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Title 家戶及社區水污染防治費徵收調查及規劃作業計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作重點為調查及建立家戶之名冊資料檔,以供徵收水污費,提出徵收水污費作業方式,調查社區專用污水下水道操作管理情形,及辦理8場次相關會議。為調查社區專用污水下水道操作管理情形,本計畫共寄發2,712個社區作問卷調查,共回覆214份問卷;請自來水水機構提供2,712個社區用戶資料,共蒐集287,175戶資料。為估算水污費金額,需建立用戶名冊資料檔,公共污水下水道納管用戶合計417,127戶;自行申報繳費事業合計13,185戶;工業區專用下水道用戶合計13,118戶;社區專用污水下水道納管用戶合計287,175戶;未使用自來水地區用戶合計457,115戶。其使用自來水地區水污費估算為58億8,028萬元,未使用自來水地區用戶水污費為4億1,140萬元。為規劃水污費徵收模式,本計畫已規劃使用自來水地區及未使用自來水地區水污費徵收作業方式,及資訊平台規劃評估,俾利後續水污費徵收。為瞭解家戶及社區水污費徵收之困難點,邀請自來水供水機構、台灣電力公司、內政部戶政司、縣市環保局、縣市工務局、工業區環境保護中心、工業局管理局、新竹科學工業園區、中部科學工業園區及南部科學工業園區、金融機構及代徵機構等單位,召開8場會相關會議進行意見交換。
EngTitle Collection of Households and Communities water pollution Fee Project
EngAbstract The plan to focus on the surveyed and established of household data, for levying water pollution control fees, impose water pollution fees projects, a survey of community sewage treatment system operating and management, and has held 8 seminars.To investigate the community sewage treatment system operating and management, the planned to mail questionnaires to 2,712 communities, and 214 communities were answered. The 2,712 communities has 287,175 households.In order to estimate of water pollution control fees, we need to establish of data. The public sewage systems have 417,127 households, the enterprises waste water management on law have 13,185 households, the industrial park sewage systems have 13,118 households, the community sewage systems have 287,175households. On water areas, The water pollution control fees has income about 58 billion. On waterless areas, The water pollution control fees has income about4.1 billion.Planning for water pollution control fees, The plan has been planning to water pollution control fees collection process on water areas and waterless and the draft regulation for of collection water pollution control fees, planning and assessment information platform, so that follow-up water pollution control fees of profits. We rose 8 seminars to answer difficult point of water pollution control fees of the household and community, ask Taipei water department, Taiwan Water Supply Corporation, Taiwan power company, Department of population of ministry of interior, Bureau of environmental protection, Sewage systems office of Department of public works, Center of environmental protection in industrial park, Administration of science park, bank, and organization.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境管理協會