目標100.00%(合約出席人數150人/出席總人數173人)。本年度(至96/12/31止)之各項工作目標數與完成情形詳表摘-1與圖摘-1,各項工作成果摘要說明如下:1.巡查列管820處之營建工地。2.依據管理辦法對工地分級列管之標準,對於所列管之工地以完成稽(巡)查2516處次,達成目標100.00%。3.工地資料庫建立2516筆,每筆資料內容包括有工地基本資料、現況作業調查與防制及每次巡查紀錄等。4.共完成3場次之宣導作業。5.已完成20點TSP檢測作業及20點油品檢測作業。6.本年度新申報列管724處工地中,篩選出10處工地進行輔導,已完成10處工地實施專家學者至現場輔導及輔導追蹤作業,並進行後續之輔導追蹤。7.由稽(巡)查管制現場輔導或電話追蹤輔導達污染改善之比率達100%。8.在本計畫稽巡查管制下,因工地違反空氣污染防制法而予處分者計12件,違反廢棄物清理法進行處分者計19件,共計告 發處分31件,目前皆已全部改善完成,並將加強後續之稽巡查管制。9.本計畫96年度TSP排放量管制前排放量為589.61公噸、削減量為272.24公噸,削減率達46.17%。10.本年度統計至12月31日止,本市營建工程空氣污染防制費總申報件數為724件,申報金額共計5,971,162元,已繳6,651,317元,扣除退費197,617元,合計實收金額為6,453,700元。其中本市以東區工地之到繳比例較高有127%,而到繳率高於100%的原因為部分建築工程經結算後需補繳空污費,以致於實收金額高於申報金額。11.本年度申報工地中篩選出6處防制措施較優良之工地,進行評選作業,已完成6處工地專家學者至現場輔導評選,並篩選出3處環保優良工地。12.本計畫為提升執行成效,本市工地進行圍籬綠美化方面,本年度共完成輔導圍籬綠美化39處,其中有15處工地施行圍籬廣告化、2處工地以圍籬其他彩繪化塑造工地特色,進行工地綠美化之推廣,有21處工地以種植花卉方式進行綠美化,1處以種植花卉方式及結合廣告進行綠美化。13.本計畫共持續進行查核及輔導16處的廢土不落地作業,陸續追蹤其後續回填、鋪設狀況共計巡查追蹤26處次,並作為其他工地之示範,以達全面推廣之成效,未來將輔導業主輔導改以CLSM (可塑性低強度)灌漿代替回填土方,以維護道路環境品質。14.本計畫共計輔導完成36處工地進行施工時或完工時部份裸露地植被綠化,總計執行綠化作法之工地其綠化植被面積達42855.66平方公尺。
EngTitle Air pollution improvement maintenance plan of Jiayi city for 96 year - escape source of pollution examination control plan
EngAbstract AbstractAfter this year plan starts the execution first to check all previous years not finished work sites, successively the self-management constructs the project air pollution to guard against the system to spend the charge group to obtain builds the project basic document to count 3,610, screening has finished the work site, arranged in order the plumber by a withdrawal bigger project, has the pollution risk of, once receives the populace state one's case, nearby the environmental protection bureau punishment and the air quality survey station the work site primarily. Moreover and to checking (patrols) looks up process of in the control to carry on had not reported to a higher authority the air pollution guards against the system to spend the work site check to raise the newspaper environmental protection bureau charge to check the group to carry on the urging pays expenses. This year total actually does an inspection row tube 820 to build the work site.According to statistical data of construction area of each kind of builds, the total amount is 1,416,622.5 square meters this year. There are several important project in the east, such as The Chia-yi city justice 13 road engineering, the Wen-ya elementary school new-built construction, the Taiwan railroad renews the track structure plan (rebuild project of Niu Ch'ou Ch'i steel beam), rain water sewer project of Wu Fengna Road (second level), the housing new construction in Yunnei, the solvent chemical enterprise department Chia-yi factories and mines site betterment work, etc. Otherwise, in the west there are Chia-yi city will navigation country small 95 year obsolete and the dangerous school building entire constructs the project, develops the spacious forest Shin-ying section 531st sign project the Zhongshan high speed railroad worker forest to Gaoxiong, forever the town motel new construction, the Chia-yi city nurtures the person national elementary school to be obsolete and the dangerous classroom entire constructs the plan project greatly, all constructs limited liability company culture Jin Tsuantien the store housing new construction, Jiayi city Liu places the local first park new construction (first level) and so on. The main sources of pollution attribution in the city are the RC construction, the road engineering and the other projects, accounts for 85.52%, the whole city TSP year withdrawal, therefore key is at for this plan control. Because of some major constructions, including Chia-yi 13 public road engineering, TSP of withdrawal the demolition is 126.58 metric tons, also accounts for 21.5 % Chia-yi city TSP withdrawal. By way of this plan personnel does an inspection and the control, TSP of withdrawal the demolition declines from 589.61 to 272.24 metric tons originally, and the TSP reduction rate reaches 46.17%.Constructs the files work aspect in the information bank to be possible to divide into the copy clerk reference material, the computer file information bank two parts, below separately will pick states explained:First,copy clerk reference material divides into four parts: A. Builds work site material B. Contract unit material C. Sends package of unit material D. Tracing control material. Contract unit and sends material of the package of unit to be pure, separately covers its basic document and its has jurisdiction over or work site of the contract, as for builds the work site material to contain has the basic document, the engineering work time interval data sheet, the pollution checks (patrols) looks up the data sheet and checks (patrols) consults looks up the detailed and so on.Second, correlation of work the computer file information bank Computer file information bank is complex, its covers the scope besides to construct the copy clerk reference material input the files, inquiry, the statistics, the withdrawal the still permissible execution material push estimates and function and so on report form series printing. Moreover, the computer constructed the files still to have the quantity huge electron book, according to control serial number and date integrity establishment computer files.In the guidance work aspect, 2 guidance meeting and 1 explanation can were hold this year, native constructers and governmental agencies were invited. 