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Title 「新竹縣鼓勵公民營機構興建營運垃圾焚化廠(BOO)-興建營運商採購設備鑑價及停建合約爭議處理委任律師案」
Abstract 新竹縣鼓勵公民營機構興建營運(BOO)垃圾焚化廠乙案, 係新竹縣政府依據環保署「鼓勵公民營機構(BOO/BOT)興建營運垃圾焚化廠推動方案」辦理, 經發包予新工環保科技股份有限公司,自得標通知日起至營運開始日後20 年止,由其負責自備土地投資興建、營運及擁有。惟因政府政策變更, 本廠於95.3.15 由行政院核定停建, 為解決停建所衍生之爭議, 爰由環保署協助辦理採購設備鑑價及合約爭議處理等本計畫工作。在鑑價部份, 總鑑價金額為新台幣350,539,184 元(約為新工公司求償金額之34%),全部屬所受損害部份,所失利益部份並未認計。於所受損害鑑價金額中, 工程費用為239,979,208 元, 興建期間用地相關成本及費用為62,189,851 元,得標前之籌辦費用為6,617,616 元, 得標後之籌辦費用為20,040,800 元, 融資費用及興建期間資金成本為21,711,709 元。在合約爭議處理部份, 經執行必要之仲裁程序及行政程序,最終仍經法院判定應按仲裁判斷書執行, 由新竹縣政府賠償新工公司所受損害新台幣571,555,902 元, 該款已由環保署報行政院同意,於98.04.27 撥付新竹縣政府,新竹縣政府則於98.05.07 轉付新工公司。利息部分則經與新工公司協商酌減2 個月為新台幣62,936,395 元, 該款併同應支付仲裁協會之二分之一仲裁費新台幣8,286,767 元, 亦已於98.06.29 撥付新竹縣政府, 新竹縣政府則於98.07.28 轉付新工公司
EngTitle Equipment Appraisement and Contract Arbitration of
EngAbstract Build, Operate and Own (BOO) Hsinchu Refuse Incineration Plant Project was executed by Hsinchu County Government under EPA’s Policy of Encouraging Institution to Build, Operate and Ownor Transfer (BOO/BOT) Refuse Incineration Plants. Hsichu CountyGovernment awarded the Project to Sinkong Envirotech Corp. whoshould be responsible to site acquirement, construction, and own the Plant since receiving the Notice of Award, and then operation of the Plant for 20 years after the Operation Date. However, due toPolicy amendment of the Executive Yuan, the Project was terminated on March 15, 2006, which incurred contract issue to be solved by the assistance of EPA in equipment appraisement and law services.In the part of appraisement, the suggested indemnification of damages is NT$ 350,539,184 which is about 34% of what Sinkong claimed and excludes the amount of expected profits. Among thedamages, there are turnkey cost of NT$ 239,979,208, land cost of NT$ 62,189,851, bid preparation cost of NT$ 6,617,616,construction preparation cost of NT$ 20,040,800, and financialcost of NT$ 21,711,709.In the part of law services, EPA endeavored herself to carryout possible procedures of arbitration and administration in the same time for pursuimg a favorable judgement to the Government.However, according to the final court verdict, arbitration results are still valid. Hsichu County Government shall compensate Sinkong for damages of NT$ 571,555,902, with additional interest of NT$ 62,936,395 which has deducted by 2 months through a negociation. A half of arbitration fee of NT$ 8,286,767 shall alsobe disbursed. Followed by the approval of Executive Yuen, EPA transferred the amounts to Hsinchu County Government on April 27 and June 29, 2009, and Sinkong Envirotech Corp. finallyreceived the amount on May 7 and July 28, 2009 from Hsinchu County Government
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司、植根法律事務所