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Title 臺東縣柴油車排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫
Abstract (1) 計畫名稱:臺東縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測及油品檢測計畫(2) 主管機關:臺東縣環境保護局  執行單位:鴻圖工程(股)公司(3) 計畫主持人:李佳芳      聯絡人:謝明德(4) 聯絡電話:(02)2506-5977    傳真號碼:(02)2508-2966(5) 期程:民國九十四年二月二十五日至九十四年十二月三十一日(6) 主要執行內容:執行本計畫之工作人員及設備數計:組長1人,檢測人員4人,安全維護人員1人,行政助理1人,駐局人員1人,其綜合成效如下:一、柴油車排煙檢測截至94年12月27日止,計檢測1011輛次,其中不合格143輛次,不合格率14.14﹪,馬力比不足退驗車輛數516輛次,退驗率30.77%。二、目視判煙通知到檢截至94年12月27日止,計執行目視判煙1615輛次,寄發到檢通知1355件。三、油品抽測截至94年12月27日止,採樣920件,送驗數182件,不合格47件,不合格率達成率28.6%。四、辦理操作人員訓練會一場於94年6月24日於本縣柴油車動力計排煙檢測站辦理完成。五、辦理一場柴油車業者宣導說明會於93年6月23日於辦理完成。六、宣導手冊及宣導品印製已製作宣導品750件、宣導海報150份、宣傳文宣共2000份。七、路邊攔查共計300輛次,不合格數19輛次,不合格率6.33%。八、民眾檢舉烏賊車檢舉函覆處理率達100%。九、現有柴油車排煙檢測站各項軟硬體設備之維護校正管理,通過實驗室認證展延評鑑。十、配合環保署評鑑查核工作,以及配合建置柴油車排煙檢測資料庫。十ㄧ、檢測站設備更新購置,包含攝影機,車輛攝影系統,溫度計與壓力計修改。十二、協助環保局進行空氣品質維護改善工作執行績效考評,提交各項考核月報表,估算污染度削減率。十三、於廣播電台、有線電視台進行託播,宣導柴油車相關檢測事宜。十四、推估總污染物削減量達6.6公噸/年。十五、工作進度對照表項次 工作項目 合約數量 達成情形 說明 章節1 目視不合格通知 1350件 1355件 4-22 動力計檢測 1000輛 1011輛 不包含馬力比退驗之516輛次 4-3CH53 油品含硫量抽驗 170件 171件 4-44 路邊攔檢稽查 300輛 300輛 4-55 操作人員訓練會 1場 1場 4-1-26 業者宣導說明會 1場 1場 4-67 宣傳手冊 2000件 2000件 4-78 宣導品宣導海報 750件150件 750件150件 4-79 增設監控設備,增加監控面 4-1-14-12-510 民眾檢舉污染車輛檢測並函覆處理率達99% 4-811 柴油車排煙檢測站各項軟硬體設備之維護校正管理 4-112 持續推動或維持柴油車檢測站CNLA實驗室相關工作 4-1013 量測不確定度評估報告 附件14 配合環保署進行評鑑。 4-915 柴油車檢測站廠房儀器設備更新與購置 4-116 總污染物削減量達6.6公噸/年 5-13
EngTitle Taitung County Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan
EngAbstract 1. Name of project: Taitung County Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Smoke Emission and Petrol Quality Monitoring and Testing Plan2. Competent Authority: Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau (Taitung County EPB) Implementation Organization: United System Engineering Co. Ltd.3. Project Manager: Lee Kwei-Fang Contact: Hsieh Ming-Der4. Contact Telephone: (02)2506-6977 Fax: (02)2508-29665. Period: 25th Feb. 2005 to 31st December 20056. Implementation Details: Personnel employed in this project includes: Supervisor 1; Testers 4; Safety and Maintenance 1; Administrative Assistant 1; and Resident Personnel in EPB 1. The achievements are as follows:I) Diesel Vehicle Smoke Emission Tests:1011 vehicles were tested for period ended 27th December 2005, and the number of those failing the tests totaled 71 or 7.09%; those with inadequate horse power 516, reaching a rejection rate of 30.7%.II) Issuing of Notice to vehicle owners arising from Visual Inspection of Smoke :1825 visual inspections were performed for period ended 27th December 2005. the number of notices sent out was 1355.III) Random Testing of Petrol Quality:182 random testings were done for period ended 27th December 2005, with 47 failing the tests or 28.6%.IV) Training Session of Operators:One training session of operators was conducted on 24th June 2005 at the Taitung County dynamometer inspection center.V) Promotion to Diesel vehicle Operators:One promotional conference to diesel vehicle operators was conducted on 23rd June 2005 at the Taitung County Workers Entertainment Center Conference Room situated on the first floor.VI) Printing of promotional Handbooks and Pamphlets:Altogether 2000 pieces of promotional pamphlets/handbooks, 750 pieces of memorabilia and 150 promotional posters were printed and delivered.VII) Roadside Spotcheks were carried out 300 times with 19 failing the tests or 6.33%.VIII) Two sessions of lucky draw for the public complainants of “Black bandit vehicles”. Up to 100% of such complaints were handled and replied.IX) The maintenance, alignment and management of the existing hardware and software for various equipment of the diesel vehicle inspection center was carried out, as well as the maintenance of the center’s CNLA laboratory.X) Worked with the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) on assessment, review and audit of diesel vehicle smoke emission testing center for the setting up of a comprehensive database thereon.XI) The upgrading and purchase of new equipment including cameras, photographic system, thermometers and the modification of pressure meters.XII) Assisted the Taitung EPB to carry out the air quality maintenance and improvement work and implemented the assessment thereon; submitted monthly assessment reports and estimated the rate of reduction of pollution.XIII) Broadcast of promotion for diesel vehicle testing program in local stations including cable television stations.XIV) The estimate for the reduction of air pollution achieved for the period is 6.6 metric ton per year. 15. Work Schedule Comparison Table Item Description Total Number Achieved Explanation Chapter1 Notice to vehicle owners sent on failure of smoke test from visual inspections 1350 1359 4-22 Dynamometer test 1000 vehicles 1002 364 vehicles rejected 4-3CH53 Random test on sulfur in petrol 140 140 115 roadside25 in center 4-44 Roadblock random tests 300 300 4-55 Operators training session 1 1 4-1-26 Promotion to operators session 1 1 4-67 Promotional handbook 2000 2000 4-78 Promotional memorabiliaPromotion Poster 750150 750150 4-79 Addition of monitoring equipment. Increase of monitoring. 4-1-14-12-510 99.74% achieved for action and reply on vehicle pollution complaints.2 lucky draws for the public participants. 4-811 The maintenance, alignment and management of Hardware/software in inspection center. 4-112 CNLA laboratory maintenance work in vehicle inspection center. 4-1013 Report on inaccuracy assessment of measurements. attached14 Coordination with EPA on assessment. 4-915 Purchase and upgrade of instrument and equipment for inspection center 4-116 Reduction of air pollution achieved for year is 6.6 metric ton per year 5-13
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 台東縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 鴻圖工程股份有限公司