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Title 95年度民眾、學生環保知識調查
Abstract 為瞭解民眾、學生的環境態度,及對環保知識認知與環保行為的落實,辦理本項調查作為規劃環保教育推廣之依據。調查範圍為台灣地區23縣市,調查對象分成民眾及學生,分別採用電話訪問及面對面訪談方式進行,調查期間自95年5月22日起至6月12日止,成功訪問有效樣本為民眾1,628人、大專生1,270人、高中生1,216人、國中生1,226人、國小生1,222人。調查重要結果分述如下:一、多數民眾與學生對各項環保概念持正向態度1. 八成三以上的民眾及學生同意「過度追求經濟發展易導致環境問題」,且有九成六以上的民眾及高中以上學生,認為「我國環境急需保護」(國中小學生未訪問此題)。2. 八成二的民眾及五成五以上的學生同意「為了環保,願意降低生活享受標準」,學生族群中以大專生七成九最高,而國中生僅五成六;七成八以上的民眾、學生認同「依據污染者付費原則徵收環境稅(費)」。3. 八成六以上的國中小學生同意「保護居住環境比經濟建設更重要」,但不同意「比環境污染更重要的問題還有很多」說法的國中小學生僅不到三成七。二、大專生與高中生環保知識最為充分,民眾較為不足1. 一般環境知識正確認知率:(1) 七成九以上的民眾、學生知道使用免洗餐具是違背環保觀念,其中以高中生九成五最高,民眾為七成九。(2) 八成五以上的學生知道「核能發電非再生能源」;六成三以上的民眾、學生知道垃圾強制分類應分為「資源、廚餘、垃圾」三類,其中以大專生七成五最高,民眾為六成三。(3) 七成三以上學生知道「環保標章代表綠色消費」,七成七以上的民眾、學生知道「回收標誌代表須作回收」;八成三以上的民眾、學生知道綠色消費的觀念是指「購買可回收、低污染、省資源的環保產品」。2. 環境問題知識正確認知率:(1) 七成以上的民眾、學生知道油槍「卡」一聲自動跳停後,繼續強迫加油會因「油氣外洩,造成空氣污染」, 七成九以上的學生知道下酸雨的主要原因為空氣污染。(2) 六成以上的大專生與高中生知道集水區因為人類活動污染與其他原因,造成水庫或湖泊水質優養化,使「水質惡化影響飲用水安全」。(3) 八成九以上的民眾與學生知道台灣西部沿海地層嚴重下陷的主要原因為「超抽地下水」。3. 環境行動知識正確認知率:(1) 學生知道學校飲水機應該「一個月」清洗一次的比率不到四成四;六成六以上的民眾與學生知道家中水塔、水池應「半年」清洗維護一次。(2) 九成以上的民眾、學生知道發現紅火蟻時應「通報環保局或農業局」;八成六以上的民眾、學生知道「清除容器積水」是有效防治登革熱的方法。(3) 二成七的民眾知道生活環境公害污染事件可透過全國環保報案服務專線0800-066666或電子信箱、網路報案。4. 國際環境議題正確認知率:(1) 三成七的民眾聽過「京都議定書」,其中有四成二知道「京都議定書」是因應「溫室效應」而訂定,學生族群中以大專生與高中生知道的比率占五成六較高;知道二氧化碳含量持續升高後會造成「溫室效應」的比率,差距大;高中生知道的比率九成一最高,民眾與國小生知道的比率未達三成六。(2) 四成五的民眾及六成二以上學生知道臭氧層破洞會「使人類曝曬過量紫外線」。三、民眾經常落實環保行為,大專生與高中生落實生活環保的比率偏低(1) 八成以上的民眾經常做到「隨手做好垃圾分類、資源回收」、「將廢棄日光燈管整支進行回收」、「將廢乾電池進行回收」、「隨手關燈或省電、省水」、「發現容器積水時會主動清除」與「落實綠色飲食,不浪費食物」。(2) 六成的國中及七成一的國小生經常做到「隨手關燈或省電、省水」;四成六的國中生及六成一的國小生經常做到「隨手做好垃圾分類、資源回收」。四、電視是影響民眾與國中以上學生環保知識與行為的主要管道,國小生則為家庭成員六成九的民眾和三成七以上的國中以上學生表示影響其環保知識與行為的主要管道為電視媒體,二成四的國小生則以家庭成員為主要管道。
EngTitle 2006 general public and students' environmental protection knowledge survey
EngAbstract In order to understand the environmental awareness, attitudes, and behavior among the general public and students at various levels, we have proceeded with this survey. The results from this study will be used as the basis in designing environmental educational programs. We interviewed members of the general public and students in the 23 cities and counties in Taiwan through telephone or face-to-face interviews from May 22nd to June 12th, 2006. The final valid samples included 1,628 members of the general public, 1,270 college students, 1,216 senior high school students, 1,226 junior high school students, and 1,222 elementary school students.Lists of significant results:A. Most interviewees agreed with the idea of environmental protection.1. More than 83% of the interviewees agreed that “overlypursuing economic growth would cause environmental problems”. Moreover, over 96% of the interviewed public and senior high and college students agreed that “protecting our environment is of urgent need.” (Interviewees who are junior high and elementary school students skipped this question.)2. About 82% of the general public and over 55% of the students agreed that “they would rather lower their living standards for environmental protection.” The highest agreeing rate was 79% among college students, while the lowest was 56% for junior high school students. Additionally, more than 78% of the interviewees agreed that “government shall levy environmental protection fees or taxes on people who pollute.”3. More than 86% of the interviewed junior high and elementary school students agreed that “protecting the living environment is more important than economic development. Less than 37% of them disagreed with this statement.B. Senior high school and college students have more knowledge about environmental protection than general public do.1. General awareness of living environment1.1 More than 79% of the interviewees understood that “the one-time-use dinnerware are not good for environmental protection”. Among those interviewees, 95% of senior high school students knew this concept, while only 79% of the general public did.1.2 More than 85% of the students