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Title 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約整體因應策略研析
Abstract 本計畫各項工作業已順利完成,參與國際能源會議(IEW),UNFCCC第24、25屆附屬機構會議,並協助環保署以工研院(ITRI)非政府組織方式,邀請國內各界菁英組團參與公約第十二屆締約國會議暨京都議定書第二屆締約國會議,順利與中美洲及吐瓦魯等邦交國、肯亞國會議員、瑞士談判代表、國際能源總署(IEA)、國際排放交易協會(IETA)、Climate Focus、Hunton & Williams、日本國立環境研究所(NIES)等主要國際組織進行雙邊會議,在氣候變遷與溫室氣體減量倡議上尋求合作機會,並持續參與IETA在公約會場所舉辦周邊會議發表我國推動溫室氣體減量經驗,Carbon Finance月刊報導我國「溫室氣體減量法」推動資訊,藉此讓國際間瞭解我國努力。並業已持續更新溫室氣體排放清冊、英文文宣,3期資訊報導及7期電子報及網站內容,協助環保署舉辦日本溫室氣體管制座談會,邀請慕尼黑再保公司介紹其氣候災害風險指標管理,配合推動中美洲環境環境部長會議及全民二氧化碳減量運動。同時,本計畫亦強化MARKAL模型資料庫以探討溫室氣體減量法、全國能源會議、國家永續發展會議、經濟永續發展會議各部會所提措施與各層面政策模擬情景研究,評估台電興達廠減量計畫及不確定性分析。此外,持續與國際氣候變遷專家保持良好互動,針對全球能源趨勢、後京都議題、溫室氣體減量法、CDM與碳交易市場、能源政策、國家溫室氣體清冊、MARKAL模型、調適與減緩技術等議體題討論超過40次。行政院環保署研擬多時的溫室氣體減量法(草案)也於今(2006)年2月16日正式出爐,並依法制作業程序規定報請立法院審議。由官方與民間共同制訂的「溫室氣體減量法」針對溫室氣體排放效能、新增排放源增量進行規範,同時也明訂相關罰則。此法的推動,對外可彰顯我國願意參與國際減緩氣候變遷相關行動,善盡地球村成員責任;對內則可建構溫室氣體滅量的法源依據,落實依法行政。由於目前國際情勢變化快速,後京都之規範方向仍以低碳經濟社會的建構為目標。為因應這一波溫室氣體減量的壓力,本計畫亦規劃溫室氣體減量及因應氣候變遷推動方案(草案),將透過外部成本內部化、建立溫室氣體管制機制、規範產業最清淨有效技術與強化科技運用等四項機制,以創造環保、能源與產業三贏的經濟發展模式,也是台灣邁入環保先進國家的關鍵。
EngTitle The Study on the strategies to UNFCCC
EngAbstract The work tasks of this project have been completed smoothly, for examples: participating IEW, the 24th and 25th subsidiary body meetings (SBI and SBSTA), on behalf of ITRI, assisting Taiwan EPA to invite relevant experts and organizations to participate COP12/MOP2, organizing bilateral meetings with diplomatic relation countries, Kenya legislator, Swiss delegation, IEA, IETA, Climate Focus , Hunton & Williams and NIES, seeking related greenhouse gas reduction cooperating opportunities with important international organizations, reporting implementation of national greenhouse gas reduction and inventory experiences in IETA side event during the conference, Carbon Finance reports on greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction act , which help the world to understand the works that Taiwan have done for the greenhouse gas reduction.This project also complete English version brochure, three issues of theme reports and seven issues of electric news, as well as updating the GHGs inventory and relevant web sites, ITRI assisted Taiwan EPA to organize Japan GHGs reduction trend, inviting Munich Re to introduce the Natural Disaster and Risk Management, promoting the Central American Environment Ministers’ Meeting the National CO2 Reduction Campaign. At the same time, improving the database of MARKAL Model, also including the discussion on greenhouse gas reduction laws, the proposed measures from each department during the national energy conference, the National Sustainable Development Conference and Conference on Sustaining Taiwan’s Economic Development . This project also evaluate the CO2 emission reduction potential of the power company and uncertainly analysis. In addition, ITRI is keeping in touch with international climate change experts on the issues about global energy, post Kyoto Protocol, greenhouse gas reduction, CDM and carbon trading market, energy policies, national greenhouse gas inventory, MARKAL Model, adaptation and reduction technologies. On September 20, 2006, the Executive Yuan passed the draft Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act (“Act”), which was then submitted to the Legislative Yuan for deliberation. Jointly developed by the government and the private sector, the Act establishes a framework to regulate GHG emissions based on emission efficiencies and new-source emissions, as well as penalties for non-compliance. In addition to serving as the legal basis for developing and implementing domestic GHG emission reduction measures, the Act can also demonstrate to the international community Taiwan’s willingness to participate in global actions to reduce GHG emissions and to fulfill its responsibilities as a member of the international community. As international development is speeding up, the direction of post Kyoto is trying to set low carbon economic society as the target. Base on the action plan of GHGs reduction and mitigation climate change(draft), emission reduction measures will be implemented through the four mechanisms of internalizing external costs, establishing GHG control mechanism, regulating adoption of best available technologies, and enhancing applications of technologies, so as to create the all-win development model for the environment, energy, and the economy, use this as the key to become one of advanced environmental protection countries.
ProjectYear 095
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院