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Title 中北部地區10年以下加油站(82-86年設立)之土壤及地下水污染調查計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要目標為進行站齡在10年以下加油站(82-86年設立)之土壤及地下水污染潛勢調查及查證,另依據本計畫調查之加油站基本資料、加油站防止污染地下水體設施及定期監測申報資料等,與加油站之污染勢進行相關性分析,以提供環保署做為後續行政管制措施上之參考依據。計畫工作內容將分成三個階段執行,分別為第一階段測漏管與土壤氣體檢測;第二階段則針對第一階段篩選出具污染潛勢之加油站進行土壤採樣調查、簡易井設置及地下水採樣調查;第三階段則針對第二階段地下水超過污染管制標準之加油站,進行標準監測井設置與地下水採樣檢測分析。本計畫共完成200座加油站第一階段調查工作,包括2445支測漏管油氣及功能檢測;以及819點土壤氣體油氣檢測。完成28座加油站第二階段調查工作,包括148點土壤採樣及樣品檢測分析;以及18站共55口簡易井設置及地下水採樣檢測分析。完成19座加油站第三階段標準監測井設置調查工作。在第二階段調查之28座加油站中,共有5座加油站之土壤檢測出污染物超過土壤污染管制標準。而有9座加油站之簡易井地下水污染物濃度超過地下水污染管制標準。在第三階段調查之19座加油站中。共有5座加油站,地下水污染物濃度超過地下水污染管制標準。
EngTitle Soil and Groundwater Investigation for Northern and Centrual Taiwan Gas Stations under 10-year-old (establish during 1993~1997)
EngAbstract This project focus on soil and groundwater investigation and potential contaminated verification of those gas stations under 10-year-old (established during 1993~1997). The investigation results and collected gas station data including basic information, groundwater pollution prevention facilities and periodically submit environmental monitoring data will be carefully reviewed then carried on for the following administrative control.The investigation was conducted in three Stages. In first Stage, the on-site activities focused on in-situ soil vapor analysis around storage tank area, and soil gas survey in other potential area of gas station by using portable instruments, including LEL, PID and FID. The results exceeding screening criteria made by EPA were selected for further investigation. In Stage II, according to the investigation of Stage I, soil sampling and temporary monitoring wells were installed at the selected stations. Then soil and groundwater samples were collected for laboratory analysis. The soil and groundwater samples analysis results of laboratory were compare with “Soil Control Standard” and “Groundwater Control Standard”. In third Stage, it focuses on the station that groundwater quality exceeding Groundwater Control Standards. The activities including standard groundwater monitoring well installation and groundwater sampling and analysis in the laboratory.In total of 200 gas stations were investigated in Stage I. The activities including inspection of 2445 soil vapor monitoring wells and 819 soil gas analysis. In Stage II, 148 soil samples were collected and analyzed. Furthermore 55 temporary groundwater monitoring wells were installed and sampled for analysis from the selected 28 gas stations. Five gas stations were detected that on-site soil samples exceeding Soil Control Standards, the major contamination including BTEX and TPH, and nine gas stations were detected that on-site groundwater samples exceeding Groundwater Control Standards, the major contamination including benzene and methylbenzene. In third Stage, 19 gas stations were selected and five gas stations were detected that groundwater exceeding Groundwater Control Standards, the major contamination was benzene.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 美商傑明工程顧問(股)台灣分公司