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Title 青潭堰集水區以上污染源調查及水質管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫針對台北水源特定區中之南勢溪集水區進行現勘調查,內容包括各種形式之點源與非點源污染發生源,重要成果摘要如下:(一)已完成現地調查,對於水質有影響的商家共173家,其中混合式溫泉經營共有44家,餐廳有78家,民宿有10家純湯屋有10家,露營區有4家,小攤販等共有27家,並進行GIS空間定位。(二)污染量經分析BOD點源污染年輸出量約為212千公斤,佔總輸出量65.23%;總磷點源污染年輸出量約為6.4千公斤,佔總輸出量35.35%;總氮點污染年輸出量約為56千公斤,佔總輸出量28.78%,本區最重要的水質管理項目為BOD、氨氮與大腸菌類,污染處理廠之操作在本區有顯著的功效。(三)經子集水區分析,烏來地區之溫泉廢水產生21.9千公斤之BOD,佔烏來地區之總輸出量23.85%;未納戶產生41.7千公斤之BOD,佔烏來地區之總輸出量45.49%。(四)經由94年度航測資料分析,完成本區土地使用數值建檔,原始土地面積佔93.35%(闊葉林、灌木林、針葉林、針闊竹混交林、竹林),人為開發使用佔1.68%。(五)南勢溪為川流式河川,水力停留時間短,水質受到氣象影響大,當乾季時流量較少,河川水質受到未接管家庭廢水、溫泉混合餐飲廢水、遊憩人口之影響,點源污染(BOD5)可達到總污染量的80%~90%,而當雨量充足時,河川水質受到自然背景輸出量影響較大,點源污染僅佔有30%~40%之間,最大差異可達60%,增加水質管理的困難。此外對於南勢溪之管理層面上,應當特別著重削減BOD、氨氮與大腸菌等人類造成之負荷,以保護水質安全。
EngTitle Pollution Sources Investigation and Water Quality Management Planning for Cingtan Watershed
EngAbstract In this study, We have analyzed the information available about the “ District of Taipei Water Management office “, addressed water quality concerns regarding point and non-point source pollution, and some conclusions can be made as following. (1) There are 173 shops have been investigated and identified as point pollution sources, including 78 restaurants and 44 Hot spring resorts.(2) Point source discharge BOD annually contribute 65.23% in total, discharge TP annually contribute 35.35% in total, and discharge TN annually contribute 28.78%. Both BOD, and E coli, are most important items concerned.(3) In Wulai sub-watershed area, hot spring resort discharge BOD contribute 23.85%, and household without sewage service discharge BOD contribute 45.49% in this area.(4) According to latest landcover data analysis shows that forest landuse contribute 93.35%, constructed area only 1.68%.(5) Nan-shih creek is flow-through river, water quality is highly influenced by hydrology condition. During dry season, human activities contribute 80%~90% of BOD, while in wet season is 30%~40%. This cause the difficulty of water quality management, and more attention should be put on BOD, and E coli, when deal with the Nan-shih creek.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學生物環境系統工程學系