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Title 南投縣96年度「空氣污染陳情案件快速查處及工業區污染監控計畫」
Abstract 依據環保署公害陳情系統統計,南投縣由96年1月至97年1月,空氣污染陳情案件共478件佔總陳情案件之32%(總陳情案件1493件),其中異味(含油煙)陳情案件355件,佔空氣污染陳情案件的74%為最多,而縣境內異味的主要來源包括畜牧業、餐飲業油煙污染、工廠製程產生的污染,另外還有在稻作收成期間燃燒稻草所產生的重大空氣污染陳情案件為主。近年由於社會型態之變遷,伴隨各種工商業蓬勃發展而來之各項環境公害因應而生,其中又以空氣污染問題最為民眾詬病,所以有效控制與預防惡臭的產生是一重要的課題。有鑑於此,環保局多年來致力於推動南投縣空氣污染管制工作,並已初步呈現績效;為了持續有效的管制惡臭污染源的產生並減少陳情案件的發生,故南投縣環保局持續推動「空氣污染陳情案件快查處及工業區污染監控計畫」;期能藉由本計畫實施以督促廠商確實做好污染防制工作,加強工業區污染排放的監控,期能增進轄內的陳情案件之處理效能,避免空氣品質不再日益惡化,有效改善南投縣空氣品質,還給民眾良好的生活環境。
EngTitle Nantou County 96 ' air pollution gives a full account the case is investigated and prosecuted fast and industrial area pollution control the plan '
EngAbstract The system was counted to give a full account according to administration's public hazards of environmental protection, Nantou County was from January of 1996 to January of 1997, the air pollution gives a full account altogether 478 cases account for 32% of case of always giving a full account (always give a full account 1493 cases) ,Peculiar smell among them (including the soot) 355 cases of giving a full account, account for air pollution 74% to give a full account case for being most many, and county main source of peculiar smell include animal husbandry, catering trade soot pollution, factory make pollution producing Cheng, have, burn great air pollution straw produce give a full account the case main fact when rice harvest of making in addition. Because of the changes of the social attitude in recent years, it is raw to follow every environmental public hazards that various industry and commerce grow vigorously because of answering, among them condemn for the people the most with the air pollution question, so it is an important subject to control and prevent malodorous production effectively. In view of this, the Environmental Protection Agency has been devoted to promoting the air pollution of Nantou County to control the work for many years, and already the performance has appeared tentatively; And reduce the emergence of case of giving a full account for the production of the continuously effective control stench pollution sources, so the Nantou County Environmental Protection Agency promotes ' air pollution give a full account the case is investigated and prosecuted quickly and industrial area pollution controls the plan ' continuously; One can be implemented in order to supervise the manufacturer to really do pollution well and defend making work with this plan, strengthen the control of disposal of pollutants of industrial area, a treatment efficiency that can promote case of giving a full account while having jurisdiction over, prevent air quality from no longer worsening day by day, improve the air quality of Nantou County effectively, return a good living environment to the people.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司