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Title 加油站油氣回收設施測試及汽車使用液化石油氣燃料推廣計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容分別為:1.確保加油站油氣回收設施正常操作。2.維護更新加油站管理資料庫。3.宣導油氣回收法規、設施維護保養與正確加油觀念。4.推廣汽車使用液化石油氣燃料。5.推估加油站污染排放量。一、更新加油站基本資料庫,掌握污染源本計畫更新所有加油站基本資料、油氣回收設備設置與使用現況清查,加油站營運中列管名單有94站,更新資料有37站。二、VOCs減量成效與改善環境空氣品質 60座加油站氣油比檢測,油槍氣油比平均合格率為98%;複查3座加油站,合格率為100%;而未檢測者亦查核加油站自我檢測紀錄,因此本計畫執行VOCs減量成效為85公噸/年。三、油氣回收合格率提升南投縣油氣回收設備設置率為100%,有效減少VOCs之排放量,改善環境空氣品質與保障民眾健康。而今年度加油站氣油比檢測結果,平均合格率為98%,歷年合格率有逐漸提升現象,顯示加油站業者己把油氣回收維護納入例行工作之一。四、油氣回收設備維護保養技術提升及人才培育辦理一場加油站油氣回收設備維護保養說明會,共64站次/66人參加,提升加油站維護保養之技術、宣導正確加油觀念、訓練加油站自我檢測與故障排除,並宣導管理辦法及配合管理辦法加油站相關注意事項,有效與參加之業者進行雙向意見溝通,針對業者反映之問題及建議,已提報環保局未來執行之參考。五、加強民眾正確加油觀念宣導為提升民眾對油氣回收正確之認知,本計畫利用宣導品、夾報與廣播電台之發放或播放,以及發布新聞稿,宣導民眾自動跳停之正確加油觀念,並傳達環保局管制政策,使民眾或加油站業者瞭解環保新知,以帶動所有人民共同參與環境保護,改善空氣品質。六、推廣液化石油氣燃料車協助環保局擬定液化石油燃料車之補助要點,於96年5月30日公告「南投縣政府補助新購或改裝為雙燃料小客車執行要點」,自公告日起至96年11月30日止,已有7位民眾提出申請並已核准補助25,000元整加氣券。七、加油站增設加氣站宣導說明會辦理一場推廣加油站增設加氣站宣導說明會,共64站次/66人參加,特邀請中國石油液化石油氣加氣站協會謝耀陞秘書長擔任講師,為加油站業者講解設置加氣站之流程及政府目前補助措施,及加氣站之未來展望。八、分析設置加氣站可行性評估設置加氣站需考量成本因素、腹地空間及場地位置是否足夠等項評估,若以既存加油站增設地下型(儲氣槽)中型加氣站,每月需115輛以上之車輛加氣,換算成發氣量則約為10公升/月,才可達損益平衡,而以南投現況而言,僅47輛LPG車,較難達到供需平衡,故協助擬定未來加氣站設置推動期程與工作規劃,期望於100年完成第一座加氣站之設置。而為加速加氣站之設置,除規劃設置期程與意願協商外,足夠LPG車之使用率(市場大)才是最重要因素,針對南投縣LPG車推動,依據補助面、技術面、宣導面與策略面,已擬定規劃推動方案,提供環保局執行之參考。
EngTitle The gasoline vapor recovery facility test and LPG popularize
EngAbstract The main targets of this project will be classified into five sections. (1)Ensure the function of the gasoline vapor recovery facility. (2)Regular maintenance and update gas station management database. (3)Holding activities, such as the propaganda of gas station environment rule and gasoline vapor recovery equipment maintain and operate. (4)Building a sub Web-Site of gasoline vapor recovery for EPB. (5)Estimate gas station pollution value. The total 94 gas station had built gasoline vapor recovery equipment, the rate of set-up is 100%. The Air to Liquid Ratio (A/L) test is conducted to 60 gas stations, the average qualified rate is 98%, after we finished reexamining for 3 gas stations, the average qualified rate reach to 100% from 92%, for those which are unqualified had been asked them to improve, if they didn’t perform the reexamining by themselves(Will check the record of self-examining), the total reduce volume will be 85 tons/year According the statistic from Dec 2003 to Jan 2008 Nan-Tou County’s gasoline vapor recovery equipment increase to 98% from 78%, had reduce the VOCs effectively, improve the air quality and protect people’s health. The average of qualified rate of Liquid Ratio (A/L) test of this year is 98%, qualified rate is getting higher each year, that’s mean the outcome of this project is notable. Held one meeting such as maintain operation training and gas station’s rule interpretation, 64 attendant stations/66 members join this meeting. Due to promote the technology for gas station maintain, educate the right fuel up concept, let themselves can check for gas station and the fault eliminate, cover and cooperate mange way for gas station notice matters, guidance and assistance non-set up gasoline vapor recovery’s gas stations set it up immediately. Effective against communicate with proprietor and address the questions and suggest for EPB In order to give the right concept to the people, this project delivers the related information through little gift, web-site, short film making or playing and issue dispatch etc. Assist EPB to examine and check the gas station in suit for gasoline vapor recovery facility proposal, there are three common mistakes for applying of equipment: 1.lack of document 2.incomplete contents 3.the purpose isn’t fit to the original deign. This project includes the procedure and form of gas station auditing, and on the base of plan, execution, result, and control. Consider three ways for administration, technology and law, that be using check, excellent commend, technology propagate and guidance and manage principle clear and definite, in order to positive that expect promote gasoline vapor recovery quality rate, achieve pollution reduction and improve air quality.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 祥威環境科技有限公司