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Title 水污染防治許可換發審查計畫(北區)
Abstract 本計畫為「北區水污染防治許可換發審查計畫」第一年度計畫,負責包括基隆市、台北市、台北縣、桃園縣、新竹縣、宜蘭縣、花蓮縣、連江縣等8個單位之水污染防治措施計畫或許可證(文件)之換發申請。本計畫為執行換發宣導及協助業者填報申請換發作業,完成辦理193場次北區各縣市諮詢宣導說明會,亦利用派駐環保局方式提供業者個別諮詢,共計3,544家之換發對象參與諮詢。審查作業部分,受理466件許可書面審查及221件現場審查案,完成換發家數為655件(含書面審查及現場審查案件),完成率達95.34%。另為瞭解業者對於水污染防治措施管理及許可換發之感受程度,運用「水污染防治措施管理及許可換發問卷調查表」,調查結果發現許可換發服務部分,業者滿意度高達9成,足見本計畫在服務上的重視與用心受到民眾的肯定。
EngTitle The project of review and issuance of water pollution control permits(North area)
EngAbstract This project extends for three years, and divides into A(North District),B(Mid District)and C (South District)sub-programs. Sub-program A refers to change permission for Water Pollution Control Act in North District, Sub-program B refers to change permission for Water Pollution Control Act in Mid District and Sub-program C refers to change permission for Water Pollution Control Act in South District.We executed the project since this year. It’s the 1st year of the sub-program A. 8 permits will be exchanged includes Keelung, Taipei urbans and Taipei, Taoyang, Hsinchu, Yilan, Hualan and Matsu counties. About the proposal, there are 3 lines of phone assistances should be set for consulting. We should also offer the assistance for permit authorized sectors per week since this October to process the affairs related.During this year, we accepted and heared 844 consulting phone calls. We also accepted 466 investigations in paper and 221 investigaions at site.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會