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Title 雲林縣95年度「生質柴油道路試行計畫」期末報告
Abstract 雲林縣環保局配合行政院環保署推動生質柴油的清潔能源政策,辦理本「生質柴油道路試行」計畫。計畫目標欲達成,經由實車道路行駛測試、污染排放及油耗測試等,完成試行車輛實車測試效益確認與驗證作為各種效益評估的依據;探討生質柴油之油品特質,分析其對柴油車輛、空氣品質之影響,作為未來推動生質柴油政策參考依據;提升空氣品質,達成空氣污染物排放減量目的;調查國內外生質柴油使用現況與經驗,作為日後推動柴油車輛使用生質柴油參考依據。本計畫依工作內容要求,完成購置100,000公升生質柴油,供應雲林縣斗六市、斗南鎮、北港鄉與莿桐鄉等四個鄉鎮市清潔隊,合計54輛清潔車輛之試行使用。本計畫於試行前辦理說明會,向清潔隊說明生質柴油供應方式及配合事項,並於試行後期辦理成果發表會,報告執行成果並邀請工研院藍祺偉博士進行專題報告,更加強清潔隊員使用生質柴油的信念。試行結果配合動力計檢測,分析使用生質柴油對柴油車排放黑煙及馬力影響,顯示煙度值在使用生質柴油之後第一次檢測均普遍下降,但第二次檢測則略為回升,可能與積碳有關,但檢測結果均符合排放標準之內。整體而言,使用生質柴油對柴油車排放黑煙改善明顯,在馬力比方面,則普遍略為下降。進一步分析動力計檢測結果與車種、廠牌、排氣量與車齡之相關性發現,重型柴油車使用生質柴油後的煙度值改善較輕型柴油車更明顯且較穩定。在污染減量效果評估方面,根據參與本計畫試行車輛之行車公里數、車輛數及國內學術研究單位建議之排放係數與使用生質柴油後的排放量削減比例,計算本計畫達成污染減量效果為CO減量332.64公斤、HC減量110.54公斤,而NOx則為增量228.16公斤。問卷調查結果,清潔隊駕駛表示感覺馬力降低,並以行駛山區較為明顯,而耗油量也有明顯增加約20%,但受訪者均普遍表示支援政府繼續推動使用生質柴油政策。宣導及車體美化作業,於車體標示「本車使用生質柴油」,確實有助於民眾認知政府推動生質柴油政策,及感受使用生質柴油對柴油車排放黑煙的改善。由於本計畫要求參加試行車輛接受試行前一次及試行後二次動力計檢測,以致部份車輛無法配合,未來可以考慮調整檢測次數要求,或僅要求部份而非全部車輛檢測。當實車試行達一定車輛數規模時,可以配合空氣品質監測結果,一併探討使用生質柴油與環境空氣品質的相關性,以彰顯生質柴油對空氣品質的改善成效。有鑑於本計畫實施成效良好,而使用生質柴油對於國家環保、能源及民眾健康都有幫助,建議持續推廣使用並普及於各類型柴油車輛。
EngTitle The 2006 Yulin County Bio-Diesel Pilot Road Test Project - Final Report
EngAbstract Yulin County has sponsored the “Bio-Diesel Pilot Road Test Project” in coordination with the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan to promote bio-diesel clean energy policy. The project goal is to investigate the characteristics of bio-diesel and to evaluate the effectiveness of using bio-diesel on vehicle and air quality improvement through on-road vehicle test and emissions and fuel consumption test. The project aims at improving air quality to achieve emissions reduction target and to investigate both foreign and domestic bio-diesel utilization experience for future bio-diesel policy planning references. The project has completed its work requirement including the purchasing and supply of 100,000 liters of bio-diesel fuel to the sanitation vehicle fleet of Douliu, Dounan, Beigun and Tzetung of Yulin County, for a total number of 54 vehicles for test run. At the beginning of the project, a coordination meeting was held to explain the supply of bio-diesel fuel and things to cooperate with. At the end of the project, a project accomplishment meeting was held to present the project results. Dr. Lan from ITRI was also invited to speak at the meeting to give more confidence to the sanitation team regarding the utilization of bio-diesel. Dynamometer test results were analyzed for effect on vehicle smoke and horsepower. Generally, the results showed smoke reading lowered on the first test and slightly increased on the second test which probable has to do with carbon accumulation however the test results were all within emissions standard. Overall speaking, the utilization of bio-diesel fuel improves smoke emission significantly, although it lowers the engine power slightly. Further analysis on vehicle types, makes, displacement volumes, and vehicle ages shows heavy duty diesel trucks demonstrated better and more consistent smoke emission improvement that light duty diesel trucks. Regarding emissions reduction, the project calculated it from vehicle miles traveled, number of vehicles, and emissions factors and bio-diesel emissions reduction ratios suggested by domestic research institutes to find this project achieved a total emission reduction of 332.64 Kg of CO, 110.54 Kg of HC, however with an increase of 228.16 Kg of NOx. Survey shows most sanitation vehicle drivers feel the power was lowered especially when driving in hill area and the fuel consumption increased by 20% however the drivers were all in support of government policy to promote bio-diesel fuel. The banner hanged on test vehicle that says “this vehicle use bio-diesel” has created promotional effect to help people understand government policy to promote bio-diesel and to actually feel the improvement of smoke emissions. Since this project requires vehicles to accept dynamometer tests before and after the test run, some vehicles were not able to comply with this requirement. It is suggested for future project to ask only a portion of the vehicles for two tests instead of all vehicles. It is suggested that when the size of the on-road vehicle test has grown to larger scale, air quality monitoring results can be incorporated into the project analysis to reveal bio-diesel effectiveness on air quality improvement. In view of good results from this project and the benefits of bio-diesel utilization to national environment, energy and citizen health, it is suggested to continue and expand bio-diesel utilization to all diesel vehicles.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 惠元環境資源股份有限公司