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Title 空氣品質分析及空品區空氣品質改善推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫完成94年度空氣污染防制總檢討報告編撰,並逐月解析95年空氣品質變化,完成全國各空品區95年一般測站PSI>100之統計分析,並列出歷年變化趨勢,至95年12月底全國及高屏空品區PSI>100百分比,經扣除3~4月份3次沙塵暴影響站日數後,分別為3.8%及8.2%,全國95年較93~94年同期已有明顯改善,高屏空品區在94年達到9.4%的高峰後,95年亦有明顯改善,其中PM10達2.74%、O3達5.49%。針對「空氣品質嚴重惡化緊急防制辦法」完成修訂草案對照表,增列PSI>150之準備級管制濃度限值並訂定該限值發生時之污染源查處準則。針對雪山隧道進行空氣品質監測,發現CO及NO為隧道內主要指標污染物,在南北兩端隧道出口處,因氣流活塞效應污染物累積之故,而使濃度達到最高。本計畫進行高屏空品區營建工地現勘及污染回報,完成120處次現勘並有36件污染告發;完成十餘趟次之農廢露天燃燒現勘,發現12件案例,並針對農民進行禁止露天燃燒之宣導及勸導;完成粒狀物料堆36家工廠70處次之現勘並告發13件,完成8次高雄港區散裝碼頭逸散揚塵之現勘及改善進度督導;完成12次陸空聯合稽查行程,通報38處疑似污染案件並告發15件;配合南區督察大隊及三縣市環保局進行非法柴油抽驗作業計22次(含三縣市聯合攔查4次)。探討高高屏臭氧潛勢較高之污染源,彙整臭味問題之成果,完成20家VOCs工廠的現勘,另針對石化廠廢氣燃燒塔所提出之使用報告書進行資料彙總,參考美國南加州法規,建議國內廢氣燃燒塔未來管制方向。由環保署召開5場次本計畫相關議題之研商會,另參與4場次高高屏區域交流會議,並與環保局進行『VOC及臭味問題訪談及現勘』,為與高高屏三縣市環保局及委辦單位有更密切的聯繫及合作,本計畫亦彙整完成三縣市95年各項計畫之發包狀況及計畫相關人員之通訊錄名單
EngTitle Air quality analysis and the air quality improve action in air basin
EngAbstract The plan finish ‘Air Pollution Control Examination Report in 2005’ , analyses the air quality changes for each month in 2006. Beside the statistic analysis of PSI >100 percentage for general monitoring stations in 2006, the plan also lists a tendency to annual changes in nation-wide air quality areas. The KaoPing and nation-wide PSI >100 percentage (from January to December in 2006) needs to deduct the percentage of three-sandstorm values which has affected the station days during March and April. The results are 3.8% and 8.2%. According to this, the nation-wide PSI >100 percentage shows the obvious improvement in 2006 (compares it with 2004-2005). The PSI >100 percentage apparently shows the improvement after it reached its peak to 9.4%. Within it, PM10 is 2.74% and O3 is 5.49%. Therefore, an additional density limitation of PSI >150 preparatory control rule should be added to the amendment of “The Emergency Control Regulation for Bad Air Quality”. Such limitation should list the rules of inspection for pollution sources. ‘Air Quality Monitoring and Inspection in Syueshan Tunnel’ find CO and NO are the major index pollutants. The pollutants concentration reach the hightest on Tunnel south and north outlet sampling point which airflow piston cause pollutants accumulate.The plan performs inspections of the construction sites and the pollution reports in KaoPing areas. It completes 120 inspections and reports 36 pollution cases. The plan examines open burning of agricultural waste more than 10 times. There are 12 open burning cases of agricultural waste. The EPA has issued the dissuasion and prohibition especially to farmers. The plan examines 36 factories which pile up granular material outside for 70 times and reports 13 cases. The plan completes 8-time dust spreading inspections in Kaohsiung harbor area. The process and conduction of the fractional packs in the docks have been improved. The plan completes air and land way investigations for 12 times. There are 38 suspect pollution cases and 15 of them have been reported. Furthermore, the plan checks illegal diesel oil randomly for 22 times with southern patrol and the EPA bureaus in KaoKaoPing counties (including united inspections for 4 times in KaoKaoPing counties).The plan discusses the pollution sources for higher ozone tendencies in KaoKaoPing area. According to the results of foul smell sources, the plan completes the inspection for 20 VOCs factories. It also collects operation reports from petroleum refinery flares. Refer to the Southern California regulations in USA, the plan suggests the future control prospect for domestic refinery flares.The EPA has conducted 5 conferences which are related to this plan. The plan staff attended four communication conferences in KaoKaoPing area. They interviewed the EPA and examined VOC and foul smell problems. For the purpose of closer connection and cooperation with three EPA bureaus and other organizations in KaoKaoPing area, the plan collects the information of project sending and the personnel’s address books for each project in 2006.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中鼎工程公司