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Title 農業廢棄物稻穀、稻草清理調查及實地驗證評估專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作重點為了解國內稻草、稻殻產生數量與分布,實地驗證可行的收集、清除、處理或再利用方式,進行成本效益分析,提供環保署及相關單位未來管制之參考。另須針對目前尚未列管應上網申報事業廢棄物流向之農業廢棄物,規劃及建議合適的管制措施。一、完成調查國內稻草、稻殻產生數量與分布,完成實地驗證可行的收集、清除、處理或再利用方式,並進行成本效益分析,以提供環保署及相關單位未來管制之參考。(一) 完成調查國內稻草產生數量、處理方式及現有問題,研析可行之清理技術與管理措施。(二) 完成蒐集國內各縣市過去10年稻草、稻殻數量及其清理方式。(三) 完成蒐集、分析國內外各種稻草、稻殻的收集、清除、處理或再利用方式、途徑,並完成各種方式的異同、經濟效益與優缺點之比較。(四) 完成至各縣市調查了解現有稻草、稻殻以農地現地處理方式及其衍生環境問題。(五) 完成研議國內產生之稻草、稻殻離開原農地之處理方式,包含收集、清除、處理或再利用方式與管道,並完成包括大型都市垃圾焚化廠混燒稻草及堆肥之實地驗證工作,研擬配合稻米收割、收集方式,評估各種方式的優劣、經濟效益等,提供具體可行的建議。二、完成調查目前尚未列管應上網申報事業廢棄物流向之農業廢棄物產出與管理現況,做為未來是否列為環保署公告應上網申報管制之參考。(一) 針對目前尚未列管應上網申報事業廢棄物流向之農業廢棄物,完成調查其廢棄物種類、數量與管理現況,配合目前農業主管機關管理方式規劃及建議合適的管制措施。(二) 完成辦理三場次農業廢棄物管理座談會,了解現階段稻草、稻殻處理方式及其它農業廢棄物申報、清除、處理及再利用所面臨的問題與困難,並研提建議方案。(三) 完成辦理一次與本計畫有關之農業廢棄物業務協調聯繫會報(二天一夜),參與對象為相關部會、縣(市)環保局及環保署相關單位人員。
EngTitle Investigation and Field Verification of the Disposal of the Agricultural Waste (Rice Hull and Straw)
EngAbstract This project was to investigate the quantity of production and distribution of rice straw and hull in Taiwan, and to conduct field verification of practicable collection, removing, treatment, or reuse methods, in order to carry out cost-benefit analysis and to submit the result to EPA and related agencies for their reference. Besides, this project planned and proposed suitable control measures for the agricultural wastes which have not been regulated as hazardous enterprise wastes and declared to the authorities of their logistics on-line.1. To investigate the quantity of production and distribution of rice straw and hull, and to conduct field verification of practicable collection, removing, treatment, or reuse methods, in order to carry out cost-benefit analysis and to submit the result to EPA and related agencies for their reference(1) To survey the quantity of production, treatment method, and existing problems of rice straw in Taiwan, in order to analyze practicable treatment technology and control measures(2) To collect quantity data and treatment methods of every city and county in Taiwan in the past 10 years(3) To collect domestic and foreign methods and approaches for rice straw and hull collection, removing, treatment, and reuse, and to compare the similarities and dissimilarities, economic benefits, and advantages and disadvantages of the methods(4) To investigate the existing on-site treatment methods of rice straw and hull in every city and county in Taiwan, and environmental problems emanated from these treatment methods(5) To study methods to have the rice straw and hull treated at sites off the farms, including methods and channels of collection, removing, treatment, and reuse, and to complete the field verification of combining the rice straw for incineration in large-scale urban refuse incineration plant and making the straw into compost. Finally, in conjunction with rice harvest and collection methods, this project assesses the advantages and disadvantages and economic benefits of various methods to provide practicable suggestions2. To investigate the production and management status of the agricultural wastes which have not been regulated as hazardous enterprise wastes and declared their logistics on-line yet; the investigation result will serve as reference to the EPA for deciding if they should be regulated and declared on-line in the future(1) To survey the kinds, quantities, and management status of the above-mentioned unregulated agricultural wastes, and to plan and propose suitable measures for their control in accordance with current practices of agricultural authorities(2) To hold 3 seminars on agricultural wastes management to discuss the present treatment methods of rice straw and hull, problems and difficulties on declaration, removing, treatment, and reuse of them and other agricultural wastes, and recommend on the countermeasures for their control(3) To hold 1 coordination workshop on agricultural wastes related to this project, to be participated by relevant authorities, environmental protection bureaus in the cities and counties, and personnel from relevant offices of EPA
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司