73 units attended the first meeting and 59 second. In order to reach 150 units in total, one more explanation meeting had hold and 41 units showed up. Finally, the number of person accumulated 173 people, then achievement were carried out to reach as high as 100% (contract number of persons present 150 people of/two numbers of showings number of persons present 173 people).This year goal quality and achieving rate of each work are described with detailed table-1 and chart-1, abstract explanation of achievement of each work is as follows:First, inspect and administrate 820 work sites.Second, ranked constructions based on the policing method, then patrol and inspect those constructions administrated. 2,516 times were completed, and reaches 100.0 % ratio. Third, the work site information bank establishes 2516, each material content includes the work site basic document, present situation work investigation with guards against the system and each time does an inspection to record and so on.Fourth, altogether completes 3 is next the guidance work.Fifth, has completed 20 TSP and sulfur content examination each.Sixth, In this year new declaration row tube 724 work sites, screens 10 work sites to carry on counseling, has completed 10 work sites to implement the experts to scene counselling and the counselling tracing work, and carries on following counselling tracing.Seventh, by checks (patrols) looks up controls scene counselling or telephone tracing counselling reaches ratio of the pollution improvement to reach 100%. Eighth, Checks in this plan does an inspection under the control, because the work site violates the air pollution to guard against the facture to give the punishment to count 12, violates the reject cleaning up law to carry out the punishment to count 19, total accuses punishes 31, at present all completely improved completes, and will strengthen following checks does an inspection to control. Ninth, 96 year this plan the month TSP withdrawal control front row to one’s limit is 589.61 metric tons, truncates the decrement is 272.24 metric tons, the reduction rate reaches 46.17%.Tenth, This city builds the project air pollution to guard against the system to spend always reported to a higher authority the number of articles is 724, reported to a higher authority the amount total 5,9.71,162 million Yuan, have given 6,6.51,317 million Yuan, deducts draws back the expense 1.97,617 million Yuan, equals the actual receipt amount is 6,4.53,7 million Yuan. East of this city the area work site to gives the proportion high to have 127%, but is higher than 100% reason to giving rate to have to make up for the spatial dirt expense for the partial architectural engineering after the settlement, down to the actual receipt amount is higher than the declaration amount.11th, this year reported to a higher authority in the work site screens 6 to guard against a system measure finer work site, carries on the evaluation work, has completed 6 work sites experts to the scene counselling evaluation, and screens 3 environmental protections fine work sites.12th, this plan carries out the result for the promotion, this city work site carries on fence the green beautified aspect, this year altogether completes counselling fence green to beautify 39, including 15 work sites executions fence advertisement, 2 work sites molds the work site characteristic by fence other colored drawings on pottery, carries on promotion the work site green beautification, some 21 work sites plant the flowers and plants way to carry on the green beautification, 1 plants the flowers and plants way and the union advertisement carries on the green beautification.13th, this plan altogether continues to carry on checks and counsels 16 spent clays not to fall to the ground the work, traces its following backfill one after another, lays down the condition total to do an inspection to trace 26, and takes demonstration other work site, reaches result of the comprehensive promoted, future will counsel the owner to counsel changes by CLSM (plastic low intensity) the grouting replaces the backfill folk recipe, maintains the path environment quality.14th, this plan total counsels completes 36 work sites to carry on the construction now and then finishes when the partial exposed vegetation afforestation, amounts to work site of its afforestation vegetation area the execution afforestation method to reach 42855.66m2.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 竫豐工程企業有限公司