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Title 因應溫室氣體管制檢討研修電力設施、鋼鐵業及石化業空氣污染物排放標準及可行性評估計畫
Abstract 我國固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準自81年發布,電力設施及鋼鐵業等行業別標準則自83年及82年發布,雖然歷經多次的小幅修,其數值與架構並未有大幅的檢討。因應溫室氣體管制潮流、污染源檢測數據資料庫漸趨完整、防制技術趨於成熟、廠商及民眾的環保觀念及水準逐年提昇,故就上述排放標準加以檢討。本計畫完成空氣品質模式模擬、蒐集行業別溫室氣體管制策略、彙整國內外排放現況、比較國內外管制資料,以研擬排放標準修正草案。並透過專家諮詢會及業者座談會,凝聚共識,以利草案推行。此外,也訂定電力設施單位發電量之排放量,來整合污染物排放濃度及熱效率,並增加管制彈性,污染源可藉由降低排放濃度或增加發電效率來符合該標準。修正案說明如下:(一)固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準1.硫氧化物:規範下一階段低硫燃料油含硫分限值為0.3%,對應排放標準為150ppm。未來將以公告適用該限值的縣市別來逐步推動。2.氮氧化物:要求既存污染源限期符合新設污染源標準。3.粒狀污染物:針對固體燃料及非固體燃料分別訂定標準。固體燃料標準依規模大小分別為50及150mg/Nm3。非固體燃料則為40、50、100及150mg/Nm3。4.一氧化碳排放管道標準:燃燒以外製程,得以模式模擬,不超過空氣品質標準為原則,來核定一氧化碳排放標準。5.第七條至第十條之修改:建議刪除第九條第一項及第二項,調整第八條及第十條之規定。(二)電力設施空氣污染物排放標準1.汽力機組:65年1月1日以後設立之機組,固體燃料SOx及NOx標準為70ppm及100ppm,液體燃料SOx及NOx標準為60ppm及60ppm,氣體燃料NOx則為40ppm。粒狀物排放標準則為20mg/Nm3。2.複循環機組:燃油機組NOx必須符合120ppm,燃氣機組則為40ppm。3.增訂電力設施單位發電量之排放量:汽力機組硫氧化物標準為0.65 g/kwh(固體燃料)及0.51 g/kwh (液體燃料)。汽力機組氮氧化物標準為0.65 g/kwh(固體燃料)、0.39 g/kwh (液體燃料) 及0.26 g/kwh (氣體燃料)。複循環機組氮氧化物標準為0.52 g/kwh(氣體燃料)。(三)鋼鐵業燒結工場空氣污染物排放標準1.規定粒狀污染物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物標準分別為50 mg/Nm3、100ppm及100ppm。2.增訂燒結工場單位產量之排放量:硫氧化物為0.52克/公斤燒結礦,氮氧化物為0.36克/公斤燒結礦。(四)研擬石化加熱爐空氣污染物排放標準草案1.規定粒狀污染物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物標準分別為50 mg/Nm3、125ppm及180ppm。2.由於石化加熱爐使用燃料之成份變異較大,包括油氣混燒,使用製程氣等,燃燒控制較為困難。此外,由於石化產品種類繁多,故訂定單位產品污染物排放量有其困難,建議僅採用排放濃度標準來管制。
EngTitle The Review of Air Pollutant Emissions Standards of Power Plant、Steel Industry Sintering Plant and Refinery
EngAbstract The Stationary Pollution Source Air Pollutant Emissions Standards 、Emissions Standards of Power Plant and Emissions Standards of Steel Industry Sintering Plant has promulgated since 1992、1994 and 1993, respectively. The emissions standards and control guidelines had only little modified during those years. Based on the control of green house gas, the completeness of stack test and emission inventory, the maturity of technology of pollution control technology and the enhancement of the environmental concepts from industrials and public. It is necessary to revise the Air Pollutant Emissions Standards.The objectives of this project are to evaluate environmental impact of pollutants by model, to collect the green house gas mitigation strategy, to review the existing Emission Standard, to compare the Stationary Pollutant Emissions Standards with the other country, to formulate the drafted newly Emission Standard and to evaluate the impact. The suggestion of the newly Emissions Standards includes,(1)Stationary Pollution Source Air Pollutant Emissions Standards(a)It was recommended that the sulfur content of residual oil should not exceeded 0.3% in the future and the SOx emission concentration should meet 150 ppm.(b)It is recommended that all of the emission standard should adopted to the newly installed.(c)It is recommended that the emission standards of particulate depend on fuel type. The standard of solid fuel will be 50 and 150 Nm3/min and non-solid fuel will be 40、50、100 and 150 Nm3/min referred to exhaust volumn scale.(d)For the special process, it is recommended that CO emission standard could be applied by model simulation under no significent effect on CO air quality.(e)For the Article 7 to Article 10 : It is suggested that part of Article 9 to be deleted, and the Article 8 and Article 10 to be modified.(2)Emissions Standards of Power Plant(a)It is recommended that the emissions standard of SOx and NOx from coal-fired power plant will be 70pppm and 100ppm espectively, emissions standards of SOx and NOx from oil-fired power plant will be 60ppm and 60ppm respectively, emissions standards of NOx from gas-fired power plant will be 40ppm. Emission standard of particulate matter will be 20 mg/Nm3.(b)It is recommended that the emissions standard of NOx from oil-fired and gas-fired GTCC will be 120pppm and 40ppm respectively.(c)It is recommended to regulate the pollutant emission unit power generated:SOx standard will be 0.65 g/kwh and 0.51 g/kwh for coal-fired and oil-fired power plant respectively. NOx standard will be 0.65 g/kw、0.39 g/kwh and 0.26 g/kwh for coal-fired、oil-fired and gas-fired power plant respectively. NOx standard will be 0.52 g/kw for gas-fired GTCC。(3)Emissions Standards of Steel Industry Sintering Plant(a)It is recommended that the emission standard of particulate、SOx and NOx of sintering plant will be 50 mg/Nm3、100ppm and 100ppm respectivly after one year of the regulations announcement.(b)It is recommended to regulate the pollutant emission unit sinter produced:SOx and NOx standard will be 0.52 g/kg sinter and 0.36 g/kg sinter respectively.(4)Emissions Standards of Heating Facilities of Petrochemical ProductionIt is recommended that the emission standard of particulate、SOx and NOx of heating facilities will be 50 mg/Nm3、125ppm and 180ppm respectively。
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司