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Title 95年度國家永續發展獎
Abstract 95年「國家永續發展獎」的舉辦,即透過選拔及表揚對永續發展有實質貢獻之單位,作為各界學習之楷模,期望鼓勵全民一起參與永續發展工作,落實永續發展在地化與生活化,進而實現永續台灣之願景。評選活動分為初選、複選集決選三階段。最後,評定出15個具實績貢獻之獲獎單位,包括3個社區、3所學校、3家企業、3個社區以及3個行政單位。本計畫提供95年國家永續發展獎之行政支援包括工作審查、評選及頒獎等活動。本計畫亦製作得獎特輯以介紹獲得永續發展獎之15個單位之績優事蹟。所有得獎單位、不論社區里長里民、學校師生、企業主管員工、社團成員、行政部門上下屬,不分彼此,基於永續發展理念,積極構思及執行適合各領域之永續發展工作,因此能從眾多參賽者中獲得此一殊榮,確實值得作為各界推動永續發展的最佳借鏡及學習典範。
EngTitle 2006 National Sustainable Development Award
EngAbstract The 2006 National Sustainable Development Award is conducted so as to recognize organizations that contribute to the cause of sustainable development. The good examples they set should encourage others to join in the sustainable development effort, so that sustainable development can truly be assimilated and adopted in people's lives, making a sustainable Taiwan into reality. The event is divided into preliminaries, semifinals, and finals, In the finals, 15 winners are chosen offer deliberation among the judges. The winners are made up of three communities, three schools, three enterprises, three NGOs and three government agencies. This project provided administration support for the activities including contest review, final selection and award of the 2006 sustainable development award. This project also issued a special edition to present the outstanding performance of these 15 sustainable development award winners. These 15 winners-whether they're community leaders or residents, teachers and students, company managers and staff, members of NGOs, or government employees-have all dedicated themselves in formulating and executing tasks that contribute to sustainable development. Receiving the recognition is not only an honor but more importantly, it is setting an example for others to follow
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 衛室密廢物減量科技有限公司