were aware that “nuclear energy is not a recycled resource.” Over 63% of the general public and students understood that “trash shall be classified into three categories: recyclable, kitchen waste, and non-recyclable trash. Among those interviewees, 75% of the college students answered this question correctly while 63% of the public did. 1.3 More than 73% of the students knew that the “Environmental Protection Logo” represents green consumption. Above 77% of interviewed general public and students knew that products with the recycle mark should be recycled. More than 83% of interviewees had an understanding that green consumption means purchasing environmentally friendly products that are recyclable, low-polluting, or resource-saving.2.Awareness of environmental problems2.1 More than 70% of the interviewed general public and students knew that over-pumped gasoline would cause leaking gas fumes and air pollution. Above 79% of the students were aware that the major cause of acid rain is air pollution. 2.2 More than 60% of the senior high school and college students knew that water pollution is a result of human activities. They also knew that because of the eutrophication of reservoirs or lakes, our drinking-water safety is threatened. 2.3 More than 89% of the general public and students realized that over-pumping underground water is the main reason that causes subsidence in the western seaboard of Taiwan.3. Awareness of environmental protection actions 3.1 Less than 44% of the students knew that water fountains in school campuses shall be washed and cleaned every month. Above 66% of the general public and students knew that water towers or water storages in their houses should be cleaned and maintained every six months. 3.2 More than 90% of the interviewed public and students would notify Environmental Protection Bureau or Agriculture Bureau when sighting fire ants. More than 86% of the interviewees knew that the most effective way to prevent dengue fever is cleaning out dirty water in all containers.3.3 Only 27% of the interviewees knew the national environmental protection service phone number 0800-066666, email or website for filing environmental pollution cases.4. Awareness of international environmental issues4.1 About 37% of the public have heard to the Kyoto Protocol, among them 42% were aware that the Kyoto Protocol is an agreement to reduce signing nations’ emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. About 56% of senior high school and college students knew this agreement and understood carbon dioxide is the cause of greenhouse effect. Compared to 91% of senior high school students who answered this question correctly, only less than 36% of the public and elementary school students did. 4.2 About 45% of the public and more than 62% of students understood that the damage of the ozonolayer would result in skin’s over-exposure to the UV rays.C. Putting into practice environmental protection measures, high school and college students practiced less and the general public did more.1. Based on this survey, more than 80% of the interviewed general public usually practice such environmental protection activities, as sorting and recycling daily trash, recycling the discarded fluorescent lights and dead batteries, turning off electricity and water not in use, cleaning containers with dirty water, and not wasting food to preserve natural resources, etc.2. More than 60% of the elementary and junior high school students usually turned off lights and water not in use. Compared with the general public, senior high school and college students performed much less environmental protection activities in their daily lives. D. Television is the main source for the public and students to obtain knowledge about environmental protection. As for elementary school students, family members are their main sources.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 統計室
ExecutingOrg 異視行銷顧問股份有限公司