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Title 奈米微粒感應器
Abstract 本研究主要在以低壓扁平焰的氣相沉積新穎粉體製備技術進行金屬氧化物(奈米氧化錫,SnO2)感測器材料的製備與以液相沉積法製備奈米金與奈米銀(Au,Ag),以及製備氣相沉積的Pt/未燒結SnO2、Pt/燒結SnO2、Au/未燒結SnO2、Au/燒結SnO2感測器、Ag/未燒結SnO2、Ag/燒結SnO2感測器。研究中的參數包括合成奈米粉體之粒徑、觸媒種類、以及相關的特性分析等。本研究中所合成的粉體特性將利用高解析電子顯微鏡來進行粉體2維形貌、結晶性、晶粒大小與分佈等微結構性質、以X-光繞射進行化學組成、晶形、與平均晶粒大小的分析、以場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡進行3維形貌觀察。研究中亦進行四種感測器的性能量測,結果顯示兩種氧化錫粒徑的Pt/未燒結SnO2感測器的性能如原理所預期,導電度隨濃度上升而呈線性上升的趨勢。相對的,兩種粒徑的Au/SnO2、Ag/SnO2感測器的性能較無趨勢或導電度與濃度成相反的趨勢,推測可能是感測器操作在相當接近奈米銀與奈米金熔點而導致其燒結成長所致。
EngTitle Nanoparticle Sensors
EngAbstract The targets of this project were two-fold: (1) the preparation of nanoparticles for sensors and (2) the preparation of prototype SnO2-based sensors. The mid-term target is involved with the preparation and characterization of tin oxide nanoparticles and nano-thin films, and the preparation and characterization of nano-gold and nano-silver particles from liquid phase method. Experimental results showed the flat-flame prepared tin oxide nanoparticles are spherical and with primary particle diameter of about 5nm. The XRD result indicated the formation of rutile phase tetragonal tin oxide nanoparticles. Gold and silver nanoparticles prepared by chemical reduction method yielded spherical, aggregated, narrowly distributed gold nanoparticles with a primary particle diameter of 10nm. In contrast, the silver nanoparticles are somewhat spherical, well dispersed, more broadly distributed, and with a primary particle diameter of 5-20nm.Gas phase generated nano-gold and nano-platinum were deposited onto tin oxide sensing elements. Tin oxide films were used either as-prepared from the flame or post-heated directly under the flame for sintering growth of the nano-tin oxide particles. The sensor performances of the four propotypes sensor were evaluated. Nano-Pt/SnO2 sensors of both as-prepared and sintered were found to exhibit the expected sensor performance, while nano-gold/SnO2 and nano-silver/SnO2 sensors showed the opposite trend, possibly due to enhanced sintering growth of nano-silver and nano-gold at an operating temperature too close to their melting points.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 元智大學創新育成中心